Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 591:

In the face of such a thing, Cheng Yuan can only wait silently for the specific regulations of this bill.

The only thing that made him feel thankful was that even after this law had passed for so long, the major powers still did not have a unified opinion and quarreled with each other there.

After all, the final decision of this law will affect the scope of future exploitation of space resources by various countries. Although many countries still do not have the ability to exploit the resources of outer space, this does not prevent them from preparing for their own interests in advance.

Therefore, during this period, Cheng Yuan also accelerated the speed of mining.

When Cheng Yuan focused on the exploitation and development of space resources, earth-shaking changes took place on the earth. The two-month period is not long but not short.

With the emergence of artificial intelligence, technology has also shown explosive growth. Many scientific and technological theories have been implemented and manufactured under the power of intelligent and powerful computing.

For example, there are already floating cars for primary products in Japan. Although this kind of car has a certain gap with Cheng Yuan's anti-gravity car, it can be regarded as a reborn.

Although the general appearance of today's magnetic levitation vehicles has not changed, the wheels of the vehicle have become the connection points of magnetic levitation. It is no longer used to run the vehicle, but used to stop the vehicle.

Not only that, within two months, artificial intelligence has also developed a brand new rechargeable battery, which is also based on graphene batteries that have appeared before.

The 30-minute charging time is enough to provide a car that runs endlessly for seven days and seven nights!

The combination of magnetic levitation trains and graphene batteries is efficient and durable. This new magnetic levitation car not only gives people a high-end feel, but it is more attractive than the old cars.

After all, they do n’t have to worry about their cars running out of fuel anymore, and they do n’t need to calculate extra fuel every month.

Therefore, after the introduction of the magnetic levitation car, it replaced the old car with a very fast speed!

Of course, each country's own means are also required, such as increasing the limit on emissions or increasing the amount of environmental pollution taxes.

The most important thing is that the replacement of the taxi industry, the magnetically levitated unmanned taxis set up by the state to invest by itself, use intelligent control to drive, and people no longer have to worry about various problems due to the owner of the car.

In addition to this part, the rise of artificial intelligence has also greatly affected the development of the Internet. When people live, shop, and travel, smart machines are everywhere.

In just two months, such a big change can be caused by the intervention of governments in various countries, and under their protection, artificial intelligence has quickly integrated into society.

And the integration of artificial intelligence into society brings convenience to people and brings great benefits to the government.

They can investigate any place at any time, and then look at everything that happened in that place. Of course, in advance, a device such as a camera is installed in the place.

This also makes the crime rate in the society drop at a very rapid rate, and the change of social climate is naturally more welcomed and supported by the local people.

In addition to social aspects, artificial intelligence has brought them even greater benefits.

The first is the transformation of various types of machinery, the advancement of weapon technology, and the development of large-scale war intelligent robots!

War robots can be said to be a project that most countries care about most. After Huaxia's intelligent robots show unparalleled strength, countries are both frightened and envious.

The ambivalence made them urgently want their own intelligent robot, but because of the lack of artificial intelligence in the past, their development in intelligent robot has not made much progress and results.

But now it is different. With the advent of artificial intelligence, intelligent robots are no longer a luxury, they have begun manufacturing various types of military intelligent robots in large quantities.

This year is a year when artificial intelligence is fully integrated into society, and also a year of rapid development of global technology!


In April, two months have passed since the Chinese New Year, and everyone has restarted their new year's work.

But outside of work, everyone is talking about the same technological changes that happen every day.

Almost every day in the news you can see the emergence of some advanced technology. Such rapid technological progress has made many people feel that it is really an era of big technology.

If you do n’t know it every day, in the last month, exaggerate, you will find yourself out of touch with society!

The rapid development of science and technology for Cheng Yuan is not only expected, but also beyond his imagination.

Because the importance and development of artificial intelligence in various countries far exceeds his imagination, Cheng Yuan is very puzzled. In this way, if they let artificial intelligence develop, are they not afraid of hidden dangers?

For now, a few months have passed, and more and more people at the bottom are unemployed. With the development of intelligent machinery, manual posts in many places have been replaced by robots.

