A few days later, inside the Kazama Family Council Hall in Tokiwa City.

Hiroki Kazama, who single-handedly established the Kazama family, sat on the first place, although it was already the age of the flower armor, but the momentum was undiminished, and sitting in front of Hiroki Kazama were the only five high-level trainers in the Kazama family.

“Did anyone find it?” Hiroki Kazama saw that everyone had arrived, so he asked with an urn.

“This…” When a senior trainer of the Kazama family heard this, he replied with some hesitation: “It should be considered that it has been found…”

Such a vague answer obviously could not satisfy Hiroki Kazama, but I saw Hiroki Kazama slightly wrinkled his already white eyebrows, his eyes looked towards the senior trainer, and there was no joy or anger on his face that was not angry, but he stared at the senior trainer with a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes, and said slowly: “Do you think this is very interesting?”

“Housemaster! No! It’s just that… The man quickly explained, but he didn’t know how to speak, and finally sighed, took out a few photos, and handed them to Hiroki Kazama: “This is a photo of the scene, you better see for yourself!”

Hiroki Kazama took the photo, but when he saw the first one, a solemn color flashed under his eyes. Scattered

hands and feet, devastated forests and charred and carbonized corpses!

Hiroki Kazama, who also rose from the bottom, understood the ins and outs of the matter almost instantly, and rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

From these photos, Hiroki Kazama did not see any cruelty, only ruthlessness and difficulty!

It seems that Saburo Kazama has provoked a wonderful role for their family…

At the same time, the senior trainer also recounted: “San Lang’s child participated in a flying competition held by a move learner store half a month ago, during which there was a contestant named Bai Zheng, his competition elf was a hegemonic Bobo, who evolved into a bibi bird during the competition, suspected of being a high-grade qualification, San Lang hid his family and sent someone to monitor Bai Zheng himself.

“Five days ago, Bai Zheng left Tokiwa City, and San Lang followed him out of the city with eight household servants.”

“At six o’clock in the evening five days ago, the rangers noticed the fire in Tokiwa Forest, and when they arrived, as the owner saw it, these were the only things on the scene!”

“At that time, we didn’t know it was San Lang, until two days ago, when San Lang had not returned for several days, that we learned that San Lang had…”

“In addition to San Lang, there are several people at the scene, because the damage is too serious, it is impossible to determine the specific number of people, but it is certain that the finances on the body, including clothes and elves, are gone, and Junsha’s side preliminarily believes that it was done by the elf hunter, hoping that we can provide more clues…”

At this point, the senior trainer stopped talking.

Everyone here knew that the murderer was the civilian trainer named Bai Zheng, but it was absolutely impossible for them to provide clues!

These people definitely dare not underestimate Miss Junsha’s ability, as long as they dare to provide Bai Zheng’s name, Miss Junsha will definitely be able to follow the vine and find out about their Kazama family themselves!

At that time, once the crime of intending to rob other people’s elves is confirmed, Bai Zheng will be verbally warned at most, and their Kazama family is afraid that they will lose a lot – you know, Bai Zheng took all the things on Kazama Saburo and the servants of the family, who dares to bet on whether he has any evidence on him!

Hiroki Kazama sighed lightly, and then asked lightly, “What about the trainer named Bai Zheng?”

“Since that day, there hasn’t been any more in Tokiwa City!” Another senior trainer replied calmly.

Hearing this, Hiroki Kazama’s brows almost twisted together.

The Kazama family is just a third-rate family, and the whole family is only an elite trainer of him, Hiroki Kazama, who is still a little energy in Tokiwa City, but outside Tokiwa City, it is beyond the reach of the whip.

Bai Zheng’s decision to leave Tokiwa City is undoubtedly correct, as long as he leaves the sphere of influence of the Kazama family, it is natural that the sky is high and birds fly, and the sea is wide and fish jump!

After a long while, Hiroki Kazama asked again, “Didn’t San Lang bring his Flaming Eagle?”

“Bring it!” One of the present replied.

“Brought or lost!?” Hiroki Kazama narrowed his eyes: “What is the origin of that Bai Zheng?” ”

“。。。 Bai Zheng is a newcomer to Tokiwa City this year, fifteen years old, who came to Tokiwa City three years ago, and has been working as a temporary worker at the Aion Elf Food Store for the past two years, from the time he began to become a trainer until now, probably… Two months! Saburo Kazama’s question silenced several people present for a while, and only after a few breaths did he answer.

“Two months!?” Hearing this, Hiroki Kazama was not calm, and exclaimed in amazement.

“Shhhhh After Hiroki Kazama took a deep breath of cold air, he sat on the main seat uncertainly, and did not say anything for a long time.

Saburo Kazama’s Flaming Arrow Eagle is an intermediate elf, this is clear to everyone here, Saburo Kazama took the Flaming Arrow Eagle and eight servants of primary strength to chase and kill Bai Zheng, but he was still killed back, judging from the traces on the scene, it was definitely not Bai Zheng’s overlord Bibi Bird.

In other words, in addition to one overlord Bibi bird, Bai Zheng also has at least one intermediate elf that is not weaker than the Flaming Arrow Eagle!

The most terrifying thing is that Bai Zheng has only been a trainer for two months!

This talent made Hiroki Kazama only feel black in front of him…

Seeing that Hiroki Kazama did not speak, Saburo Kazama’s father couldn’t sit still: “Father! Those who dare to kill our Kazama family, the crime is unforgivable, send someone to hunt them down! It just so happens that he still has a suspected top-grade overlord Bibi Bird in his hand, if his father obtains this Bibi Bird, he may be able to go one step further and become the king of heaven!

“How about you go?” When Kazama Hiroki heard this, he didn’t have the slightest intention to move, just asked lightly.

However, when Saburo Kazama’s father heard this, he immediately lost his mind.

In this world, the most unreasonable thing is the growth trajectory of geniuses, and there have been countless lessons to prove that talent can defeat capital!

Some people, just a few ordinary elves with mid-grade qualifications, can be promoted to elite trainers within two or three years; And some people, even if the elves who obtained the top-grade qualification at the beginning of the game, have endured for most of their lives, but they have barely become elite trainers…

This is the gap, and sometimes the gap between people is even greater than the gap between people and dogs! Bai Zheng

became an intermediate trainer in two months, there is no doubt about a genius, and it is likely to be a genius who went against the sky and obtained two top-grade qualification elves at the beginning, is a unique existence, this kind of person is destined to rise, and now Bai Zheng does not know where to go, maybe the next time the Kazama family sees Bai Zheng again, Bai Zheng will already be a senior trainer…

At that time, the entire Kazama family, except for Hiroki Kazama, who would be Bai Zheng’s opponent?

This time span is a little wider, and at that time, I don’t know if the Kazama family is chasing and killing Bai Zheng, or Bai Zheng is chasing and killing the Kazama family…

The most terrifying thing is that Bai Zheng’s way of dealing with things, its ruthlessness, is not like a fifteen-year-old boy at all!

“That… Are we just going to let him go!? Saburo Kazama’s father whispered unwillingly.

Hiroki Kazama gritted his teeth, and after a while, he said, “This way!” First send someone to the rocket team to buy heads, the recent rocket team has bought all kinds of resources, the capital chain will definitely have problems, and it will definitely not refuse, we don’t want the elves on that kid, as long as he dies!

“At the same time, send someone to contact him, observe his strength, and if he is really a genius and his strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, he will clear up the relationship, apologize, and beg for forgiveness!”

“If he’s just lucky… When you start, make sure nothing goes wrong! ”

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