Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 551:

China's move has made many countries very confused and curious.

If you look at some old calendars, many people will find that as long as there is a natural disaster in some countries, Huaxia will provide more or less material assistance.

Even if something happens to their evil neighbor, Huaxia will lend a helping hand, but this time, Huaxia remains indifferent?

How is this going! ?

Everyone doesn't understand, because this is not in line with Huaxia's style of operation. Isn't it true that Huaxia people pay attention to money and wealth?

As countries watched Huaxia ’s actions secretly, Huaxia finally issued a statement.

This time Huaxia will provide 10 million supplies and 2,000 medical intelligent robots to the United States.

Such an aid, not to mention how luxurious, but not stingy.

Ten million supplies are not much, they are more concerned about the two thousand intelligent robots dispatched by Huaxia! This is the big deal of Huaxia's assistance this time!

Intelligent robot assistance alone is comparable to many materials.

After all, the addition of intelligent robots can greatly ease the placement and treatment of injured people in various places.

The medical assistance robots are now only owned by international medical organizations except Huaxia, but they also have very few. This time, only fifty medical intelligent robots were dispatched, compared with 2,000 for Huaxia Dong. See the little witch!

Two thousand medical robots!

Which country is not jealous, and how much medical pressure can this reduce? It must be clear that today's home-based intelligent robots are well known. Although they have certain medical functions, there is still a big gap compared with specialized medical robots.

Such robots play a pivotal role in the society where robots are becoming popular. From this aspect, we can see how high the quality of life of the Chinese people is.

After all, Huaxia cannot bring out all the medical robots, so they must have more medical robots in use.

After seeing this news, everyone began to envy Huaxia's life.

In particular, some difficult countries, in most countries in the Middle East, because of scarce medical resources and insufficient medicines, many people have died of common diseases, which is very incredible in the eyes of ordinary people.

But this is incredible, but it happens alive on the earth.

If before the rise of Cheng Yuan, they were envious of Huaxia's life, then they would definitely be joked by many people, but now it is different.

Although China does not dare to say that it is the country with the best quality of life in the world, it is also one of the countries with the highest quality of life in the world!

Among other things, today's medical reform alone has greatly changed the overall living standards of Huaxia, with powerful medical robots and magical recovery fluids.

This makes many difficult visits no longer appear, but the number of doctors has not decreased, but more.

Because doctors are treated better, each doctor will arrange several medical robots to cooperate with doctors. However, the increase in treatment and the reduction in workload also make the selection criteria for doctors more stringent.

Of course, all of this does not happen overnight, but it is slowly changing.

For assistance such as Huaxia, the United States is naturally grateful. The disaster that the meteorite group needs to solve is not the repair work but the huge number of injuries!

Among these injuries, not only the limbs on the surface, but also more people because the meteorite hit the ground, rolled up a lot of dust, and inhaled too much, resulting in inflammation of the lungs, throat and other parts of varying strength.

It is also in this environment that injured people have a great possibility of wound infection, which is the most troublesome.

With the help of medical robots, such situations will be greatly alleviated.

In the United States, the most worry now is not how to place displaced people, but how to ensure that no injured person will lose their lives because they cannot get timely treatment.

Therefore, the assistance given by Huaxia is more important to them than other assistance.

Cheng Yuan didn't say it after he learned the news. However, what surprised him most was that according to the zero report, the 10 million aid supplies that Hua Xia provided this time were not clothes or food!

It is a third-level recovery solution after a total value of 10 million dilutions!

After learning about this news, Cheng Yuan stumbled first, and then had to lament that none of the people above was a fuel-saving lamp.

Even in this case, don't forget to push the recovery liquid to the world.

If the recovery fluid is shining in the United States this time, then the implementation of the recovery fluid will be even more sensational than curing Hawking, a physicist!

However, Hawking had gone back a long time ago, and the above had not been publicized about the incident. Cheng Yuan did not know what agreement they had reached with Hawking, but it was not his business.

After all, the better the recovery fluid sells, the more money he can earn. He was willing to help with the above obligation. After all, after the recovery fluid swept the Huaxia pharmaceutical market, it made all countries hesitate and banned the recovery fluid to prevent it from interfering with the pharmaceutical market in your country.

For capitalist countries, the pharmaceutical market is a gold-absorption machine for several major pharmaceutical giants. It is naturally impossible for them to just watch the recovery liquid break their interests.

