Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 764:

The summer sun is like a stove, bringing hot temperatures into the air, making the air hot. . Fastest update

The sea breeze blew through, although the heat was dissipated, the temperature of the air was still unacceptable.

At this moment, on calm sea level, the sea water rang, sea birds flew freely on the sea surface, but occasionally they rushed into the sea water, and then jumped up again. The sensitive and agile movements were pleasing to the eye.

Suddenly, a violent roar whizzed from a distance, and then the calm air shook it, and the whistling sound elapsed, and a black shadow ran across the sea, clearing a two-meter-wide water mark.

However, this is just the beginning. The shadows are like a signal. Behind them, one after another, countless shadows flew over the sky quickly.

The roar rang through the sky. These black shadows detonated the air at a speed faster than the speed of sound. The calm sea surface rolled up waves. The seabirds that had been playing here have long disappeared, leaving only a few gray ones on the sea. The bird's hair was rippling with the sea.

Smart machines are coming, and China is naturally afraid to carelessly!

The state machine is operating very quickly. Less than an hour after the alarm sounded, all troops in the coastal areas were fully equipped.

It was originally planned to rebuild a coastal defense line in the damaged coastal areas, but now the plan is dead.

The interval between the two attacks of the smart machines is too short, so short that they have no time to build a defensive structure!

At this time, on the Huaxia coastline, green army multifunctional armed combat vehicles and tanks were connected in a row, and the muzzle pointed directly at the sea.

Beside these chariots, there are soldiers wearing individual armor, as well as intelligent robots that are as small as a hill.

These are the first lines of defense on the Huaxia coastline, and their mission is to prevent intelligent machinery from possibly attacking from the bottom of the sea.

The Chinese army that had learned a lesson naturally did not dare to neglect this matter.

Twenty-eight kilometers above the coastline defense force, thirty-eight airships with a pearl-white coating were quietly suspended there.

There are big and small airships, and the largest airships have a length of two kilometers!

Nearly 3,000 laser cannons and 1,000 semi-intelligent anti-missile missile launch tubes on both sides of the airship have been aimed at the waters below.

At the bottom of the airship, 160 anti-beam launch tubes are also ready to go. These weapons that can launch anti-beam blasts can greatly disperse beam particles and reduce the damage of the airship from beam attacks.

Inside the airship, the solemn Lieutenant General Lu Changsheng stared directly at the screen in front of the podium. The black steel torrent on the screen was overtaking them at a fast speed!

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath, and he took a step forward, and said loudly, "Every unit pays attention, the enemy has already appeared, and the formation of the number one, the intelligent robot army takes the initiative to meet the enemy, and we must not let these intelligent machines step into China soil of!"

Lu Changsheng's voice passed through the airship to the entire camp, and everyone who heard the voice trembled slightly.

This is not the soldier's fear, but the excitement!

Three years of training, isn't it just for this day?

Although they know that many comrades left Huaxia for other battlefields a day ago, isn't that what their soldiers should face?

The battlefield is the home of the soldiers! Fighting the enemy is also the responsibility of the soldiers! It is the duty of the soldiers to defend the country!

"Receive, formation one, g1 robots attack!"

"The z-robot is attacking!"

"Armor Corps strikes!"

At one time, the 38th search airship door opened wide, and countless intelligent robots rose from the door! Green z1 robot, white g-type robot.

The most reassuring thing for soldiers is the giant blackbird robot flying from the flagship boat!

When the huge blackbird robot appeared from the airship, it was ten!

Seeing the appearance of ten blackbird robots, a part of the intelligent mechanical square that had been flying straight on the sea suddenly rose to the sky and rushed towards the airship in the air.

Lu Changsheng, who had been staring at intelligent machinery, did not dare to carelessly. At the moment when the intelligent machinery team was scattered, he immediately shouted: "Female snail, judge the distance!"

"General, the enemy is at a distance of 2,000 meters and enters the attackable range. Is it an attack !?"

Lu Changsheng looked intently and chilled: "Attention all units, the enemy has entered the attack range, attack!"

With a single order, the main guns of the 38 huge airships glowed red at the same time.


Two seconds later, the red light beam was emitted in the roar, and the hot energy slightly twisted the air.

Because the intelligent mechanical square is very large, the main gun does not need any precise locking at all, and the red went straight to the intelligent machine!

As soon as the intelligent machine flashed red light, the intelligence inside it began to dodge, although most of the robots in the front flickered well, but many robots flying at high speed in the back were just acted on by the red beam. Rub it in.

The moment the dark body was hit by a high-energy beam, the armor on the surface melted instantly, the arc jumped out from the inside, flickered on the surface, and a crackling sound was made at the same time.

The sound clearly showed that all the internal circuits of the robot swept by the high-energy beam were destroyed and burned.

The body that was originally moving at a high speed also stagnates in mid-air for a moment, and the last boom turned into a black smoke!

When encountering the blow of high-energy beams, intelligent machines will naturally not continue to gather together stupidly. Their dense squares are suddenly dispersed, maintaining a specific distance between them, and their eyes are also lit with red light.

The rapid transformation of intelligent machinery is not unexpected by Lu Changsheng, after all, the intelligent reaction speed is undoubtedly very fast.

Coupled with the information about intelligent machinery from various places, Lu Changsheng has a lot of information in his hands.

Breaking up the formation of intelligent machinery, Lu Changsheng didn't care. He watched that there were still many intelligent machinery robots flying towards himself, and he ordered: "All units attack, and the airship forces provide fire support at the rear! Prevent these singles Soldiers approach the airship! "

Lu Changsheng knows very well ~ ~ In the last battle, what happened when their large airships were approached by small single-armed robots.

Therefore, he didn't want to see his airship troops being maimed or even destroyed by the other party.

After receiving the order, the g-type and z-type robots flying from the airship rushed to the intelligent machine at the same time, but in terms of quantity, there was a lot of gap between the two sides.

Although from the first battle, he obtained the data that his own robot has a great advantage in the strength of individual soldiers compared to intelligent machinery.

But the robot in front of him was completely different from what was shown in the previous data, which made Lu Changsheng dare not care. He frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Soldier, get ready to attack!"

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