Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 738:

This is only part of the global battlefield. Although it is nominally a battle between Huaxia and intelligent machinery, it is actually a battle between humans and intelligence.

With the joining of Cheng Yuan's fresh forces, the form on the battlefield changed again. Originally, there was no breath to defeat Cheng Yuan's battleship, and the intelligent machinery had fallen into a passive state.

Nowadays, there is no room for resistance. Although the protective devices used by intelligent mechanical warships can save more energy, this design also greatly reduces the defense strength of the warships, and also makes the weaknesses more obvious.

Because this design can make the attack closer to the battleship itself, this is the most fatal flaw of this veneer design. Once the intelligent robot is close, the close-up weapons up to five or six meters or even ten meters can easily pierce the protective device. The battleship has a hole!

Although the firepower of intelligent machinery is very fierce, in the face of the menacing Huaxia battleship and Cheng Yuan's battleship, God would not be able to pour all the firepower on the intelligent robot and the combat fuselage.

In desperation, **** can only put the main target on the opponent's warship.

"One thousand and five hundred meters away from the enemy battleship, the main gun barrel has been damaged, it is recommended to engage in close combat!" Cheng Yuan's warship intelligence center immediately issued a general attack order after Cheng Yuan reported the current situation of the warship.

The electromagnetic field bomb just tossed the main guns of the ten warships into an indestructible shape. The surface of the gun barrel was already roughened by a strong current and could not be used at all.

When Cheng Yuan heard that his main gun of the warship was so scrapped, he was quite speechless.

However, the main gun cannot be used, so if it is remotely opposed to the bomber, it will definitely occupy a weak position, so he naturally adopted the proposal of the battleship's intelligent center.

"Just do what you say." Cheng Yuan waved his hand, then turned to look at zero, "are those s-type robots shipped back?"

"I've been placed at the satellite base, are you going to take a look?" Lingering down, then answered.

"It's not necessary." Cheng Yuan shook his head. "You just need to give me all the data of the s-type robot. After all, this is the product of the highest technology condensed by intelligent machinery. There must be some reference."

There was a clear look, and he nodded, "What about the battlefield?"

"You can watch it together. The two things don't conflict." Cheng Yuan smiled.

"Okay, got it."

When the data was retrieved at zero, Cheng Yuan's eyes turned back to the battlefield, at this time his ten warships rushed straight to the intelligent machinery.

Yao Yi, who has been observing the battlefield for a long time, was shocked. Cheng Yuan's move surprised him, but at the same time he felt helpless. The uncooperative teammate was the most headache.

Since Bucheng Yuan rushed up, naturally he couldn't stay behind.

His original combat plan was to use fighters and intelligent robots to hold down most of the firepower of the other warships before launching an attack.

In this way, the damage of the warship can be minimized.

In his mind, battleships are far more important than intelligent robots and fighters. Intelligent robots are now produced on the Huaxia assembly line, and fighters are similar.

There is no so-called technical blockade and no so-called resource restrictions. As long as there is a plan and a plan for everything, it is logical and there is no obstacle.

But the battleships are different. Especially the space battleships. Making a space battleship is very costly both in terms of difficulty and resource consumption.

The loss of a ship has made Yao Yi's heartbreaking. If you lose another ship, don't say if you can forgive yourself, maybe someone inside Huaxia will jump out and let yourself resign!

But now, he doesn't have to go up. After all, Cheng Yuan rushes up. If he hides behind, that will make others think.

Although as a soldier, everything must be based on victory and face can be set aside, but modern soldiers are fundamentally different from previous soldiers.

Soldiers during the war have gone through various trials and many generals can guarantee victory at all costs in order to win.

The current soldiers, although saying that there is not much change in the military soul, but the original heart as a soldier has changed.

Ordinary soldiers, because of indoctrination and identification with the army, can go forward and disregard everything.

But the upper level is not the case.

The real general, this time, should be on standby at this time, looking for the best opportunity to attack, but unfortunately Yao Yi is not such a general.

The generals who have come through their identity backgrounds and qualifications are fundamentally different from the previous generals who passed the battlefield military merit.

"Female snail, we also attack, follow behind!" Yao Yi ordered in a deep voice.

Naturally, the intelligent son-in-law would not oppose Yao Yi's order, and he had been watching the No. 1 head and the commander Zhang Mingliang here, and said nothing.

Frontline commanders have their own judgment. Even if they can watch from a distance, they cannot compare with the commanders who are on the frontline.

No matter what purpose Yao Yi used to order the warship to attack, his ultimate goal is to defeat the intelligent machinery and prevent the other warship from entering the Huaxia area.

Neither squeaked because of the same considerations.

Moreover, they also trusted Cheng Yuan very much, although the problem of Cheng Yuan building a warship privately made them somewhat daunted.

But for now, everything is moving towards their side.

They didn't want to have more trouble, so they were silent. Yao did not object to the two at the first sight, and his heart was slightly shocked. If he performed well this time, he might still maintain his position.

After all, the loss of the first battleship was so sudden that no one could think of it!

Because since the beginning of the war, intelligent machines have not shown that shuttle-like fighter at all, indicating that this type of fighter is a secret weapon opposite.

Your mistakes are also excusable!

Giving himself a little psychological comfort, Yao Yi set aside these chaotic thoughts and stared intently at the front.

As the order was issued, the battleship rushed out at a very fast speed like a bow and arrow off the string. A universe-level battleship had absolutely nothing to say about the speed ~ ~ Yao Yi's behavior, Cheng Yuan naturally Looking in his eyes, watching Huaxia's battleship hang behind him, Cheng Yuan poked his lips and said nothing.

In the picture, the two huge fleets approached for the first time at close range. When approaching, the muzzles outside the double defense were aimed at each other at the same time.

The close confrontation between warships has not always been based on flexibility, but a very direct and brutal confrontation! Whoever has more fierce firepower, thicker and more resistant armor, is the final winner!

Even if both sides are space-level battleships, the way they can fight remains the same!

And Cheng Yuan ’s move, God also realized the other party ’s intentions, God did not refuse such a brutal way of confrontation, he opened fire as soon as Cheng Yuan approached!

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