But at this moment, after the recovery liquid showed its effect in the United States, although Cheng Yuan was not sure that the recovery liquid could break the global market.

But this chance is at least 60%!

What Cheng Yuan doesn't know is that in fact, the above was prepared to use Hawking as a propaganda. As a result, there was some time difference in the middle, although it was adjusted later.

However, as soon as the recovery liquid appeared, it was banned by various countries and even spread on the Internet. This made them realize that it would be counterproductive to use Hawking as an essay, so they let Hawking leave directly.

It was a free gift of Hawking, of course, this is not bad.

At least the recovery fluid has a great weight in the hearts of many well-known figures.

After all, even "incurable diseases" like Hawking can be treated, and the effect of the recovery fluid will naturally be borne in mind.

Now, the attack of the meteorite group has given them an opportunity. With the effect of this assistance, Hawking will be confirmed at that time. The market development of the recovery fluid will be unstoppable!

The thought of a steady stream of wealth flowing into the world from Huaxia, they were excited! After all, with the money, we can better provide welfare to the people.

Because of economic development, the agricultural tax was cancelled. Because of economic development, the country is rich, so some social benefits have also improved.

These invisible and small improvements are often overlooked, but when they are used, many talents find that they have so many benefits.

And these benefits naturally require economic support.

And with money, they can have the courage to vigorously reform some of today's deformed economic development, such as real estate!

The high difference between the high property prices and the per capita wages must be controlled and changed!

The most important thing is that with a lot of money, the resistance to the development of nuclear fusion energy will also be greatly reduced. Although there are environmental companies provided by Cheng Yuan, who would hate to make this matter more secure?

So they have been planning this day all the time. I did not expect this accident, but they could make their plans ahead of time!

In fact, they have been waiting for some huge disasters in foreign countries. Although this kind of speech is not good, it is the fact.

Without such a disaster, how can the magic of recovery fluid be reflected?

Without reflecting the magic and value of the recovery fluid, how to make it go to the world?

For the delivery of materials, Huaxia sent a large airship with great enthusiasm. The recovery fluid worth 10 million yuan and 2,000 medical intelligent robots may be divided into several batches if they are transported by transport.

With an airship, it's fast and convenient at once!

At this time, in the United States, the building collapsed, and a large number of people were walking on the streets, watching the broken city and doing what they could.

Help to help some people in need.

This behavior is normal for many people, no matter where it happens, when the disaster passes, people will always unite.

Of course, there are both positive and negative. Taking advantage of today's chaos, some people have started wild operations, such as robbery, theft, etc., and the city has become even more chaotic.

In this regard, each suffering city can only send a large number of police forces and troops to maintain order.

"Mark, are you going to find your parents?"

The young Mark hurriedly walked on the street, beside him, a dirty white man followed closely, and asked at the same time.

Mark nodded and said: "Dabai, my parents are around the land where the meteorite landed ~ ~ I must go and see, even if they ..."

Mark was choking, and his eyes became red instantly.

Holding back tears, he said to Dabai, "Are my parents' signals connected?"

"It is 1.2 kilometers away, and my signal can only feel specific information within one kilometer," Dabai replied.

Mark heard that his spirits were quickening and the pace under his feet was quicker: "Hurry up, you will soon know my parents' situation."

"Well." Dabai answered, then quickly followed.

One person and one robot ran on the street, and the distance of two hundred meters soon finished. As soon as he entered the range, Dabai said immediately: "Mark, I feel it, your parents are safe and sound, they are very good!"

When Dabai felt the situation of Mark's parents, an identical Dabai beside him's parents said to both of them: "Jill, Chris, I'll tell you the good news, Mark is safe and sound, and he is still coming to us Come here. "

There was a smile on Chris's face. "That's great, Sonny!" After a shout of surprise, he suddenly looked at Sonny apologetically. "I'm sorry about Sandy."

The white robot named Sonny shook his head and said, "Don't apologize, our existence is to ensure your safety. If you feel sorry, you can replace Sandy with a new body."

Sonny said, lighting up a chip.

And such a thing, when the disaster comes, it happens in various places, all people who have a big white will find that their lives are actually saved by intelligent robots!

At the same time they were saved, their gratitude for intelligent robots and their appreciation for technology crystal companies also increased. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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