In just a few hours, the news of the cooperation between the technology crystallization company and the World Health Organization spread at a terrifying speed, and then turned into the headlines of various media. … ≦. … ≦

The Washington Post of the United States even wrote a **** headline, "China's Intelligent Robots Rise, What About Us? 》

"Huaxia's technology is changing with each passing day. Just a few months ago, a technology company named Crystallization of Technology was founded. The intelligent robots they launched swept the world after a few months. Perhaps one of the people reading newspaper The product of this Huaxia technology company. Here, I am not calling on everyone to boycott this product, because everyone can't do without 'he'! Yes, you read that right, it's 'he', not 'it'!

He has become an indispensable member of our family. How can he bring me health, joy and happiness? This is an indisputable fact, because there is also one in my own home, and he brings countless joys to my family.

My daughter is now inseparable from Dabai. They live and play together, and Dabai can perfectly protect her safety. If it weren't for him not eating ordinary food, I don't think my daughter would eat her snacks and cakes.

However, while we enjoyed the joy, another news that shocked us came from the other side of the ocean. The World Health Organization actually went to Huaxia to seek the cooperation of a technology crystallization company. The focus of their cooperation was on Dabai!

Here, I always have a deep doubt, what about our intelligent robots?

What about our science team?

Please tell me, when will we enjoy the intelligent robots produced by the domestic technology companies? "

Not only the Washington Post, but even the New York Times, which had always been right with technology crystallization companies, did not target it again this time, but quietly issued a similar report, "Huaxia Anti-challenge, what about our artificial intelligence? 》

The content is nothing more than questioning the science and technology of the country and guiding the people's attention. There is no mention of technology crystal companies in the words. Although they are not in direct opposition to technology crystal companies, they do not want to mention the name.

Unlike the media in the United States, the media in other countries have congratulated Huaxia Technology Crystal Co., Ltd. on its intelligent robotic co-operation with the World Health Organization.

After all, cooperation with the World Health Organization is not very strict. This means that they may have access to information about a technology.

This kind of unspoken things, of course, will not be random.

As for the invention of intelligent robot technology that surpasses Huaxia, although they have the intention to think so, they will not speak up like the United States. Because they are clear. Now let's not talk about Huaxia, it is a question whether we can surpass the United States.

Reports from major media in the world and discussions on the Internet have made technology crystallization companies resound throughout the world.

At home, almost everyone is talking about these two days, the cooperation between the technology crystallization company and the World Health Organization. The official just revealed that the focus of cooperation is publicity. This makes them also imaginative.

Of course, one's own fantasies come naturally.

On the Internet, some people began to discuss. Is the technology crystal ready to release Dabai's technical information? Or cooperation in other areas?

This time, everyone has a unified opinion that the crystal of science and technology will never publish the core information of the World Health Organization.

After all, the crystallization of technology depends on this to make money. If it is announced, isn't it uncomfortable for yourself?

For two days, it's not long or short. In a heated discussion. Hurry up.


March 22, 8 am.

The weather is clear, and the twilight morning light drips through the sky, illuminating the positive land.

Hi-tech park, comprehensive auditorium, a large group of journalists from all over the world gathered together, and the enthusiasm was full of people. Although it was still a long time before the press conference, they still came to the conference venue early and occupied it well in advance. The position of the front row.

Inside the auditorium. Still the familiar venue and podium.

In the last time, the technology crystallization company proved its rise to all reporters with a big white.

Now they come here again, twenty times. Technology crystallization companies are also telling them that their potential is unlimited!

The only difference is that, unlike the last product conference, this time there was an extra rectangular table on the podium. The table was covered with a dark red tablecloth with four people's nameplates on it.

They are Cheng Yuan, the representative and chairman of the Technology Crystal Company. President Zheng Jia; and the representative of the World Health Organization, Fabio and his assistant Corey.

On the huge screen behind the rostrum, a row of black square-shaped electronic characters floats above the signing ceremony for the cooperation between the Technology Crystal Company and the World Health Organization.

For the name on the nameplate, except for the assistant named Corey, who feels very strange, they are not familiar with them anymore. Even if they didn't know Fabio before, they had a deep understanding of the information of this WHO officer before the press conference began.

But these are not what they are interested in. What they are most concerned about is the chairman of technology crystallization, Cheng Yuan!

As a high-tech company sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars in assets, the young and super-rich man still keeps a low profile, stays out of the way, and has been immersed in his own research institute. There is no publicity and enjoyment of young people at all.

This makes many people do not understand while complimenting, there is so much money to enjoy, and what kind of energy is still being researched.

I do n’t want to splurge on my youth, I ’m so sorry for my life!

Regardless of how others evaluate it, Cheng Yuan knows what he's doing, sometimes things don't stop when you want to stop. If the crisis in his head doesn't touch one day, he can't really feel relieved.

