General Qin

Chapter 731 Dying

In the royal city of Minyue, there was a bed covered with soft cloth.

Qin general Feng Wuze lay weakly on it, staring blankly at the dim wooden roof, his face looking yellow and scary.

Footsteps came from outside.

Yin Tong walked into the room and saw General Feng lying upright on the couch, and his heart twitched hard.

He reported: "General, according to the captured prisoners, the Minyue King Wuzhu has fled to South Vietnam."

Hearing Yin Tong's words, Feng Wuze tilted his head.

The soldier next to him quickly stepped forward, slowly helped him up, and sat against the wall.

"That's good. Our army is to take over Fujian and Yue, so it's better to be careful."

"First appease the Yue people who surrendered, and then let them recruit the Yue people hiding in the mountains and forests. Only by clearing out those Yue people in the forest... ahem... clearing out, can our army truly control this area. Place. By the way, has the news of my illness been sent to General Tu...ahem...General Tu?"

Feng Wuze coughed and spoke intermittently.

Yin Tong replied with a bitter look on his face: "Don't worry, general. I have sent a messenger back to Lujiang. I will travel day and night to General Tu to inform us of the status of our army."


Feng Wuze nodded, closed his eyes, and said no more.

Even if he said a few more words, he would feel pain in his chest.

However, compared to the pain in his chest, Feng Wuze felt that his heartache was even more uncomfortable.

The Qin army attacked Fujian and Yue, and the situation was excellent.

Under the surprise attack and siege of three groups of Qin armies, in more than a month, the Qin army captured the Minyue King's City and most of the Minyue people's strongholds.

The king of Minyue, Wu Zhu, fled to South Vietnam in a panic. Many Fujian and Yue people hid in the mountains and forests to harass the Qin army, but without the leader, the Yue people were just a piece of loose sand. In Feng Wuze's view, they could not make any big waves. The Qin army could just slowly recruit and destroy them.

At this time, perhaps it was due to more than a month of long-distance marching, bumps along the way, and too much energy spent on winning this battle.

Feng Wuze's body collapsed quickly.

When the Qin army captured the Minyue Royal City, he didn't even have the strength to stand up. He could only lie on the bed and let his deputy Yin Tong command the Qin army.

The general was lying ill here. The Qin army, which had just captured Fujian and Yue, naturally did not dare to attack South Vietnam according to its previous plan.

South Vietnam is the most powerful force among the hundreds of Vietnamese. They are known as cannibal headhunters and are extremely ferocious. Without Feng Wuze to command, no one would dare to take orders to conquer South Vietnam.

So when Feng Wuze fell, he sent someone to pass the order overnight to Tu Sui who was attacking Xiou on the other side.

In his military order, he asked Tu Sui to take Xiou and then plan the area carefully and postpone the attack on South Vietnam.

"I have written to Xianyang, asking the emperor to send another famous general to lead the army."

"What I can do is probably protect this newly conquered land of Fujian and Yue and pave the way for those who come after me."

Feng Wuze whispered in his heart, full of sadness.

At this time, some soldiers brought medicinal soup.

"General, it's time to drink medicine."

Feng Wuze glanced at the turbid and bubbling black medicinal soup in the bowl.

This is a medicine used by Yue people to treat water bugs.

Some people can recover after drinking it, but some people have no effect after drinking it. Anyway, it is just a gambling word.

Feng Wuze sighed and asked the soldier to feed him the medicinal soup.

Yin Tong watched silently, hoping that the general would get better.

After a while, Feng Wuze suddenly turned red and opened his mouth uncontrollably.

He spat out a wriggling red worm.

The royal city of Xiou with the black Qin flag flying.

"General, will our army directly attack South Vietnam without waiting for a reply from the chief concubine?"

Qin Army deputy general Wang Bao asked worriedly.

Tu Sui raised his eyes from the map and sneered: "Reply? It will take at least a month for the messenger to come back. If there is heavy rain and danger, it may take even longer. By then it will be too late! "

Just like Tu Sui said.

This time the Qin army that conquered Baiyue was divided into two groups, attacking Minyue and Xiou from the east and west respectively. The advantage of this kind of division of troops is that it can quickly raid two large Yue countries at the same time and achieve good results.

But the downside is that communication is very difficult.

Minyue was equivalent to Fujian in later generations, and the Minyue Royal City was probably located in the Fuzhou area.

Xiou is the Guangxi of later generations.

It would actually be okay if there was direct communication between the two places.

But unfortunately, there was a fierce Nanyue Kingdom standing between the two Qin armies, blocking the road.

Therefore, if Tu Sui wants to send a messenger to inform Feng Wuze, he must first send someone back to Changsha County from Xiou, then go east to the next door Lujiang County, and finally go south to Minyue.

If you change it to the map of later generations, it means that this road needs to pass through the four provinces of Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian, taking an arc-shaped road, and the distance is at least thousands of miles away.

In addition, the cross-country road conditions at this time were complicated and difficult, and there was a lack of facilities at post stations along the way. It would take a long time to send messages.

