Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 120: Impaired intelligence

   The teeth were basically lost, his lips were corroded, and Dong Guosheng's original mouth became a deep black hole.

   The medicine is easily poured in.

   One bottle, two bottles...

   Lin Huai even let the mouse get in Dong Guosheng’s mouth, opened his throat, and poured anesthetics into the esophagus.

   After using up all the anesthetics he brought, and turning over the fuzzy flesh and blood on his face, Lin Huai felt relieved after seeing that Dong Guosheng's pupils were somewhat dilated.

   There shouldn’t be much problem this time.

   Lin Huai breathed a sigh of relief and appeared on the ground.

   Ma is indeed faint, but there is another problem.

   The vitality that Dong Guosheng used to protect the internal organs is not enough now. Lin Huai guessed that using vitality to protect the internal organs may have become instinct for warriors in this state.

  Because of Dong Guosheng, even if his whole body is numb and turned over, the remaining vitality still protects important organs.

   Originally, Lin Huai was still worried that Dong Guosheng would lose control of his vitality. He was still planning to take care of him if he really got out of control. He didn't expect Dong Guosheng to be so powerful.

   Five little white mice got off Lin Huai, ran to Dong Guosheng quickly, grabbed him like Lin Huai, and went underground together.

   Five meters, ten meters...

   didn't stop until he escaped twenty meters underground and reached the center of a huge rock and couldn't feel the surrounding air.

  The way to avoid blood extinction medicine is actually very simple.

   Hide in a place where there is no outside air, or put on airtight protective clothing.

   It's simple to say, but who can think of it right away when we encounter such an unknown situation.

   Even if I think of it right away, I can't find it for a while.

   Besides, not everyone is as powerful as Dong Guosheng.

  Many people actually touched the ingredients in the air, their legs have already stepped into the ghost gate, just like Dong Mingqi and Dong Mingshi.

   "There are still 15 minutes before the potion dissipates."

   Estimated the end time based on the time when the medicine was put.

   Then, Lin Huai sat on the ground with a ugly expression and began to cultivate his mental power.

   The continuous death of the control object still had a certain impact on him.

   Even if he can easily suppress a single backlash, so many backlashes in a short period of time still make him overwhelmed.

   The spirit sea in his head has all been cracked.

   Spiritual Sea, the source of a person's spiritual power, is also the source of strength for genetic warriors above level 5.

   The spirit of the sea is as important to a genetic warrior as the meridian acupuncture points are to a warrior.

  It is a matter of life and death, which is extremely important.

   Once damaged, it is difficult to repair.

   This is a warning from the ancients of the interstellar world to future generations.

   Of course, later this warning was useless, because scientists have developed a medicine to repair the spirit sea.

   This kind of medicine is very effective, the composition is very simple and cheap, and almost everyone can use it. That warning naturally becomes a joke.

   Lin Huai's confidence in not afraid of backlash is this kind of medicine.

   Although I didn't prepare it today, Lin Huai had seen the replacement materials at the exchange office of the Budo Center. Naturally, he was not worried about the problem of not being configured.

   closed his eyes and rested for a while, and 15 minutes passed.

   Lin Huai opened his eyes and said in his heart:

   "No. 1, to detect the presence of blood extinction agents in the air."

   He can't feel the tiny amount of components in the air now, so he can only turn to Number One for help.

   Blue light emanated from Lin Huai's eyes, scanning the surrounding environment in a circle.

   "Di, blood extinction medicine, 0.05% in the air."

   There is a little left, Lin Huai did not move, and continued to wait.

   Another five minutes passed.

   "Continue testing."

   "Beep, no blood extinction agent components have been detected in the surrounding air."

All right!

   At this time, Lin Huaicai controlled the mouse with confidence and sent Dong Guosheng up.

   He was turned over, like a horrible corpse at the mercy of others.

   Lin Huai didn't have any habit of cleanliness, and went straight forward, overcoming Dong Guosheng's sense of oppression that was nonexistent, picked him up, put him on his back, and quickly left.

   Although he had been given a lot of anesthetics, Lin Huai couldn't guarantee that he would be anesthetized for too long. He had never met a warrior in this state before, so naturally he did not know the specific situation.

   I wanted to remove the joints, but couldn't remove it, so he chopped off his limbs, but he was a little reluctant.

   Now Dong Guosheng is a time bomb, and I don’t know when it will explode.

   It must be sent to the laboratory quickly and restrained in various ways, otherwise it is easy to cause problems.

   is also in the suburbs, in fact, this location is not far from the plantation.

   Lin Huai had a good sense of direction, and he did not get lost, so he returned to the laboratory soon.

   Of course, I came in from the underground, from the main entrance. This look absolutely scared the workers on duty to death.

   As soon as he arrived in his own territory and slightly tied Dong Guosheng with a special technique, Lin Huai started to refine the pill without stopping.

   Direct manipulation, with his current mental power, that is a joke.

   External assistance is necessary.

   The key depends on the direction of the external force.

   Blindly throwing ordinary spiritual medicine into the pill Lin Huai has nothing to do.

   All kinds of spiritual objects with good effects had been consumed by him before, and what was left in the laboratory was only a large amount of ordinary spiritual medicinal materials collected by Feng Anping.

   In such a hurry, it is impossible for Lin Huai to go to the Budo Association to buy it, let alone, at this point, the Budo Association must not open the door.

   Therefore, this kind of thing that was almost ignored by Lin Huai played an important role at this critical time.

   Five minutes later, the first pot of pill was successfully refined.

   Regardless of the still extremely high temperature, Lin Huai directly grabbed a steaming pill from it with his bare hands and stuffed it into Dong Guosheng's mouth.

  The pill melts in the mouth and disappears instantly.

   Dong Guosheng didn't react at all and let him do it.

   The second furnace, the third furnace...

   After half an hour, a total of six furnaces, with a total of 300 pills, were eaten by Dong Guosheng, who was in a coma.

   should be enough.

   Lin Huai showed a weird smile on his face, he himself was not sure.

   This kind of thing, in the past and this life, he did it for the first time.

  The pill is unnamed. It is obtained from No.1 based on the destructive medicine, which is simplified and has the effect of slightly damaging the intelligence.

   said it was slight, and it was only relatively speaking.

   Almost three or four, can turn an ordinary person into a idiot with a slight dementia.

   and cowardly Lin Huai, afraid of no effect, fed Dong Guosheng three hundred...

  According to the power conversion formula, the amount of this medicine must be just right or a slight overdose.

   But everything can't be based on formulas, it's too rigid and easy to go wrong.

   Therefore, Lin Huai directly overfilled it.

   shouldn’t be a big problem, after all, it’s Dong Xiaoqiang.

right? !

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