General Qin

Chapter 273 Night Questions in the Bedroom

"Zhao Zhonggeng, you have done a good job in Chu State this time. Your Majesty is very happy."

On the way to King Qin's bedroom, Zhao Gao spoke with a smile.

"This matter is not only the work of Zhao Tuo, but also the trust of the king."

Zhao Tuo hurriedly humbly put the credit on King Qin. Of course, he would not forget Zhao Gao, and bowed his hands to Zhao Gao solemnly: "Everything in the palace depends on Mr. Zhao's protection. Zhao Tuo is very grateful. It was Zhao Tuo's fortune to meet Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Tuo was not very clear about Zhao Gao's good words for him in front of Qin Wangzheng, but before that, Zhao Gao did provide him with some information.

For example, before the defeat of Chu, there was a silk letter that said "The pillars of the country must be worthy of the king's daughter".

Zhao Gao, you have a heart.

Sometimes Zhao Tuo even felt that this famous treacherous official in history, Zhao Gao, who was famous for "pointing at a deer as a horse", was not so bad, and even for him alone it was quite good.

But the shadow of the famous tree and the events that happened in history left a deep impression on Zhao Tuo, so he still pays attention to it. Although he has a good relationship with Zhao Gao, deep in his heart he will not let go of his vigilance.

Zhao Gao didn't know what the boy in front of him was thinking, he saw that Zhao Tuo was full of respect for him in his words, so he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Son, just know that I'm helping him.

As the confidant of Qin Wangzheng, Zhao Gao has little power, but he often has the opportunity to listen to Qin Wangzheng's words. He knows that the king loves this young man very much. In addition, Zhao Tuo is indeed very capable, and he will surely flourish in the future. Has endless potential.

Zhao Gao's previous actions were not only to repay Zhao Tuo's life-saving grace, but also he did not have the idea of ​​making friends with him and asking him for help.

No one has too many potential allies.

If we don't make friends now, it will be difficult to make friends when Zhao Tuo takes off completely and becomes a general or an important minister in the court.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gao said kindly, "You and I are both from the Zhao family, so don't be so polite. If you don't dislike my humble background and are willing to make friends with me, we should be closer."

Zhao Tuo was startled, seeing Zhao Gaozheng looking at him with burning eyes, he knew the other party's intention.

They all mentioned the same as the Zhao family.

Is there any other meaning?

Zhao Tuo hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands to the middle-aged man in front of him and said, "Since that's the case, then I will dare to call Zhao Jun brother."

A look of joy flashed in Zhao Gao's eyes, he was indeed a smart young man, he couldn't help but grabbed Zhao Tuo's hands and called out: "My dear brother."

The relationship between the two is getting closer.

"I see your majesty's intentions, or if you want to ask about Xiong Qi, my virtuous brother should make preparations early."

As the elder brother, Zhao Gao gave the first gift.

Zhao Tuo's heart moved, and he thanked Zhao Gao on the face: "Thank you for letting me know, brother, I am very grateful."

"Since you are brothers, don't be so polite. In the future, when there is no one else, you and I should be called brothers."

Zhao Gao smiled slightly, seeing a patrolling Zhonglang approaching in the distance, he let go of Zhao Tuo's hand.

The two, one in front and one behind, went to the king's bedroom.

Before arriving at the palace, Zhao Gao returned to the king of the palace and bid farewell.

Before leaving, he did not forget to show a gentle smile to Zhao Tuo.

Zhao Tuo stood at the door of King Qin's bedroom, straightened his clothes, took off his shoes, and walked in.

"Sir Zhao Tuo, pay homage to the King."

Zhao Tuo walked into the room and bowed down to the figure on the bed.

"Well, get up."

A flat voice came from the couch.

Zhao Tuo hurriedly stood up and looked at each other.

I saw that the Qin King's bedroom was quite spacious, the floor was covered with blue-gray black bird bricks, the beams and columns were majestic and decorated with gold patterns, which looked quite solemn.

But the furnishings in this house are very simple, there are few useless decorations and ornaments, only a wooden table full of bamboo slips.

Qin Wangzheng had already changed out of the beaded mian suit that he wore at the banquet just now, and was lying on the couch in a light and comfortable swallow suit, holding a scroll of bamboo slips in his hand, reading by candlelight.

Zhao Tuo blinked, this brother Zheng is really a workaholic.

After the banquet, King Qin left first. It will take some time for him to get here from the main hall, and it will take some time for him to change clothes. When Zhao Tuo is ordered to come here, there may not be much time left in between.

In this way, he still has to read the bamboo slips on the couch without being afraid of getting tired.

