General Qin

Chapter 633

Outside the city of Xianyang, among the mountains and rivers, there is a mansion that occupies a very large area and is luxuriously decorated.

Hou Sheng, in a wide robe and long sleeves, was standing in front of a bronze tripod.

The tripod is round, about the size of a human head, with flames rising from below.

Two disciples sat on both sides of the bronze tripod, one was responsible for adding fire, and the other was responsible for adding things to the tripod.

Watching the yellow and white things in the tripod tumbling under the high temperature.

Hou Sheng nodded slightly, and ordered: "Add the morning dew picked from Mount Li, this is the essence of heaven and earth, simple and unbreakable, using it to refine medicine can clear the mind and eyesight."


The disciple in Tsing Yi responded, and poured all the dew from the small pot next to it into the cauldron.

Hou Sheng said again: "add half a baht of realgar, and this substance and orpiment combine to form yin and yang. Using realgar alone as medicine can strengthen yang energy. If you take it, it can make men strong and strong."

The disciple in Tsing Yi opened the silk cloth on the side, inside was the realgar powder which had been weighed long ago, and he carefully shook it into the cauldron.

Another disciple in red hurriedly added fire to the cauldron to ensure that the contents in the cauldron were always boiling.

After adding realgar, there is already a faint choking smell in the air.

However, the three of them have long been used to it, staring at the objects in the cauldron intently.

After a while, Hou Sheng said again, "Bring cinnabar."

The disciple in Tsing Yi hurriedly fetched a plate of red objects, the color of which was like blood, glittering and translucent.

Hou Sheng looked at it and nodded again and again, admiring: "It's no wonder that the emperor asked the widow in Shu to be compared to the emperor. The cinnabar produced by her Bashi is crystal clear, and it is really the top grade of cinnabar in the world."

After admiring it, Hou Sheng did not forget to point out the function of this object to his two apprentices.

He stroked his beard and said: "This cinnabar has the effect of nourishing blood and nourishing qi. Taking it regularly can make people full of blood and energy. But you can't add too much at one time, otherwise ordinary people can't bear its effect. You should add less."

The disciple in Tsing Yi put a small amount of cinnabar into the tripod as promised.

Later, Hou Sheng ordered his disciples to add several medicines and minerals to the tripod.

When the last medicinal material was placed in the cauldron, after some boiling, a faint colored smoke rose from the cauldron.

The two disciples suddenly looked ecstatic, and one of them couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Hou Sheng looked at the miraculous smoke in the cauldron, and said with satisfaction: "Then Lu Ao said all day long that there is an elixir of immortality on the holy mountains overseas, and hoped that the emperor would allow him to go to sea to seek immortality for medicine, but in fact he couldn't produce anything. "

"But our way is to pretend to seek external things to strengthen ourselves. Although there is no medicine for immortality, the medicine for strengthening the body is real, and the emperor can eat it. The emperor is right. We have a lot of trust, and we will give you what we want, wouldn't we be much happier than Lu Ao?"

The two disciples suddenly laughed and said: "When the master refines the elixir, maybe Lu Ao will not even come out of the sea."

Hou Sheng also laughed, and he said proudly: "I am deducing the prescription of the elixir of immortality. As long as the emperor keeps supporting me, I will be able to get it out sooner or later, so that the emperor can live forever after eating it, and rule the world forever."

The two disciples looked at each other and complimented each other: "At that time, Mr. will be able to eat the immortal medicine, and enjoy wealth and glory forever in the Great Qin."

While the three of them were chatting with each other, hurried footsteps came from outside the house.

"Sir, something is wrong!"

Hou Sheng went outside and reprimanded the black-clothed disciple who was rushing towards him in a panic, "What's wrong with you? How can you refine medicine with such an unstable mentality?"

The black-clothed disciple panted and said, "Sir, there is a news spreading in Xianyang City today, saying that the Marquis of Martial Arts is suffering from a sudden illness!"

Marquis Marquis suddenly fell ill?

Hou Sheng looked puzzled.

The Martial Arts Marquis Zhao Tuo was well-known in the Great Qin Dynasty, and he was the emperor's favored minister. He naturally knew it, but what did this have to do with him, Hou Sheng?

Hou Sheng said: "Marquis Marquis is suddenly ill. You should seek medical treatment. Why are you in such a panic?"

