When the audience saw that the high-level ball successfully subdued the frozen bird, the whole person was linen.

[Regional Heavenly King Trainer Chat Group.] 】

Jenny, the king of the ice system in the Fengyuan region: This, so powerful, easily subdued the frozen bird? Although it is true that trainers have defeated frozen birds before, but… I didn’t expect it to be so clean.

Fire Heavenly King Ohba of the Shinnoh Region: Are children so terrifying now? They have already fought with the legendary elves… And all of them were victorious.

Hiba of the fighting department of the Kanto region: My whole body is going to be linen, this little red riding hood boy, what the hell, actually has two brushes.

Lihua: The main thing is that he doesn’t seem to be too old, and he is probably about twelve years old.

Kazuki: I’m 12 years old, and I haven’t even won the championship yet….

The Heavenly King trainers couldn’t help but sigh.

The time has changed, but I didn’t expect that the young trainers around 12 or 3 years old were actually able to match the legendary elf frozen bird.

No, not a match.

It’s about accepting it!!

Its powerful strength is at least the level of the Four Heavenly Kings.

It’s still the upstream’s Four Heavenly Kings trainer!!


Palace Gate Arena——

Most of the trainers looked at Little Red Riding Hood trainers on the screen in disbelief.

“This Red Taro seems to be a little powerful, and may even surpass Tomotaro.” Uncle Adek commented.

“The fire-breathing dragon’s movements and flame moves are clean, there are almost no shortcomings, and the main age does not look old, it looks only 12 or 13 years old, it is too shocking. Are children so good now? ”

Yuryu Du thought that he only became a champion trainer at the age of 17….

Perhaps, the future Xiao Zhi and the Little Red Riding Hood young trainer in front of him will be earlier than him.

You can become a premier champion trainer at about 15 years old!!


The image continues——

[The picture continues, after subduing the frozen bird, Little Red Riding Hood trainer is not too excited, as if this is just a battle that is not worth mentioning. ] 】

[After leaving the twin islands, Little Red Riding Hood trainer came to Red Lotus Island and easily defeated Red Lotus Taoist Hall trainer Xia Bo. ] 】

[At this time, Little Red Riding Hood has collected seven badges and there is one left, and he has also fixed his target on the Evergreen Dojo. 】

[Push open the door of the Evergreen Taoist Hall, at this moment, what greets him in the middle of the Taoist Hall is… Sakaki, trainer of the Evergreen Dojo and leader of Team Rocket!! 】


At the same time, that familiar strange voice came from the palace gate arena——

[Inventory of the top ten peak battles.] 】

【No6.Decisive battle Evergreen Dokan! Team Rocket leader Sakaki vs trainer Crimson. 】

[Match mode: 3vs3 elf battle.] 】

【Quiz Event: Please select the supported pokemon trainers and elves.] 】


“Is this handsome trainer called Crimson?” Dr. Ohki thought about it.

“It’s a good name, people like names, burning like flames. But it’s just… The pinnacle battle of this game is actually Crimson Kiddy and Team Rocket leader Sakaki! ”

Hirona, the champion trainer of the Shinnoh region, frowned.

This is for the crimson child….

I’m afraid I’ve met a strong opponent!

“Who do you think will win this game?”

Karunai asked.

“There is no doubt that this game will be a win for the Rockets boss. First of all, the strength of the field battle against Sakaki is undoubted, even if it is a formula battle, how many are the big needle bees and King Nido, Rumble Rock, and how much is the inferior champion trainer? ”

“Although the Crimson Boy defeated the legendary Elf Freeze Bird, don’t forget that Ado also fought off the Flame Bird before, but he was defeated head-on by Sakaki, the leader of Team Rocket.”

“Sakaki’s strength is champion-level! Crimson boy, at such an age, the highest level can reach the level of a heavenly king…”

Teacher Mikelimi, a champion trainer in the Fengyuan area, analyzed.

And this analysis was indeed recognized by the audience at the Palace Gate Arena.

“Yes, although Crimson is particularly powerful, even defeating the legendary elf frozen bird, he is facing… But Sakaki, the leader of the rocket team who defeated the evil Dragon Dotaru! ”

“Yes, I admit that Brother Crimson is particularly powerful, but against the leader of the Rocket Team, Sakaki, who is the number one trainer in the Kanto region, there is obviously no possibility of winning.”

“Crimson is still too early! It will take at least five years before he can beat Sakaki. ”

The audience at the Palace Gate Arena was full of discussion.

At one time, the champion trainer of the Kando region, Yuryu Du, was praised as the number one trainer in the region by audiences around the world.

Compared with the Royal Dragon Ferry in this time and space, the Imperial Dragon Ferry in the other world is only stronger, not weaker!

However, he still lost to Sakaki, the leader of Team Rocket, the owner of the world’s largest needle bee.

Then Sakagi naturally sat firmly in the position of the first trainer of Guandu.

But now…

Crimson and such a guy, one-on-one challenge?

It’s impossible to win!


Rocket Team Headquarters.

“Count the group of people in the alliance who know each other and know how powerful the boss is.”

Apollo, a cadre of the Rockets, said.

And Sakaki picked up the cup on the table and took a sip gently.

Count the group of people in the alliance acquaintance.

As the supreme leader of Team Rocket, how could he lose to a teenager in an elf battle?

Don’t even think about it!


Kanto region, Red Lotus Island.

“The gap is too big, how can Crimson beat Sakaki of Team Rockets.”

Xiaoxia said helplessly.

“Yes, the two sides are not on the same level, although Crimson is strong, but the opponent is the ruthless leader of Team Rocket, this time, it will be a fiasco.”

Xiao Gang echoed.

They and the audience around the world believe that Crimson who is only a teenager is absolutely impossible to defeat… Sakaki’s!

However, there is a trainer in this world who does not think so.

When he saw Crimson, Ash had a strange special sense of familiarity, I don’t know why, but in the dark, he had a strong sense of déjà vu!

“Crimson, it will win!”


Ash and Pikachu both agree with Crimson!


Palace Gate Arena——

Over time, the audience also made their choices.

[Support for Rockets leader Sakaki wins: 95%].

[Support trainer Crimson wins: 5%].


The gap is extremely terrifying, but the competitive battle screen in the next scene will make the audience around the world appreciate it….

Legendary trainer Crimson real level!



PS: It will be on the shelves at nine o’clock on the evening of the 12.7th, ask for a wave of support, and soon it will be a classic championship scene. Both Crimson and Ash!

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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