Besides, the light is so bad, and you still look at the bamboo slips, can your eyes hold it up?

Zhao Tuo complained in his heart, but remained respectful on his face, standing with his hands down.

Soon, Qin Wangzheng threw down the bamboo slips, stretched comfortably, and then looked at Zhao Tuo.

"Do you know why I am looking for you?"

Qin Wangzheng spoke with a calm face.

Zhao Tuo shook his head and said, "I don't know, guess the king wants to hear the story of Chu land from me?"

Qin Wangzheng couldn't help but laugh.

"You boy, did the widow specially call you into the palace late at night just to listen to your stories? You should leave your stories for others to hear."

Zhao Tuo smiled awkwardly, he knew the "other people".

However, Qin Wangzheng's smile made the serious atmosphere a lot easier.

He sat up and asked in a deep voice: "The widow called you here to ask you a question. If you don't figure it out, the widow can't sleep at night."

" did you know that Xiong Qi would betray?"

Zhao Tuo took a deep breath, and it really was this problem. It seems that after Li Xin returned to Xianyang, he reported everything to the king in detail.

Because Zhao Gao had reminded him earlier, Zhao Tuo said without any hesitation, "Because I think that Xiong Qi, as a prince of Chu, may sit back and watch Chu fall, but he will never destroy it with his own hands. He volunteered to go to Huai Yang sits in town, contacts the nobles of Chu State, and wants to destroy Chu State, this is not in line with common sense."

Qin Wangzheng said indifferently: "Although he has the blood of the King of Chu, he also has the blood of the King of Qin's family. He was born in Qin since he was a child and has been my Minister of Qin for ten years. Why do you think that he has always regarded himself as the son of Chu, but Isn't he Lord Changping of Qin?"

Zhao Tuo raised his head and said, "Because of supporting Mr. Su."


Qin Wangzheng was stunned.

Zhao Tuo replied: "I have met the young master several times. I saw that the young master often wears Chu clothes and talks about the silk paintings and poems of the Chu state. Looking at his appearance, it seems that he has been deeply influenced by the culture of the Chu state. But according to my understanding, the young master seems to be very close to Chu." Those two Chu people from Xianyang are very close."

Zhao Tuo stopped talking and did not continue.

He silently said sorry to Fusu in his heart, in order to explain why he knew that Mr. Changping would rebel, he could only find these excuses to cover up.

But this is also a well-known thing, whether Zhao Tuo says it or not will have no effect.

Qin Wangzheng narrowed his eyes.

He was very aware of the fact that Fusu was influenced by Lord Changping and Lord Changwen, and he even lost his temper because of it, admonishing Fusu several times.

However, he has never given much thought to Xiong Qi and Chang Wenjun.

Especially Xiong Qi.

That's right, although he was born and raised in Qin State, and has been Prime Minister of Qin State for ten years, he has never given up on those Chu people's things.

Chu clothes, silk paintings, Chu people's poems...

If he didn't agree in his heart that he was from Chu, then why did he still touch Chu people's things and use them to influence his son of Qin Wangzheng.

Xiong Qi always thought that he was the son of Chu State.

How could such a person take the initiative to destroy the motherland he identified with?

He took the initiative to go to Huaiyang, and he must have other plans.


Qin Wangzheng stared at Zhao Tuo, he felt that this reason was not enough.

This kind of doubt is not enough for Zhao Tuo to take the risk in Pingyu to persuade Li Xin, because if his judgment is wrong, the price of framing Lord Changping will be very high.

Zhao Tuo knew it well, and immediately threw out the second reason.

"When I came back from defeating Yan in the past, when I was appointed as Zhonglang, I was invited into the mansion by Xiong Qi..."

Zhao Tuo began to talk eloquently, saying that he saw many things from Chu people in Xiong Qi's mansion, which deepened his suspicion. More importantly, Xiong Qi once pressed him about the technique of public defeat.

"Xiong Qi once forced me to ask if there is a technique that can defend against giant cannons. If I dedicate it to him, I can ask for credit for my minister..."

Zhao Tuo's words were mixed with truth and falsehood, describing Xiong Qi's threats vividly at that time, anyway, there were only the two of them present at the time.

Xiong Qi is now far away in Chu State, no matter what Zhao Tuo says, he can't refute it.


Qin Wangzheng nodded slightly. According to what Zhao Tuo said, when Xiong Qi left for Huaiyang, he also pressed him about the technology of defending cannons and manufacturing other military equipment. His behavior was indeed suspicious.

Zhao Tuo saw that Qin Wangzheng had already believed, so he added the last bargaining chip.