The black-clothed disciple said with a crying face: "I heard that the emperor gave the medicine to Marquis Wugong yesterday. After he took it, he became very ill today!"

Hou Sheng froze for a moment, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Marquis Wu Gong took my medicine and couldn't afford to fall ill?"


The news that Marquis Marquis Zhao Tuo couldn't afford to fall ill was spread throughout Xianyang in an instant under the impetus of "certain people", causing an uproar in the imperial capital of the Qin Kingdom.

As a well-known contemporary general in the Qin State, Zhao Tuo's reputation can be said to be known to everyone, and everyone knows it. In addition, the victories he won have attracted the favor of countless people.

His illness immediately became the hottest news in Xianyang today, affecting the hearts of countless people.

"Junhou is only in his twenties this year. He is in good health and full of energy. How could he suddenly fall ill?"

In a restaurant, diners chatted nervously.

Another person said: "I heard that the emperor gave the medicine yesterday. Marquis Wu Gong bathed and changed his clothes after returning home. After taking this medicine, he fell ill. It must be the effect of the medicine."

Someone said in amazement: "Could it be that today we are going to do what King Zhaoxiang did in the past?"


Suddenly, there was a sound of breathing in the whole restaurant.

The matter of King Zhaoxiang!

Although this person didn't say it clearly, everyone understood that he was referring to the fact that King Qin Zhaoxiang bestowed the death of Lord Wu'an Bai Qi back then.

However, the reason why Lord Wu'an Bai Qi was bestowed to death by King Qin Zhaoxiang was because Lord Wu'an refused King Qin Zhaoxiang's order to lead his troops to attack the State of Zhao, and it was said that he complained, so he was bestowed to death by the angry King Qin. postal kiosk.

But isn't Marquis Marquis Zhao Tuo the emperor's most trusted minister?

Moreover, Marquis Wu Gong also married the emperor's daughter, who can be called the pillar of the empire. He is in a different situation from the former Lord Wu An. How did he end up in this situation?

Someone tremblingly said: "A few days ago, didn't the emperor issue an edict to reduce or exempt the world's taxes this year? I heard that this matter was proposed by Marquis Wu Gong in the court. Could it be because of this matter that the emperor..."

The specific situation in the court is rarely circulated among the people, but the edict to reduce and exempt the world's taxes has a great influence, and there are still many rumors that are widely circulated, haunting the mouths of the heads of Guizhou.

"Shut up! You bastards, if you continue to discuss politics indiscriminately, I will immediately sue the officials and arrest all of you to build the emperor's mausoleum."

The owner of the shop came over cursingly and yelled at them: "Aren't you too full to eat? A group of small people in the head of Guizhou talk about things that you shouldn't care about all day. Next time, they will all go to prison." Let's go!"

Everyone didn't dare to speak anymore, but the sadness in their eyes couldn't be concealed.

Marquis Wugong actually offended the emperor by reducing or exempting taxes for the head of the world.

"Martial arts prince, my martial arts prince! You must live a long life!"

At the next table, a bearded man was crying while filling his mouth with syrup.


"Father, have you heard? Zhao Tuo suddenly fell ill, and it is said that he couldn't even get out of bed!"

When Ting Wei Li Si finished his official duties and returned to the mansion, Li Yu came over and said the news excitedly.

"I heard about it in Ting Wei's Mansion."

As Li Si walked into the room, he nodded in response.

Li Yu hurriedly followed Li Si's pace, and at the same time waved his hands to let the servants around him leave.

He said excitedly: "I heard that Zhao Tuo took the medicine given by the emperor to get sick. Father, now everyone is saying that it was the emperor's intention. I'm afraid he wanted to kill Zhao Tuo on purpose."

Li Si paused and looked over in astonishment.

"How can this be!"

The news that Marquis Wugong took the medicine and could not afford to fall ill spread quickly, and even the small officials in Tingwei's mansion were talking about it in private.

Li Si had also heard about it, but no one dared to say this kind of conspiracy theory in front of Tingwei. This statement was completely beyond Li Si's expectations.

"How is it impossible?"

Seeing no one around, Li Yu laughed, "Then Zhao Tuo is only in his twenties, and he was born in the army. It happened after taking the medicine, isn't the problem obviously caused by that medicine?"

