Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 115: Blood Extinction Potion


   Dong Guosheng gave a low voice.

   After taking the explosion damage twice, there is not much energy left in his body.

   Must escape quickly, the enemy has too many backhands, and he may even get stuck here when he is late.

  In the poisonous fog, they are absolutely inferior, and they can't even sense the enemy.

   A few people cleaned up and set off again.

   Not long after they left, a white mouse appeared in the ground where Dong Mingkai's body was just now. As for Dong Mingkai's body, Dong Guosheng had already taken it away.

  The little white mouse's round eyes kept searching on the ground. Finally, it seemed to see something, stretched out its paw, and grabbed it to the top of the ground.

   A piece of abnormally changed flesh and blood, held in the claws by it.

   And its claws were also strongly corroded because of being exposed to the air for a short time. This corrosion is moving along its claws and approaching its body.

   Little White Mouse dared not delay for a second, and burst out all its potential in an instant, drawing a white shadow under the ground, and rushing towards Lin Huai.

   Within a short period of time, this abnormally changed flesh and blood was delivered to Lin Huai's hands, and soon after it was delivered, it fell to the ground and died.

   Two Lin Huai, one thing, very similar.

   That is, there is no mercy for the creatures of other races.

   Lin Huai in the interstellar world has done too many biological experiments in the original world, dissecting and experimenting various creatures in the universe world, and species other than human beings are just tools and experimental materials in his eyes.

   And Lin Huai, who grew up in this world, witnessed the scene of various animals turning into fierce beasts and killing humans in the early stage of aura recovery, and also forged a cold heart towards other creatures.

The superposition of    makes this character even more prominent.

   Other creatures controlled by abilities are, in Lin Huai's eyes, a weapon and a tool.

   Whether this kind of tool is held for a long period of time or is used once, it depends on what happens. Anyway, it is completely impossible to expect Lin Huai to have feelings for a tool.

   Lin Huai took the Abnormal Blood and Flesh in his hand and looked at it carefully.

   Finger knife, cut off a large piece of obviously contaminated part, leaving only a very small piece of normal flesh.

   Looking at the bright red flesh and blood in his hand, Lin Huai smiled:

   "You have to rely on you to deal with Dong Guosheng's old thing."

   The Dong family is powerful, and before he comes, he has prepared a lot of methods.

   Extensive genetic pollution potions and explosive pills are just his means to clean up miscellaneous soldiers and consume high-level combat power.

   The real decisive role is actually this piece of flesh and blood.

   Lin Huai took out a bottle of medicine from the package, quickly opened the stopper, put the flesh and blood in it, and then put the stopper back at the same speed.


   As soon as the flesh and blood came into contact with the liquid medicine in the bottle, it reacted violently and made a harsh sound.

   There are a lot of bubbles and heat generated in the contact part of the two. The temperature of the medicine bottle made of special glass rises linearly. In a short time, it reaches the level of burning the palm of ordinary people.

   Of course, this temperature has no effect on Lin Huai, and if it doubles it, he might feel hot.

   This reaction didn't last long, and after a while, calm in the bottle returned.

   It's just that the color of the medicine has changed from the pale white before to the color of blood. From a distance, it looks like Lin Huai has taken a bottle of blood.

  Scientific name: Allele mapping agent!

   Commonly known as: blood extinction medicine.

   An absolute taboo in the interstellar world.

   Every person has 23 pairs of chromosomes. At the same position on the same pair of chromosomes, there are a pair of genes called alleles. One of these alleles comes from the father and the other comes from the mother.

The DNA in this world is personally identified using similar techniques. As long as a dozen to dozens of DNA loci are detected, if these loci, the child and his own father and mother can be matched, the parent-child can be determined. relationship.

   One or two sites are different, considering the possibility of gene mutation, and if there are more than 3 sites that cannot correspond, the parent-child relationship can be completely excluded.

   Interstellar World, applied this technology in the field of war.

   By locating a specific allele of a person, it can affect all people who have this allele. This owner refers to all the immediate family members of the person at the beginning.

   This tragic medicine was used on a large scale in an interstellar war and became the only means of assassination. Many leading officials fell in this ditch.

   The boycott of many leaders, coupled with the fact that this medicine is too vicious, so since that interstellar war, this medicine has been completely sealed by all organizations.

   Lin Huai also had some status in the laboratory at the time, so he could naturally come into contact with such privacy-level things.

   However, at that time, he didn't dare to make this kind of thing.

   Now that he needs it, he did it without psychological pressure.

   "In this world, no one cares about taboos."

   Lin Huai suddenly felt a different kind of feeling in his heart.

   There is no limit, and the taboo has been broken repeatedly, let alone, it is really a bit exciting!

   Stop thinking about it.

   I have done it all, how can I not use it.

  The raw materials of the blood extinction potions are not as easy to collect as the genetic pollution To make such a copy, it has exhausted all his merit points and spiritual resources.

  The key is that there is a key raw material, and the whole Jiangbei Province Budo Association is just one. After buying this one, even if you have more merits, don't think about getting the next one right away.

   Therefore, Lin Huai could only make such a bottle in a short time.

   Lin Huai did not hesitate, opened the mouth of the bottle and released the liquid medicine.

   The **** liquid evaporates quickly, floats into the air, and merges with normal air.

   Don’t look at it as just a small bottle of blood extinction potion. As the top assassination method during the Star Wars period, the scope of action is indispensable.

   It has a full range of 10,000 square kilometers.

   In other words, Lin Huai opened the stopper at this moment, and the largest city of TS, the most prosperous capital city in Jiangbei Province, will be shrouded in the shadow of blood extinction medicine.

  The wide range of action is due to its stable material structure and extremely fast spreading speed.

  The stable material structure allows it to maintain its original function after experiencing countless people.

  The extremely fast spreading speed also enables it to spread beyond imagination in a very short time.

   Within a moment, all the **** liquid medicine in the bottle disappeared.

   Lin Huai looked at the direction Dong Guosheng and his group were escaping, with inexplicable eyes.

  Run, run.

   ran out of this circle, and the next circle is waiting for you.

   Unless your vitality can support you to run 10,000 kilometers, otherwise, you will die.

   However, after taking so much damage and taking so many people with you, how much aura can be left of you old fellow.

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