"In the past, General Li's strategy was opposed by all the generals in the army. Even General Meng Wu spoke out to dissuade him, but Xiong Qi was the only one who didn't say a word, and even agreed. Xiong Qi was the prime minister of Qin for ten years. From experience, we can definitely see that General Li's strategy is wrong, but he behaved like this..."

"I'm not sure that Xiong Qi has the intention of betrayal, but General Li's strategy is too dangerous to tolerate a single mistake. If Xiong Qi betrays, it will be the danger of overthrowing the army and killing tens of thousands of soldiers of our Qin State. Ah. That's why I took the risk and dared to persuade you."

At the end of Zhao Tuo's speech, his voice was low and sad.

If Li Xin had listened to him in Pingyu and changed his combat strategy, he would not have been blocked by Xiang Yan near Xiacai, and he would not have won the battle against Chu, but at least he would not have lost so badly.

That's tens of thousands of lives.

Qin Wangzheng nodded silently, having understood Zhao Tuo's words.

From Fusu's clothing preferences and the things of Chu State in Xiong Qi's mansion, it can be deduced that Xiong Qi is in Qin State but facing Chu State.

Then Xiong Qi took the initiative to ask for orders to go to Huaiyang, and then forced Zhao Tuo to ask Zhao Tuo's defense against giant cannons before he left, and agreed with Li Xin's strategy in Huaiyang.

When all the insignificant things are connected, Zhao Tuo smells danger in it.

"This kid is very smart."

Qin Wangzheng praised in his heart, but then thought again.

If Li Xin had listened to him, would there still be such a big defeat?

Maybe they will also lose, after all, Xiong Qi's position is too important, as long as he rebels, the Mengwu army will cut off the supplies, and they will return to attack Huaiyang, and the Chu army in Xiangcheng can take advantage of the situation to follow and pursue.

In the absence of food and grass supplies, the Qin army could not win at all.

"Xiong Qi... I hate this thief very much!"

Qin Wangzheng was full of anger, he slapped the bed suddenly, and growled: "Xiong Qi betrayed the widow, thinking that both Meng Wu and Li Xin were defeated, so the widow can do nothing with him?"

"He underestimated the widow, and also underestimated Qin!"

"So what if he betrayed us with a conspiracy and defeated our 200,000 Qin army?"

"My state of Qin is so big and strong, it's only 200,000! I lost 200,000, I still have 400,000, 600,000, and there are millions of halberd-armored men in the whole country!"

Speaking of this, Qin Wangzheng sneered: "After the spring plowing, the widow will take Wang Jian as a general and pour out the whole country's soldiers to destroy Jingchu."

"Xiong Qi rebelled against Qin, and hated you for the widow, and the widow will also let him die!"

Hearing this, Zhao Tuo couldn't help being surprised even though he was prepared.

This is too fast.

Li Xin's attack on Chu was sent out after the autumn harvest last year, and then he was defeated in winter.

It is mid-spring now, and it is only two or three months before the end of spring plowing in various parts of Qin.

It means that it will never be more than three months before Wang Jian conquers Chu!

The anger of Qin Wangzheng.

There's only so much to endure.

He couldn't wait to take revenge, destroy the state of Chu, and capture and kill the traitors.

Zhao Tuo's thoughts turned.

Compared with Li Xin's fiasco against Chu.

This time the veteran Wang Jian came out, and there is only one word to describe it.


Zhao Tuo didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately spoke loudly.

"I would like to be the pioneer of the king, and go to Jingchu with the general to capture and kill Xiong Qi, so as to avenge the king!"

Qin Wangzheng nodded.


Thank you book friends for giving me a reward from the leader of a sword, and I will add 10 more rewards in the future. Thank you for your recognition and support.

I asked for leave for 1 day before and said that there were 4 changes, and all the changes were completed on the 23rd. Now I only owe 20 changes to the two leaders.

There will be three changes tomorrow, and the follow-up will continue to add 1 change every 3 days until it is completed (the hand speed is limited, and it can only be done to this extent. Don’t talk nonsense if you can’t do it).

Thanks to book friends Kunlinyuanshan, 23rd Gou Bianlu, Dutian Dafazhu, Mikaziki for their rewards, and all book friends for their votes, thank you!

According to "Zizhi Tongjian", Li Xin's attack on Chu and Qin Wangqiang's rebellion and Wang Jian were both tied to the 22nd year of Qin Wangzheng, which happened in the same year, and the time was very close. In this book, in the previous year, Guanzhong relied on retting and fat harvest, and there was enough grain and grass to support King Qin to launch this battle after spring plowing.

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