It is no longer the traffic police who are responsible for the traffic, but the intelligent robots. The uncles and aunts who are cleaning the road are also cleaning robots.

Although the unemployment of the bottom-level people does not cause much concern for the top-level people, once the number comes up, this problem becomes very serious.

People all need to eat. At the same time of technological innovation and progress, social welfare has not been provided, and various idle people will appear.

Without a job, the only way these idle people can go for their lives is to advance towards crime!

Although Cheng Yuan wonders how countries are going to solve this matter, Cheng Yuan doesn't care too much. Anyway, this is a foreign matter. What he cares about is that as long as Huaxia does not have the same situation, everything is not a problem.

The reason why Cheng Yuan is not worried about China's problems is that during the two months, all countries have changed, but China has still not changed.

Still the same as before.

But in this way, many Chinese people are dissatisfied.

All kinds of dissatisfaction are circulating on the Internet.

"Looking at people abroad, all are magnetic levitation cars for taxis. We also use gas-fired taxis!"

"People are in charge of intelligent robots for transportation, but we are still traffic police! They are cleaning robots, and we still use humans."

"Is the labor cost of our Huaxia people so low? Is it so worthless?"

Negative remarks are circulating on the Internet. Of course, some of these remarks are supported, and naturally they are also opposed. After all, society is a big dye tank, and it is also a hodgepodge.

There are all people in it, and some people do n’t have to worry about being rich. They naturally hope that they live in an ultra-modern city, and in all aspects of travel, they also see various high-tech.

But the people living at the bottom do not agree.

"Don't say so much, and the robots are responsible for the traffic. What should the traffic police across the country do and change all? Or lay off? How many people and how many family lives does this matter?"

"If the sweeping uncles and uncles are replaced by robots, how will they live in the future, and you will pay for them?"

"Everything has been replaced by robots, and the hard-to-find jobs are even harder. Even if you are rich now, do n’t worry about eating or drinking, but have you considered your offspring? Do you think you will always be like this in the future? rich?"

"Also, don't just look at everything. Now foreigners feel convenient, but why don't you go and look for other news carefully. How high is the unemployment rate in foreign countries and how many idle people are there? You ca n’t laugh anymore! "

Those who rebut have reasons to rebut, but those who agree also have reasons to agree.

"It's ridiculous that you can't find a job and blame the society? Please use your brain and the society is advancing. If you want a good life, you need to work harder. If you understand, you do n’t even understand it, you simply That tofu is dead! "

"Furthermore, others are making progress. You are still stagnant. Do you not understand the reason behind being beaten?"

"Nothing! This has something to do with backwardness. Don't make a fool of it. Why was it beaten at the beginning, not military backwardness?"

"If Huaxia was also a military power at that time, all kinds of ships and guns have ~ ~ afraid of those old Maozi? Joke!"

Both sides held their own words and began a fierce argument.

As the central figures in this matter, Huaxia executives and Cheng Yuan still maintain their original views on this matter, that is, steady development!

Although Cheng Yuan also regretted that this steady development made him miss a lot of money-making opportunities, but for Cheng Yuan, making money is not a problem.

There are few now, and I will earn one by one in the future!

As for why this is the case in foreign countries, it involves another issue. After all, the senior management of various countries are not stupid. Why would they not understand this development? If they do not improve the welfare of the people and give them adequate living security, they will definitely Something went wrong.

However, seeing a problem does not mean that it can be solved.


What is capitalism? The lifeblood of the entire country is in the hands of those capitalists, and the huge benefits of artificial intelligence have stunned them.

Even if the super consortiums of various countries are aware of this, there is no way to prevent this from happening.

After all, even if they look far away, the lower and middle-level capital groups do not think so. In their eyes, this is an opportunity.

If they can seize this opportunity, maybe they will jump into the big consortium of their country!

The above obstruction is in their eyes a means that they do not want them to develop, and they will naturally ignore it, so this forms a vicious circle.

The large-scale consortiums at the top level are eager to change the current situation, but the small and medium-sized capital groups have not relented and are still developing on their own.

This is no longer a problem of intelligent machinery, but a problem of two classes! (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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