General Qin

Chapter 700 Seduction

"Prince, it's time to take medicine."

In the newly renamed Prince's Mansion, Li Shu, wearing a light silk dress, walked into the house.

Behind her was a maid carrying a tray.

In the luxurious and elegant room, more than ten unique bronze lamps shine brightly, while the air is filled with the light and delicious scent of incense.

Fusu was dressed in black and sat upright in front of the desk, carefully reading the book in his hand.

Under the flickering light, Fusu's face looked sharp and masculine. Coupled with his noble status, Li Shu's heart beat loudly when he saw it.

"Shu'er is here, put down the medicine."

Fusu looked up and spoke calmly.

After saying that, he turned his head and continued to look at the book in his hand, reading it carefully.

Fusu was officially canonized as prince by the First Emperor, and he was naturally happy and excited from the bottom of his heart.

The position of prince is the broad road leading to the emperor's throne.

However, after the excitement, Fusu's character made him feel great pressure.

He felt that since he had taken the position of prince, he should work harder to learn how to govern the country, shoulder the responsibilities of the country's crown prince, and never let his father down.

Nor can he live up to the expectations of the martial arts lord Zhao Tuo and his father-in-law.

Therefore, Fusu has been reading various classics day and night during this period, thinking about improving himself every moment, and he wants to make himself better.


It will only affect Fusu's learning speed.

Seeing this scene, Li Shu sighed secretly.

She reached out and took the medicine bowl from the tray, then motioned the maid to go out.

After a while, they were the only two people left in the house.

After a while, Li Shu felt the cold medicine bowl in her hand and couldn't help but said: "Prince, the medicine is getting cold. Please drink it first."

These words made Fusu quit his studying state. When he looked sideways, he realized that his wife had been sitting next to him.

"I've forgotten about this, please wait nearby."

Fusu smiled warmly and reached out to take the bowl from Li Shu's hand.

As soon as his hand touched the medicine bowl, it was covered by another soft little hand.

Fusu was startled and looked up to see Li Shu biting her lip and looking at Fusu with a worried expression.

"The prince has not recovered from his injury, but he is still working so hard on reading. I am worried about the prince's health and can't sleep day and night."

Fusu shook his head and smiled: "There's nothing to worry about. I just suffered a bit of wind and cold in Shangjun before, which left me with a cough. After I came back, I drank the decoction for half a year, and I'm almost healed. Didn't you read this paragraph? Haven’t you had enough time to cough? Don’t worry about it.”

As he spoke, Fusu brought the medicine bowl to his mouth and drank it all in one gulp.

As he said, after taking the decoction for half a year, his coughing problem has basically come to an end. As long as he is not stimulated, he can no longer cough several times a day, so his mentality is very good.

But when Fusu put down the medicine bowl, he was surprised to find that his wife in front of him was weeping.

"Shu'er, why are you crying? I have taken the medicine and there is nothing wrong with my body. You don't have to worry."

Li Shu looked at Fusu with tears in her eyes: "The prince hates me, so I am frightened and uneasy. Every time I think about this, I can't help crying. If I disturb the prince, it will be my fault."

After saying that, Li Shu actually knelt down to apologize in front of Fusu.

Fusu's face was full of astonishment, and he said hurriedly: "I have never disliked you. You are my wife. You are always virtuous and dignified. You are also the daughter of a court official and come from a noble family. You and I have always respected each other as guests, how can we say we dislike you."

Hearing the words "respect each other as guests", Li Shu felt really sad in her heart. She looked at Fusu with tears in her eyes and said, "Since the prince has never disliked me, why has he rarely done anything conjugal with me since they got married?" "


Fusu felt a little confused. Should he talk about this kind of thing?

He explained awkwardly: "I just want to read more books."

In this moment of astonishment, a fragrant body rushed into Fusu's arms.

"Prince...please love me."

Li Shu murmured, her soft body pressed against Fusu's abdomen.

The beautiful face looked up at him in the pear blossoms and rain. Her lips were slightly open and she gasped, showing off the unique tenderness of a woman.

A pair of small hands even roamed Fusu's body.

Only then did Fusu realize that his wife had been dressed up carefully. Under the flickering lights, her red lips and face, coupled with such a asking posture, were indeed full of temptation.

He swallowed, lowered his head, and kissed...

Half an hour later, he was on the bed in the house.

