Today is the seventh day that Bai Zheng entered Mt. Moon, but the harvest is very little.

The three elves are still the same, because the large-mouthed bats are all undergoing basic training, so for seven days, the level has not improved at all, but the breath is indeed visible to the naked eye, and the control of speed and air blade is more handy, and the two moves of shadow avatar and high-speed movement are also completely integrated into the tactics. Because of the

intake of poisonous attribute energy, the development of large-mouthed bats is also more comprehensive, but it is not the size of Bibi birds that swells, but the growth of details, such as sharper fangs, more terrifying venom and so on…

Each different elf has its own special abilities, and elves like the large-mouthed bat, rather than pursuing a larger size, flexibility and speed are their means. Bai Zheng also does not require the large-mouthed bat to

have a deep attainment in the poison system, but only allows the large-mouthed bat to use its own poison system moves in its original form, so it is not a waste of its own dual attribute advantages.

Bibi Bird’s level has increased by one level, reaching level 27, so after calculating it, Bibi Bird may be able to promote to intermediate elves in a month – when he was still in Tokiwa City, during the ten days of special training with Bud Yi, Bibi Bird and King Carp each improved by one level.

I believe that Bai Zheng will soon attract his second intermediate elf!

It is worth mentioning that under the cultivation of Bai Zheng, the size growth of Bibi Bird has not stagnated due to evolution, Bai Zheng estimated that Bibi Bird can probably grow to six meters tall at this stage, and by then, it is time for Bibi Bird to evolve Bibi Eagle!

This time, on the contrary, King Carp has improved the most, improving by two levels and reaching level 25! But Bai Zheng knows that this is the credit of the water stone,

Bai Zheng not only let the king carp wear a medium-grade water stone with him, feel the water energy at any time, but also feed the king carp every day to eat a fragment of the water stone, even the spirit food of the king carp is mixed with the powder of the water stone, the king carp suddenly absorbed so much water energy, the level fluctuation is expected. When the king carp

gets used to the daily energy intake of the water system, the water stone can only be used as a nutritional supplement and cannot help the king carp upgrade his level. The King

Carp, who cannot fight and does not have excellent props, will become more and more difficult to improve in level after that, maybe when the large-mouthed bat and Bibi Bird have become high-level elves, the King Carp will still be a junior elf…

But after obtaining the King Carp Elf Manual, Bai Zheng did not worry much about this, but was full of expectations. The

spirit manual of the king carp clearly states that when cultivating the king carp, you can follow the example of shakira and the crustacean dragon, and through long-term accumulation, burst out unparalleled huge energy when evolving, so that the king carp completely transforms! Thick and thin, how

big is Bai Zheng’s investment in the early stage, how deep is the efforts of the carp king, and how strong the evolved tyrannosaurus is! You know, Bai Zheng’s

King Carp is a superb qualification, he will definitely not live up to Bai Zheng’s expectations, maybe after he evolves, he can come later and quickly surpass the big-billed bat and Bibi bird!

Of course, these are all afterwords, no matter how strong the future Tyrannosaurus is, it cannot be denied that the current King Carp is a fathead fish that can only sting salted fish and splashing salted fish…

And apart from the progress of the three elves, Bai Zheng had almost no other gains.

The Moon Stone has never been seen, the cave tunnels inside Tsukimi Mountain are intricate, if it were not for Bai Zheng’s super-powered perception ability, he might have lost his direction directly inside when he first arrived – Bai Zheng only understood why there were so many guides in the square in front of Tsukimi Mountain after entering the Tsukimi Mountain cave…

The outer layer of the cave of Mt. Tsukimi has long been cleaned by the trainers, and where is it Bai Zheng’s turn.

The inner layer is too complicated, and there are even traces of the activities of the rocket team, and Bai Zheng, who is not familiar with the situation, naturally does not dare to venture in.

Conventional resources have found a lot, Pyras and Pyrast’s mushrooms have long been collected enough, Bai Zheng even prepared a few copies of the stone molt of the big rock snake and the rumbling rock in advance, the phosphorus powder of the big butterfly and the poison needle and poison glands of the big needle bee, thinking that after returning to Nibi City, go directly to the hunter club to try, can you complete two E-level tasks in a row, and improve the hunter star by the trend.