Time was fleeting, and the two-hour period quickly passed in the preparation and discussion of reporters.

Unlike the last time, this press conference not only has a full video recording, but also a full webcast. In other words, Cheng Yuan's press conference not only faces the media, but also countless audiences on the entire network!

When the time went to ten o'clock, as the host of this press conference, Zheng Jia took the microphone and walked up first.

"Dear media friends, everyone, everyone is welcome to come to this press conference thousands of miles away. Here. I only represent the technology crystallization company, and thank you very much for coming."

In a word, the Zheng family greeted thunderous applause.

For Zheng Jia, a woman in her early thirties, who is not envious? Anyone interested in her resume has been investigated. One has never studied abroad, but has worked in several lesser-known technology companies. Today, he has become the president of a world-renowned technology company.

In the case of Cheng Yuan ignoring the company's affairs, she is under one person and over ten thousand people!

The moment Zheng Jia appeared. Of the countless people watching the webcast, three had faces full of remorse.

These three people were the managers that Cheng Yuan recommended to the headhunting company. At the time, they were arrogant about Cheng Yuan, a little-known technology company. As returnees, they would not go to such a company The company has not heard of employment.

Nowadays, looking at Zheng Jia, the extent of their regrets can be imagined.

"What if I went to the interview myself?" At the same time, at the same time, in different places, the three people who watched the webcast together came up with the same thoughts.

Unfortunately, I regret not having to sell this medicine!

After the applause gradually subsided, Zheng Jia continued to say: "Now. Mr. Cheng Yuan, chairman of the technology crystallization company, representative of the World Health Organization, director Fabio Er and his assistant Mr. Corey.

There was a lot of applause again at the scene, and Cheng Yuan came out from the background with Fabio and Corey.

After coming to the podium, everyone sat down according to the arranged position, and the press conference officially started.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Zheng Jia continued to say, "About the cooperation between the technology crystallization company and the World Health Organization on intelligent robot big white, this time, Mr. Cheng Yuan, the chairman of the technology crystallization company, will introduce it to everyone, and now I invite Mr. Cheng Yuan to speak. "

The applause rang again, and it was extremely warm. When reporters from various countries heard Cheng Yuan, they were ready to speak. Suddenly get up and listen carefully.

Cheng Yuan is a topic. Whether it is his invention or his age, people can't help but want to know him deeply. It is a pity that he has gone out too few times, and it is very difficult to understand him.

Cheng Yuan moved the microphone in front of him, with a slight smile on his face, and looked at the reporters who had necks extended, and said quietly, "Thank you, please be quiet."

Cheng Yuan said a word. The entire venue was quieted down instantly.

All journalists are looking forward to it, wanting to be clear about every word of Cheng Yuan, because the content of this news is mainly to record what Cheng Yuan said, he is the focus and the guarantee of their media news sales!

Seeing one word calmed down the whole venue, Cheng Yuan smiled slightly. "This time, our company and the World Health Organization will conduct an in-depth cooperation centering on medical chips."

"It turned out to be a medical chip !?"

"Not a smart robot, but a chip !?"

As soon as Cheng Yuan's voice fell, the reporters suddenly exclaimed. They always thought that it was an intelligent robot. The result turned out to be a chip!

Regardless of the doubts of reporters, Cheng Yuan raised his lips slightly and continued: "This time, at the request of Mr. Fabio, our company will announce the source code of the medical chip structure to help them better detect medical The medical data and data addition in the chip. After the signing of this contract, our company will cooperate with the World Health Organization to continuously update the database of medical chips to strengthen the prevention and treatment of diseases and epidemic viruses. "

Aside, Fabio, although listening to it felt a little weird, but after Cheng Yuan said the latter sentence, he was relieved. Their purpose is to source code ~ ~ So, after Cheng Yuan said, many media reporters aimed at the microphone and his eyes, he still smiled on his face and nodded.

Cheng Yuan glanced at Fabio, who was still unaware, and the smile on his face was even brighter. He said loudly, "This cooperation is not only a step forward for Dabai, but also a gospel for all users who are using Dabai, Your family is far from being scared by the emerging virus. In the future, all users with big white will update their medical data in real time. The source of their data is from the World Health Organization. Every expert in it will pass big white. Give you the perfect medical treatment guidelines and prevention guidelines. "

In a word, thousands of waves have been stirred up. Whether it is the live media or the audience watching the webcast, everyone is boiling. If this is the case, they no longer need to be anxious about the emergence of unknown conditions at a certain time, because the World Health Organization can always obtain the most advanced disease information and then give the prevention policy as quickly as possible.

If Dabai receives such information, it will definitely help the family that owns them to prevent the emergence of disease!

This is simply indirect protection of their lives and property! (To be continued.)

ps: ask for a monthly pass, cough, that's it ~

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