Li Shu looked at the sleeping prince Fusu next to him, put his hands on his abdomen, and stroked it gently.

In her mind, the words that her brother Li said when he visited that day rang out.

"Father said that you should do whatever it takes to give birth to a son for the prince."

"As long as you give birth to a son and the prince ascends the throne in the future, you will be the queen. My Li family's blood will be the future prince of Qin, and even the future emperor of Qin!"

"Emperor Qin III!"

"Shu'er, you must give birth to a son for him!"

Li Shu's eyes sparkled.

She glanced at the sleeping Fusu again and whispered: "If it doesn't work once, it will be twice. If it doesn't work twice, it will be three times. If it doesn't work three times, it will be four times. I must be pregnant with the future emperor!"

Zhao Tuo had always been worried that the First Emperor was a very power-hungry person.

He was worried that although the First Emperor had appointed a prince, he would not allow Fusu to truly participate in politics. The First Emperor would still hold the power of the country and continue to be a dictator as usual.

But Zhao Tuo got it wrong this time. He didn't know whether it was because the injury suffered by the First Emperor in Pengcheng really left irreversible sequelae, or because he was completely obsessed with the path of cultivating immortals.

After making Fusu the crown prince, the First Emperor asked Prince Fusu to participate in the discussions between the prime minister and other ministers, and let him express his own opinions.

Of course, in this period, the real decision-making power of national affairs is still in the hands of the First Emperor, and all important national affairs must be sent to him for approval.

The First Emperor still kept his word.

But compared to those major national affairs, he no longer wants to control many secondary matters, but leaves them to the ministers and princes to decide. To a certain extent, he is really delegating power gradually.

Such a change in national power made Zhao Tuo very happy.

And according to his observations, the physical and mental condition of the First Emperor has really gradually improved since he cultivated immortality.

The eyes that were always tired before became clearer and clearer, and the back that had been stooped since the injury also showed signs of straightening.

The whole person of the First Emperor seemed to be glowing with a second spring.

Cultivation is really useful!

This reminded Zhao Tuo of what Lu Sheng told him before about how he cultivated to vent his anger, and the more he thought about it, the more he became a little hairy.

"Isn't it true that one can cultivate immortality in this world?"

Zhao Tuo doubted himself and couldn't help but quietly try to meditate in the house.

As a result, Zhao Tuo found nothing except falling asleep a few times.

Over time, he abandoned this path and returned his attention to the country as a whole.

The personnel transfers in the Qin State were generally carried out after the annual calculation, and based on the results of the competition between the central government and various counties and counties, officials were promoted.

Therefore, although the First Emperor had previously hinted that Zhao Tuo should serve in the central government, the time may have to be postponed until later in the year.

Before this, Zhao Tuo was still a Lunhou with a title but no position, and could not legitimately use his power to do things.

Zhao Tuo did not waste time. Since he could not take up his post yet, he just used this time to expand his own strength.

From ancient times to the present, what is the most important thing to a country or a power?

It's talent!

Zhao Tuo knew this well, and while continuing to deepen his relationship with his old subordinates such as Shejian, Heiyi, and even Zhang Han who served in Xianyang, he continued to meet new talents.

On this day, he changed into solemn clothes, took Han Xin with him, and asked Xia Houying to drive straight to an institution under the jurisdiction of the imperial censor.

The imperial censor is an important minister of the country. It is responsible for a series of duties such as supervision, impeachment, and being in charge of the book secretary.

Among the institutions under its jurisdiction, there is a place called Yushifu Cangshi.

This can be called the national library and archives of the Qin State, which contains pictures, books and documents from all over the world.

"Do you want to read a book today?"

Han Xin rode next to Zhao Tuo's car. When he saw Zhao Tuo lifting the curtain and looking outside, he asked.

He stayed in Xianyang City for a while, and under the guidance of Zhao Tuo, he knew a lot about Xianyang and the various institutions of the court, so he was able to ask this question.

Zhao Tuo smiled and said: "If you don't want to read, I'll find someone."

Han Xin was surprised and said: "The Lord, with his dignity as Lord Lun, actually took the initiative to look for this person. Could it be that this person is very capable?"

"Hey, he is a very interesting character."

Zhao Tuo smiled, with a hint of expectation flashing in his eyes.

He had a feeling in his heart.

In the entire Great Qin world, perhaps this person is the only one who can accompany him until he grows old.

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