No way, the one-star hunter has no oil and water! All kinds of tree fruits

and whatnot, Bai Zheng was not polite, but he also failed to encounter any rare tree fruits, all of which were common tree fruits such as peach fruit, orange fruit and mango fruit.

The only thing that made Bai Zheng feel a little relieved was probably that in the past few days, relying on the eye of insight, he had subdued two middle-grade qualification elves…

A small fist stone, a small Lada, although they are the most ordinary elves, the upper limit of cultivation is not high, but after all, it is a medium-grade qualification, and a hundred and twenty thousand is still returned.

Coupled with these two middle-grade qualification elves, Bai Zheng has only generated less than 500,000 in the past seven days.

This also made Bai Zheng deeply aware of a truth – burying one’s head in the wild is not productive!

A month ago, 500,000 was enough for Bai Zheng to be excited for a while, but after Bai Zheng had the experience of becoming rich, his cognition of Spirit Coins inevitably changed…

Compared with outside Changwa City, a wave of anger to earn six million, now hard work for seven days to generate 500,000, it is really a little less – you know, most of these 500,000 are still because Bai Zheng is lucky, he subdued two middle-grade qualification elves, without these two elves, relying on the bounty of the hunter’s guild, it may be less than 100,000! Of course, Bai Zheng also understands the truth that the greater the return, the greater the risk, he

just feels it, really let Bai Zheng live that kind of life licking blood from the tip of the knife every day, he can’t stand it.

“Two days before the night of the full moon!” Bai Zheng muttered in his heart: “It is rumored that at the top of the Moon Mountain, a huge Moon Stone will appear on the night of the full moon, and if there is still nothing on the night of the full moon two days later, it is time to leave!”

In fact, Bai Zheng himself felt that the possibility that he could obtain the Giant Moon Stone was almost zero.

This rumor has been around in the Guandu region for a long time, and if the Giant Moon Stone really existed, it should have been taken away a long time ago!

However, every year, many trainers claim to have seen the huge moon stone with their own eyes on the top of Mt. Tsukimi, but when asked for details, they are vague, some are lost, some are asleep, and some are simply blocked by powerful elves. All in all, as long as the huge moon stone

appears, no one has ever seen the real situation on the top of the mountain, and as soon as the huge moon stone disappears, there is only a big crater smashed out of a meteorite on the top of the moon mountain.

Bai Zheng also held the attitude of giving it a try, and I was lucky to lose my life.

Anyway, Tsukimi Mountain is on the edge of Nibi City, and when he returns to Nibi City, Bai Zheng can go directly to Zhenxin Town!

Many doubts in Bai Zheng’s heart will also be answered in Zhenxin Town.

And at this moment, the corners of Bai Zheng’s eyes moved slightly, and the superpower that was always on alert reacted, something was approaching, but judging from the size, it should not be a human trainer, but a relatively petite elf.

This elf’s footsteps are a little messy, it can even be called a candy, and its breath is also very weak, at least it does not pose a threat to Bai Zheng.

In this case, Bai Zheng is also not strange, after all, there is also a food chain between elves, and the survival of the fittest in nature is happening all the time.

Bai Zheng’s heart moved, gathering the superpowers, and the perception ability was instantly raised a notch – if it is an elf with good qualifications, Bai Zheng does not mind saving the little guy’s life, it is a big deal to compensate the hunting spirit for some food, if it is an ordinary elf, then it depends on Bai Zheng’s mood…

However, the next moment, Bai Zheng’s pupils shrank!

In the perception of Bai Zheng’s superpower, a pink and tender star-shaped little guy was running in his direction, with a chubby, fleshy body shaking.

This is actually a skin baby!

It’s just that this is the skin baby looks like he is not lightly injured, his steps are stumbling, in order to be able to run faster, the little one really uses all his strength, even if he falls, he even climbs with a rolling belt.

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