"Now my Great Qin has destroyed the six kingdoms, wiped out the Xiongnu, and defeated the Yue clan. The remaining lands in the Southwest, Hexi, and Baiyue are barbarian small states, which is nothing to worry about. The emperor no longer needs Zhao Tuo!"

"Zhao Tuo has made great achievements, and now he has become a Lunhou with 6,000 households in Shiyi. He has almost climbed to the top of my Daqin title, and there is no other way to go up except for the first-level Chehou. The most important thing The most important thing is that he is still young. Now that the emperor is here, he can naturally restrain Zhao Tuo, but if the emperor returns, no one in the world can restrain him, and no one among the princes can compete with Zhao Tuo."

"The emperor must have thought of this, so he wanted to give medicine to kill him. This is the method used by Goujian, the king of Yue in the past. Once Zhao Tuo died, the emperor would have no hidden dangers. Even if he returned in the future, the two The emperor of the world can also sit firmly in the Great Qin Dynasty."

Li Si was surprised by his son's bunch of conspiracy theories.

After he was surprised, he shook his head and said: "With the emperor's means, if you want to kill Zhao Tuo, just like King Zhaoxiang in the past, you can just give him a sword. Why do you need to give medicine? Besides, isn't he suffering from a sudden illness? He didn't die. Lose."

Li Yu snorted and explained: "This is the emperor's brilliance. At the beginning, Goujian, the king of Yue, killed Wen Zhong, and his notoriety spread to later generations. King Zhaoxiang bestowed the killing of Lord Wu'an, which made the Qin people unforgettable for generations. The emperor didn't want to bear this infamy. , so he pretended to give medicine, but actually killed him with poison. It is good for Zhao Tuo to die. If Zhao Tuo did not die, he would not survive a few days under the severe poison, and he must have died earlier than the emperor."

"And the emperor only needs to put all the blame on those alchemists who refine the medicine, so he doesn't have to bear the infamy. Such a method is high, really high, and he is worthy of being the emperor of my Great Qin. Father, just wait and see, This time, those alchemists must be responsible for what happened to Zhao Tuo!"

Li Yu held his head high, very confident.

After thinking for a while, Li Si shook his head slowly

He said in a deep voice: "Have you ever thought about the sudden illness of the Marquis Marquis? Under normal circumstances, one should try to hide the news as much as possible. How could it spread throughout the city in half a day? This is not normal."

Li Yu grinned and said: "Of course Zhao Tuo messed up. He must have seen the emperor's intention of death, so he made the matter big so that the emperor would restrain himself and even show mercy to his subordinates. Then Zhao Tuo , is also a fine person!"

Li Si was stunned for a moment, and then slapped him across the face.


In the majestic Qin Palace.

The first emperor sat high on the emperor's couch, and his breathing was a little short.

"The Marquis of Wu Gong took the medicine I gave him, and he fell ill."

He raised his reddened eyes, stared at Yao Jia in the hall and said, "Someone in Xianyang said that there is something wrong with the medicine given by me, and they want to kill Martial Arts Lord?

Yao Jia nodded, and said, "Someone has linked this matter with Lord Wu An back then. I have ordered people to patrol Xianyang, and arrest anyone who dares to speak nonsense."

The First Emperor took a deep breath.

The scene of Zhao Tuo laughing and talking with him yesterday appeared in his mind, and his heart suddenly tugged.

"Nonsense, how dare you slander me, if anyone speaks, show them to the public."


Seeing that Yao Jia was ordered to retreat.

The First Emperor sat on the couch wearily.

In the hall, Zhao Gao, the magistrate of the CRRC Mansion who was serving the First Emperor today, was a little terrified.

When the first emperor gave medicine to Zhao Tuo yesterday, he was not there, and he did not see the scene at that time.

So when he heard about Zhao Tuo's sudden illness today, he couldn't help looking at Shi Huangdi suspiciously.

Is it such a coincidence?

After taking the medicine you gave me, I can't afford to fall ill.

The emperor, don't you really want to kill his brother?

He remembered the phrase "the cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks" he had just learned, and couldn't help but think wildly.

Just when Zhao Gao was guessing, the voice of Emperor Shi Huang came from his ear.

"Zhao Gao, prepare the car."

"Another story about Xia Wuqi."

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