Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World

Chapter 172: New skill, inherent time control

   Chapter 172 New skills, inherent time control

   On the other hand, Konoha does not have the experience and strength to station ninjas at the border for a long time.

  To fight a war requires money.

  The first emperor fought the sixth generation of Yu Lie, and finally destroyed the six kingdoms and ruled the world; Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Meng Wenjing, two emperors, together with the two genius generals of the empire, drove the Xiongnu north to basically solve the frontier problems of the Xiongnu.

   Where did Konoha get the money to make a lot of ninja do nothing and be stationed at the border?

  The ninja system of the major ninja villages is similar to the ancient Chinese military system. Training during the slack season, farming during the busy season, and six households support one soldier.

  The difference is that the ninja's job other than fighting is not farming, but doing tasks. Ninjas are producers when they are not fighting, and defenders when they are fighting.

The system of   Ninja Village requires a lot of tasks to maintain. If the ninja does not do the tasks, not only will the individual be unable to maintain it, but the village will not be able to support it.

  As Konoha is located in the land of fire and is rich in resources, the money and materials accumulated from the usual tasks are relatively abundant.

   can keep many ninjas out of work for a long time, and the village can still barely maintain. Of course, this also requires support from the daimyo.

  After the war, for the same reason, his recovery ability is also relatively strong, and he will be able to save up his wealth soon.

  For example, sandy hidden villages are located in deserts and have a relatively small amount of tasks, so they will not have this recovery ability.

   Experienced two Ninja World Wars one after another, which led to the emptying of Sandyin Village's property. And because the amount of tasks is not enough, the village can't operate, so it can only be grasped by the name of the country of wind.

  The amount of tasks in the ninja system is like consumption in the modern economic system.

   In this way, naturally no Shinobi Village chose to station a large number of ninjas on the border during non-war time.

   Two days later, the elite troops led by Jiraiya finally arrived at the border and completed the defense switching with Uchiha Mai and others.

   In addition to Jiraiya, there are more than ten Shangnin, more than fifty Chunin, and more than 400 Genin, the total number of the army is about 500.

   Such a force, especially with a leader like Jiraiya, is more than enough to build the first line of defense.

   At the same time, Jiraiya also brought the handwritten order of Hidzen Kageza Sarutobi.

In the    warrant, Sarutobi Hidden first praised Uchiha Mai, saying that he almost single-handedly resisted the Yunyin invaders, and he was a model of Konoha's new generation of ninjas.

   When I appointed you as the captain of the fifth division, I did not misread it.

  Secondly, Sarutobi Hiizan ordered Master Men to serve as Jiraiya's assistant temporarily. Don't rush back to the village, and wait until the defense area is completed.

  The position of Acting Minister of Anbu is still held by Master Men. Only the specific work will be undertaken by the new deputy minister, Orochimaru.

   That's right, Orochimaru has been promoted.

  From a horse boy in Danzo in the root, to the team leader who is on an equal footing with Danzo, and then to the team leader who also serves as the deputy minister of Anbu.

  Promotion is like riding a rocket.

   In fact, this is the normal situation. After all, Orochimaru is a direct disciple of Sarutobi Hizen, and it is certain that he will be reused.

   If it weren't for the fact that Orochimaru was hanging out with Danzo before, the positions of him and the master would definitely be reversed.

  After completing all the handover work, Uchiha Mai led the flower group and others back to Konoha.

The    flower group consists of four people, the captain Kakashi, the team member Obito and two Uchiha tribesmen.

   In this battle, Obito, who was the most popular, was safe and sound, but another stronger Uchiha died. It can only be said that anything can happen on the battlefield.

   After returning to the village, Uchiha Mai met Sarutobi Hiizan, Fuyue, and the family of the deceased Uchiha, and it took two days to deal with all the trivial matters.

  The village also rewarded Uchiha Mai with a bonus, and regarded this action as an S-level mission, which was considered a sign of it.

   In addition, there are no awards or promotions.

   This is also a very normal thing. Before, Uchiha Mai was the captain of the fifth division of Anbu at the age of nine, which was shocking enough.

   And being able to sit in that position, the background of the Uchiha Mai family is the key.

   Really, in terms of strength, merit, and prestige, there is too much water, and he is considered the captain of the fifth division on loan.

   Now after the battle at the border, Uchiha Mai has completely taken the post of captain of the fifth division.

   led an intelligence team of more than 20 people to resist the attack of more than 80 people, and personally beheaded each of the special Shangnin, Shangnin, and elite Shangnin.

   There are countless other fish that were hacked to death.

   How many other achievements Konoha can achieve? The door master before learning to fly Thor may not be able to do it.

  No way, the door master is not durable enough.

   Uchiha Mai can understand the decision made by the village. Besides, he didn't get anything.

  After the first battle on the frontier, the fashion value has soared all the way, from more than 300 to more than 1,100 on the same day, and after that, with the spread of prestige, it rose every day.

   Uchiha Mai returned home and clicked on the system interface.

  【Fashion Value: 1475】

   One and a half star prize pool, you need 1000 fashion points to draw one round. The price is high, and the rewards are naturally worth the money.

   Uchiha Mai has won two one-and-a-half star prizes so far, namely [Flame of Candlelight Spirit] and skill [Uncle Long Does Not Die With Unarmed Hands].

  Being able to kill the Quartet on the frontier, these two skills are very important.

   Now that I have enough fashion value, I can finally get another lottery.

   Dance Uchiha opened the lottery interface of the system, found the one-and-a-half star card pool, and smashed a thousand fashion points into it without hesitation.

The    card pool slowly turned and bloomed, and finally a card was generated, which slowly floated in the center of the card pool.

   Uchiha Mai stretched out his finger to open the card and checked it carefully.

  【Inherent Time Control·One-and-a-half-star skill】

  【The prototype of this skill is the great magic handed down by the Emiya family from generation to generation in the Xingyue world.

  This magic is a kind of inherent enchantment, which can separate the inside of a specific space from the flow of time outside, and manipulate the time in a specific space at will.

  Emiya Kiritsugu, in order to use this magic more efficiently, created a method of applying this technique only to himself, which is called this technique.

   Under different flow rates of time, all human activities such as blood flow, fat burning, muscle movement, etc., will be accelerated by time, showing physical fitness that ordinary people cannot achieve.

   The disadvantage is that after the enchantment is lifted, the world's correction force for time will act on the "changed party", and the body will be twisted and squeezed to match the normal flow of time.


  This technique was originally a special magic of the Moon Moon World, and those without a magic engraver cannot perform or learn it.

  After the system is corrected, the host can learn and use this spell with any energy system.

   Correspondingly, the system will only provide the basic training and learning methods of this technique, and everything else needs to be learned and developed by the host. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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