Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 162: Massive Danfang

It is a pity that no matter how Lin Huai checked in the information database of the Alien Management Bureau, it showed that the authority was insufficient.

Even the most basic information is not available, and confidentiality is very strict.

"Emperor Capital Pill Research Center..."

Speaking of this, Zhong Qigao’s expression was a bit complicated. He never wanted to recall this incident, but since Lin Huai asked, he answered truthfully:

"When the Reiki Rejuvenation just started, the emperor was the first place to start the research of pill. The country mobilized all efforts to bring together famous old Chinese medicine doctors, famous pharmacists, and various Taoist priests who have in-depth research on medicinal properties or pill. And various ancient pill recipes handed down for research."

"This research department is the so-called Imperial Capital Pills Research Center. Combining with national strength, the research center has deciphered and adapted the ancient pill prescriptions. Even the basic pill prescriptions currently circulating in the world, most of them are researches. The power from the center."

"The people who joined the research center in the early stage are called the first batch. Those of us are selected through layers afterwards. The second batch of people who enter the research center is responsible for passing on the previous batch of experience and continuing to innovate."

I didn't see it!

Lin Huai looked at Zhong Qigao deeply.

Unexpectedly, the unremarkable guy would have such an experience.

How did people with such a great future get to where they are today?

The leader of the Jiangbei Alchemist Alliance seems to be quite powerful, but it is incomparable with the second batch of core researchers of the Imperial Capital Research Center.

Of course, Lin Huai didn't ask, he wasn't very interested in this trivial matter. What he was really interested in was knowledge and strength.

"Pills? Why did the whole country begin to study pills at that time? There should be research on pills before, right? And since so many pills have been unearthed and passed down, can't they be used directly?"

Lin Huai touched his chin, somewhat curious.

Zhong Qigao smiled bitterly: "Before the rejuvenation of the spirit, there are indeed medicines in the form of immortality, but these medicines are generally poor in medicinal properties. Only by directly extracting the essence of the medicine or making the medicine into the form of medicine can the medicine be fully utilized. , Our previous research on pill medicine was very weak."

"As for the unearthed and handed down pill prescriptions, there are similar changes. The emergence of aura has changed every medicine, and the efficacy of the medicine has increased or changed more than one kind."

"The new medicinal effects have brought new changes. In a pill prescription, the medicinal effects of almost all the raw materials have changed. This pill prescription will naturally lose its original effect. Of course, the pill prescription is not completely lost. At the very least, it can serve as a reference for our research."

Lin Huai nodded, expressing understanding.

Indeed, as to why the pill will rise, he has already experimented with it. The rules of the world have changed. Other formulations, more or less, will have the phenomenon of aura escape. Only the pill can firmly lock the aura in it. , And will not easily escape.

Lin Huai could not but admire the courage of the upper echelons of this country when he discovered the importance of the pill just after the spiritual energy was recovered, and was able to gather the national forces so decisively to conduct research.

Lin Huai stopped asking questions. He already knew the general situation of the Imperial City Pill Medicine Research Center, and he might check it out if he had the opportunity in the future.

By the way, compare and compare whether these elites in the field of pill medicine selected from across the country can surpass themselves in alchemy.

This place containing endless knowledge and possibilities is very attractive to Lin Huai.

By the way, since he has trained in such a confidential place, Zhong Qigao will definitely not be in the minority.

Thinking of this, Lin Huai took out a pen and paper from the table and said to Zhong Qigao:

"Old Zhong, please copy all the prescriptions you have, except the most basic ones."

Zhong Qigao nodded without hesitation, stepped forward to take the pen and paper, found a place to sit down, and began to write quickly.

Directly let him use the alchemy furnace to refine it, the effect may be better, but considering that these alchemists are very slow in alchemy, it may be too late to wait for Zhong Qigao to finish refining a furnace of pill.

Lin Huai's extremely fast and delicate operation is always just the fantasy of many alchemists.

Therefore, it is better to write the prescription directly, which is faster.

Zhong Qigao's writing speed is very fast. The pill in his mind is the foundation for him to settle down and live. Naturally, he can no longer be familiar with those who are familiar. Still bear in mind.

In fact, when he left the Imperial Capital Pill Research Center, he signed a non-disclosure agreement with them, alchemy can be done, but he must not disclose any pill formula developed by the research center.

But this kind of paper agreement is nothing compared to the owner's order.

A piece of A4 paper, densely packed with small letters, in the pill recipe, not only the name of the raw material, but also the specific amount of each raw material.

The same, clear.

It is no wonder that Zhong Qigao will be selected as the second batch of pill researcher if he can write down such complicated data.

After Zhong Qigao wrote one sheet, he immediately began to write the second one.

After writing the second one, he started the third one non-stop, then the fourth, fifth...During the period, except for changing a pen because of the lack of ink, he did not stop until the tenth one. It really stopped the movement of his hands.

Shaking his slightly sore right hand, Zhong Qigao respectfully presented ten sheets of paper to Lin Huai.

"Master, all the prescriptions I have contacted in the research center have been copied on paper."

"Thank you."

Lin Huai took the paper, nodded, and acknowledged Zhong Qigao's efforts and talent.

Then start reading at a glance.

The more he reads, the brighter his eyes become.

Except for a few pill formulas that he currently has mastered, he has never seen most of the other pill formulas.

The several alchemy recipes Lin Huai currently mastered were all obtained from the pill counter of the Martial Arts Association at that time, using No. 1 to analyze the pills sold by alchemists and reversely reason.

These pill prescriptions are not only the basics, but the pill that is refined based on the pill prescriptions is not very effective.

The most important thing is that these formulas are only suitable for low realms, and the majority are suitable for martial artists, and only a few are effective for martial artists.

Among the ten pieces of paper that Zhong Qigao copied and wrote down, there are even pill formulas suitable for martial arts and even great martial arts.

The refined medicine is of great benefit to high-level martial arts practitioners.

This is the real baby!

"Enter the database and start to optimize the Danfang."

All the data enters the brain, and the number one starts to spin at full speed.

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