General Qin

Chapter 761 General Attack

"Back then, I worked very hard on the battlefield and fought with others, and finally achieved the title of doctor. Now my boy has become a doctor at the age of six. After defeating Baiyue, I still don't know what title the emperor will give him. . Sure enough, in life, the most important thing is to give birth to a good child."

When Zhao Tuo received the news from Xianyang, he was quite impressed by the reward from the First Emperor.

Back then, he envied Li You for having a good father and being able to obtain a high-ranking title as soon as he became an official.

Unexpectedly, he himself has become a good father to his descendants.

Zhao Tuo shook his head, and then turned his attention to the letters from his wife and Chen Pingping's subordinates.

In addition to caring about him, Ying Yinman also talked a lot about her son and daughter in the letter.

Zhao Che is six years old.

According to the concept of this era, people generally "leave home at the age of eight to learn small skills." Children do not start formal reading and learning until they are eight years old.

Zhao Tuo felt that this age was a bit late. In future generations, a six-year-old child would be able to attend the first grade, and by the time he was eight years old, he would be able to attend the third grade.

With Zhao Che's talent and naughty personality, it would be better to find someone to control him and teach him knowledge earlier.

Otherwise, if Zhao Tuo is not around, we still don’t know how this kid will be spoiled by Ying Yinman in a few years.

Zhao Tuo was also afraid that if he had been away from home for too long, the emperor or Ying Yinman would find some Legalist disciples or people from other schools to be teachers for Zhao Che. It would be even more uncontrollable to see what his son would become like in the future.

Education is a very important thing.

Rather than letting the future be uncontrollable, it is better to set the direction yourself first.

Before Zhao Tuo went on the expedition, he had already discussed with his wife that when Zhao Che was six years old, he would let him study as a teacher.

As for the candidate of the teacher, Zhao Tuo has already decided for Zhao Che.

Zhang Cang.

Although this fat man is a bit lecherous, he is still a close disciple of Xunzi and Li Si's younger brother. His knowledge is solid.

Zhang Cang was well-known and had a friendship with Zhao Tuo, so he allowed Zhao Che to worship him as his disciple. He could not fault him on all levels.

Moreover, Zhang Cang was not only proficient in Confucianism and Legalism, but also good at mathematics. He was the top mathematician of this era. Under the guidance of Zhao Tuo, he taught himself physics. He was knowledgeable and adaptable, making him an ideal teacher candidate.

"Let Zhang Cang teach me, my boy will probably be more scientifically literate, and if you think about it, my boy can be said to be a disciple of Xunzi."

Thinking of this, Zhao Tuo felt quite relieved.

Then he read the messages secretly sent by Chen Ping, Shejian and others.

The court in Xianyang is now very stable. Compared with the historical situation where the First Emperor had to tour east for a while, build a palace for a while, and build the Great Wall for a while, and all kinds of large-scale construction projects torment the people.

In this current time and space, the First Emperor suffered a bruise in Pengcheng during his first eastward tour, and promised Zhao Tuo, so he has no intention of going out and just stays quietly in Xianyang Qin Palace to cultivate immortality.

The palace is no longer under construction, and the Great Wall is no longer under construction because all the tribes in the northern part of the Great Wall have been defeated by the Qin army. There is no sign of construction, so everything is fine.

"Cultivation of immortality can really calm people's hearts. The emperor's desires are much smaller than in history."

Zhao Tuo praised it and thought of another thing Chen Ping said in the letter.

Li Si's second son, Li Yuchang, went to the Prince's Mansion and found trouble with Chen Ping. Although Chen Ping cleverly resolved the situation, he finally showed his hostility.

Zhao Tuo frowned.

Li Si is Fusu's father-in-law, and Li is Fusu's second uncle. Now that Fusu has been established as the prince, Li Shi clearly supports him, and it is normal for them to interact with each other. It's just that Li Yu showed hostility to Chen Ping, which was a bit troublesome.

Is this Li Yu’s personal meaning?

Or does Li Si dislike my people being around Fusu and wants Li Yu to drive Chen Ping away so that Li can influence Fusu alone?

Zhao Tuo thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "Just bear with it. Li Si is already sixty-six years old and will have retired long ago in future generations. Calculating the time, he only has a few years of good life. Let Li Si continue to play tricks." At once, if Li Si dies in a few years, people like Li Yu will not be a concern."

Thinking of this, Zhao Tuo felt relieved. Apart from the Li family, the entire Xianyang family and the country made him feel relieved.

Without any worries, Zhao Tuo once again turned his attention to the war in front of him.

When Cao Shen led Field Qu to fight in South Vietnam, Zhao Tuo was not idle.

Throughout the rainy season in Vietnam, he had been careful to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, you can't be foolproof.

There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Qin army plus civilians. When spending the rainy season in Yue, some illnesses and acclimatization are inevitable.

Fortunately, Zhao Tuo was prepared. Once someone was found to be infected, he would immediately isolate and deal with it to avoid infecting other people in the military camp. Those who are infected can drink mugwort and wormwood water brought by the Qin army, as well as some disease prevention methods from the local Yue people.

