At the entrance of the dark street in the middle of the night, Dong Guosheng’s cries like crazy, were exceptionally loud.

   There was a very slight movement from the surrounding residential buildings.

Many nearby residents were awakened by this undisguised voice. Except for a few people who dared to open the window to check with some strength, the rest of the residents did not dare to turn on the lights, let alone open the window for fear of attraction. Come to the attention of this lunatic.

   In this era, the weak also have their own way of survival.

   If you have no strength, you must try to hide yourself.

   After waiting for a long time, Dong Guosheng’s voice was almost dry, and several of his subordinates were almost asleep. They were still all right.

  Is it already poisoned, just not found?

   A few people quickly touched their whole bodies, but they still didn't find any injuries.

   looked at each other's faces, they were still as pale as before, without any strange colors.

   "We seem to be fine."

   "Master, we are not poisoned!"

   "Hahaha, I'm still alive."


   Several people were ecstatic.

  Of course it’s best to live, but who really wants to die?

   Listening to the joyful voices of the people under his hands, Dong Guosheng, who was half kneeling on the ground, felt a violent feeling in his heart.

   No matter what method he uses, he still cannot eliminate the toxins from Dong Mingqi and Dong Mingshi.

   The toxicity of the poisonous mist this time was faster than the poisonous mist that had just enveloped Dong's house, and it was even more difficult to resist. The moment his two sons fell to the ground, the body was already full of toxins.

   In the next instant, the two of them died violently, even if they used their vitality to protect the internal organs, it would not help at all.

   In the sixtieth year, the family was destroyed and the son died.

   Every cell in Dong Guosheng's body seemed to be scorched and swallowed by a fiery flame.

   He retracted his arm, stood up slowly, and looked faintly in front of him, rejoicing in the few men who had survived:

   "My son is dead, why are you still alive?"

   "Why don't you die, but my lovely child?"

   "I deliberately didn't kill you, because you have something to do with those guys behind you?!"

   The coldness and madness in the words made the few people who were still fortunate feel bad.

   "Master, I don't know why we were okay, so the uncle and the third master were recruited, but we definitely have nothing to do with the people behind them. Our family and friends are also in the villa where we just escaped."

   One of the offerings hurriedly stepped up and clarified: "Besides, those of us are not the offerings of the Dong family, or dead men, relying on the Dongs to live, and our loyalty to the Dongs can be learned.

   "Yes, sir."

   Other people also felt that the atmosphere was not right, and expressed their determination.

   "The Dong family is gone."

   Dong Guosheng said coldly: "I don't want to distinguish, and I am too lazy to distinguish. It just so happens that Qi'er, Kai'er, and Shi'er are too lonely on the road, so go with them."

   After that, Dong Guosheng appeared in front of the consecration who first stood up and spoke. He punched the consecration's chest with a punch, and directly punched a **** fist that came out from behind the martial arts consecration.

"Ah You!"

   The worshiper only saw Dong Guosheng appear in front of him instantly, and before he could react, he felt a pain in his heart.

   looked down, a hand had passed through his body.

   "Run, master is crazy!"

   The other people reacted immediately and fled in all directions.

   The few dead soldiers left, hesitated for a moment, and then fled.

   They are willing to sacrifice for the Dong family, but Dong Guosheng is obviously crazy now. He was killed by the crazy Dong Guosheng and died too unjustly.

   Dong Guosheng slowly withdrew his arm, the consecration whose heart was penetrated thumped and fell to the ground. His strong physique prevented him from dying immediately.

   The intense pain and the fear of fading vitality made him wailing on the ground for a long time before there was no sound.

   Dong Guosheng looked at the blood on his arm, his eyes flashed with thick red light.

   personally slaughtered his loyal subordinates, he was almost intoxicated.

   As one of the top figures in Jiangbei Province, he is powerful and has a lofty status. Everyone sees him and treats him with respect, but tonight, he was repeatedly teased with poison and his son died as a result.

   The sense of the gap between the sky and the ground caused a great problem in his mentality.


   Looking at the many subordinates who fled in a hurry, Dong Guosheng's face was full of brutality.

   caught up with a man at a very fast speed, slapped his head with a slap, and with a slap, the head of the man flew out, and blood gushed out from the fracture like a well-blowing spring, sputtering a great distance.

   Then he looked at another...

   The slaughter continued, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

  The difference in the strength of the various realms of the martial artist is terrible. Compared with the ordinary official martial artist and the trainee martial artist, it is only a bottleneck that has been broken. The siege of twenty trainee martial artists can barely make a tie with the weakest official martial artist.

   This gap widened as the realm improved.

   Dong Guosheng above the martial arts master is not something that a few ordinary military masters can resist.

   Not to mention, these warriors can't even support the most basic vitality film now.

   Dong Guosheng chased after his trusted subordinates like cutting melons and vegetables, killing them one by one.

   Several residents in the residential building who had just turned their heads to look here, saw this scene, their legs were scared.

   Those who dare to open the window are those who have certain strength and are confident that even if they are involved, they can solve it by themselves.

   But after looking carefully for a while, their intestines are all regretful.

   hurriedly closed the windows, turned off the lights, and pretended to not see anything.

   They are warriors, so they know better than ordinary people how terrifying the strength of the people fighting below.

   Not to mention the one who was chased and killed, even the few people who were chased and killed were unfathomable in strength. This kind of thing is simply not something they can mix up with.

   can only pray silently in my heart, don't involve yourself, don't.

   Lin Huai who secretly observed here was stunned.

   Okay, why are you fighting each other? I remember that there is no psychotropic drug in the blood extermination potion.

   These one by one...

   looks so cool!

   Lin Huai is envious.

   Using medicine behind the back, asking for a pill or something, how could it be so painful to crush.

   Looking at someone, a small slap can split a person to pieces and die instantly. If you look at yourself, you will kill a bit of rubbish. If you have a little bit of strength, none of them will die.

   Lin Huai secretly made up his mind.

   If you have a chance in the future, you must try Dong Guosheng.

   Of course, forget it now. When your strength is weak, you should be careful and be careful, whether it is trivial or trivial.

   I really want to jump out without a brain, any martial artist who is running away can blow his head.

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