"Soldiers are valuable and quick. Now I have killed Yiyu Song, Xiou has been destroyed, and most of its strongholds have been occupied by our Qin army. This is a good opportunity for our army to carry the power of victory and defeat South Vietnam. Maybe General Feng We have captured Fujian and Vietnam, and have begun to attack South Vietnam, and are waiting for our army to attack from a pincer attack. If I stand still at this time, wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity and allow General Feng to fight alone?"

Tu Sui's face turned red with excitement, and the scars on his face from the previous assassination looked even more hideous and terrifying.

"Take advantage of the situation to send troops to attack South Vietnam and defeat it in one fell swoop. When the time comes, I will directly join forces with General Feng in the Royal City of South Vietnam. The speed may be faster than the speed of the messenger! Hahaha!"

After Tu Sui laughed, he issued the order to attack South Vietnam without waiting for Wang Bao and the generals to say anything.

Military orders are like mountains.

After General Tu issued the order to attack, the Qin army left 10,000 soldiers to guard the grain road and stationed in Xiou, and the 30,000-strong army went straight south to attack South Vietnam.

The time has arrived in January of the thirty-second year of Qin Shihuang.

January is spring in the north.

In the southern land of Qin, there is no term for spring, summer, autumn and winter.

In an area full of dense jungle, there are only rainy seasons and dry seasons.

Now, the rainy season is here.

Although it’s not yet the rainy season in June and July when the heat can cause mold and rot.

But in this spring, the wild jungle shrouded in light rain still caused the Qin army to suffer heavy losses.

Miasmic and poisonous fog obscures the road ahead, epidemics are prevalent, and the water vapor that evaporates from the trees keeps getting into the bodies of Qin people one after another.

Being acclimatized is a taboo for marching, let alone encountering such an extremely harsh environment.

The soldiers of Qin fell into pieces.

A team, a group of people fell down.

The South Vietnamese, who had already received warning from Xiou and Minyue, took the initiative to attack the Qin army led by Tu Sui.

As if Feng Wuze in the east had not launched an attack on South Vietnam, tens of thousands of South Vietnamese emerged from the woods, a very large number.

These fierce South Vietnamese warriors, who had dragon patterns tattooed on their bodies, took advantage of the time and location to cause huge damage to the Qin army.

At the rear of the Qin army, the Yue resistance army led by Alamo, the son of King Xiou, also took advantage of the situation to attack the Qin army's food routes and logistics.


Tu Sui gave the order to retreat with a pale face.

The rainy season jungle in the south made Tu Sui feel scared.

Every mile along the way, there are corpses of Qin people.

If he stayed any longer, he felt like he would rot in this jungle.

The Qin army began to retreat.

The South Vietnamese followed in pursuit.

They are the most experienced hunters in the mountains and forests, and they can always catch the Qin army when they are most relaxed to launch a fatal blow.

The Qin army, which was already plagued by epidemics and had collapsed morale, could not be the opponent of these Yue barbarians in this primitive jungle.

Often an attack would mean that dozens or hundreds of Qin heads were chopped off by the South Vietnamese and taken back.

After capturing a large number of Qin army's armor and weapons, the Yue people became more powerful in combat.

Tu Sui led his army to retreat.

The Qin army was still fifty miles away from the original royal city of Xiou, now a small city named "Guilin".

Of the 30,000 Qin troops who went to South Vietnam, only about 10,000 were left.

"I was not defeated at the hands of Yue people, but actually died at the hands of heaven!"

Tu Sui sat on his horse and looked at the sky with reluctance.

He knew that the rainy season in the south was not conducive to advancing, but he did not expect it to be so powerful.

The epidemic alone could bring down the Qin army, let alone the Yue people who took advantage of the situation to counterattack.

Tall trees blocked Tu Sui's view, and only fragments of the originally endless sky could be seen.

It had just rained last night, and the forest was groggy, with wisps of mist lingering, making Tu Sui feel like mold was coming from his body.

At this moment, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded in the forest.

Immediately afterwards, countless figures emerged from the misty mist.

"Qin people, die!"

Following the shouts of Yue people.

A volley of random arrows shot through the fog and towards the ranks of the Qin army.

"Enemy attack!"

Tu Sui was shocked and turned pale, and hurriedly waved his sword to block.

Unfortunately, the Qin army was ambushed and caught off guard.

Several arrows hit Tu Sui, and he was hit by an arrow in the cheek.

Today's Tu Sui no longer looks like he used to be able to launch a charge and counterattack after being hit by an arrow in an ambush by Chen Yu.

Yue's arrows were soaked in the poison of poisonous frogs and snakes and scorpions.

Tu Sui screamed and fell to the ground, surrounded by the panic and helpless shouts of the Qin soldiers.

In that misty mist.

Tu Sui seemed to see a young face staring at him.

Tu Sui said softly: "What you said is right."

"Baiyue is difficult to conquer."

It was spring, the thirty-second year of Qin Shihuang.

Qin general Tu Sui was ambushed and killed by Yue people on the road.

The Qin army was defeated.

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