Under the protection of a perfect system, during the entire rainy season in Yue, there were about three to four thousand people in the Qin army who suffered from diseases and were acclimatized.

The number of people who died in the end was around a hundred.

This number sounds like a lot. Compared with the huge number of troops and the number of deaths from diseases among the previous Tusui Army, it can be considered very well controlled.

Moreover, this is the first rainy season that most Qin people have lived in Yue, so it is inevitable to have these symptoms. By next year, when the Qin people have adapted to the southern climate, the situation will be much better.

In addition to overcoming the epidemic, the Qin army did not stop the pace of infrastructure construction throughout the rainy season. The road leading to Lujiang County and Dongou was once again repaired. At the same time, a road was excavated from Dongye City (formerly Fujian Province). The road leading to South Vietnam (the location of the Yue King City) was used to provide corresponding logistical support for the Qin army during its massive western expedition.

In addition to building roads, Zhao Tuo also handled the occupation of Minyue well.

For more than half a year, he used various luxury goods unique to the Qin State to woo and corrupt the nobles of the Fujian and Yue tribes.

In some cases, sugar-coated cannonballs were more lethal than spears, halberds and swords. Facing Zhao Tuo's money offensive, almost 90% of the Fujian and Yue nobles quickly became spiritual Qin people.

They like the soft and silky satin cloth produced in the Qin State, they like to eat brown sugar which is regarded as a luxury food, and some even like the unique game from the Qin State, Qin Cards.

Speaking Qin language, wearing Qin clothes, and even sending clan eldest sons to serve in the Qin army became a fashion for the nobles of the Fujian and Yue tribes.

The strong-willed mentality is something that is innate to human beings.

Except for the upper-class nobles, the Qin army did not harm ordinary Yue people because of Zhao Tuo's special restraint.

Anyone who dares to kill Yue people indiscriminately will be beheaded on the spot according to military law.

Zhao Tuo's restraint policy and tolerant measures made the entire Fujian and Yue region, from the nobles of various tribes to the ordinary Yue people of all ethnic groups, quickly adapt to the rule of the Qin people in more than half a year, and there was no chance of rebellion. Hidden danger.

Even after seeing all the good things brought by the Qin people, many Minyue people were already relieved and prepared to sign up when the Qin army conquered South Vietnam, so that they could use the heads of the South Vietnamese people in exchange for rewards.

"The general's gentle policy is so good!"

Lieutenant General Yin Tong sincerely admired him. The Minyue people, who were originally hostile to the Qin army, became die-hard fans of Qin in less than a year. He was amazed by these methods.

Zhao Tuo just said with a hint of meaning: "War is not necessarily fought with force."

In his view, this is just the beginning. The conquest of backward civilization by advanced civilization will not only cause productivity, but also cultural erosion.

In the future, a group of Confucian scholars from Guandong can be transferred to the south to spread the Central Plains culture to these Yue barbarians and accelerate the integration of Yue into the Qin State. In order to realize the great ideal of the Confucian scholars, it is not the king's land that controls the world, and it is the king's ministers who lead the land.

Now that Fujian and Vietnam have stabilized, the war against South Vietnam has been put on the agenda.

Soon there was news about Cao Shen from South Vietnam.

"The Yue people of the Mei clan surrendered to our country, Great Qin, and together with our army, they raided the Yellow Dog Tribe of South Vietnam, killing more than 2,000 of their leaders and clan members, and South Vietnam was shocked."

"What a great Cao Shen, he did a good job."

Zhao Tuo expressed satisfaction with this and approved Cao Shen's next actions.

"The Yellow Dog Tribe of South Vietnam has been destroyed. The South Vietnamese tribes will definitely not be able to sit still. They will gather a large army to fight back. Let Cao Shen retreat. The Mei family can withdraw their tribesmen to the direction of Lujiang County to avoid the South Vietnamese. Edge.”

"If the South Vietnamese can't help it and come to Minyue, just beat them and wait for them to work. If they don't come, they will be tired for a while."

"It's almost September now. Our army only needs to wait for more than a month for the weather to cool down before we can march. By then it will be the time for people in Vietnam to harvest rice. If our army goes out at this time, it can still be on the spot. Get food, eat the rice of the South Vietnamese, and go straight to Panyu!"

Zhao Tuo slapped his palm on the map on the desk in front of him. The location where his palm landed was where Panyu, the royal city of South Vietnam, was located.

During this period of more than half a year, based on the information provided by the Minyue people and captured South Vietnamese prisoners, the Qin army had drawn a rough map of South Vietnam, including the directions of South Vietnam's rivers and mountains, as well as the locations of some important cities and villages.

After discussing with Li Shiqi, Yin Tong and other staff generals, Zhao Tuo made the next battle plan.

The Nanyue Royal City Panyu (Panyu District, Guangzhou City), like the Minyue Royal City, is located near the sea.

The Qin army happened to have a huge naval force!

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