136 – Dungeon of the Constellation (6)

An ancient race of unknown origin.

An object of envy for humans.

To the Dwarves, the king of eternal obedience.

To the elves, the enemy of trees and forests.

Dragon’s only adversary.

A race that was called the representative of the gods in the past because it has the power to raise mountains to make plains, to turn the ground to make mountains, and to fill rivers and seas.

giant (巨人).

When the giant glared at Tigris, Tigris’ fingertips trembled slightly at the strange and uncomfortable feeling of tying him up.

This emotion was the fear of being a prey inherent in the human species.


However, Tigris brushed away the fear engraved in human genetics with just one breath.

And he raised the sword of the Salamander.

For Tigris, swordsmanship was faith.

As the embodiment of the belief that anything can be cut, Tigris will cut that giant to death.

The giant smiled bizarrely, wondering if such a Tigris was interesting.

[You are rebelling against the subject of prey.]

If anyone who doesn’t know anything sees this scene, it will look like a bug rebelling against humans.

It may look like a mantis sharpening a sickle to cut off a human’s throat, or a bee trying to kill a human with its stinger.

At least from the standpoint of Steine, a giant with an iron rod, it seemed that fresh sashimi was rebelling against him to eat him.

The giant slowly lifted his iron rod high into the sky.

Tigris realized that the seemingly ignorant iron rod was not just an iron rod.

For giants, weapons are not common.

Even an old tree must withstand the grip of a giant that can be crushed with one hand, and since it must be made of a material that does not bend or break when swung by a giant, it must not only be rigid but also elastic.

Only dwarves could create such a material, and the fact that they had a dwarf weapon itself meant that they were a fairly high-ranking entity within the tribe.

The iron rod, which climbed up like a piercing cloud in the sky, stood tall.

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Just looking at it would make most humans pee in fear, but Tigris was prepared to raise his sword.

The giant furrowed his eyebrows as if he didn’t like it.

[I’ll chop it up.]

The giant struck down the iron rod.

The overwhelming speed that could not be seen as coming out of a giant body.

The air pushed by the iron rod spread out in all directions, changing the shape of the sky.

Tigris turned six Auror rings spinning around his heart steeply.

The silvery aura that rises from the tip of the sword rises high into the sky, creating a single elegant curve.

A blade that is thin and hard enough to be invisible to the giant’s eye collides with the iron rod.

No, it seeps into the iron rod.

Then the iron rod was neatly cut off and flew into the nearby dwarf turquoise mountain.


An iron rod with only a handle cut through the air, and the compressed air fell to the floor, and the air became thin for a moment in the place where Tigris was standing.

But Tigris just stood still and stared blankly at the giant.

[You guys are feeling….]

Fuhua aaaaah!

A long, bloody solid line was drawn on the giant’s chest, and crimson blood spurted out.

It was because the sword with the image of amputation went beyond cutting an iron rod, and cut off the muscles and mana circuits that made the giant’s massive body move with tough skin.


The giant screamed at the sharp pain he experienced for the first time, but he did not die.

“Neither can I.”

According to Tigris’ plan, the entire upper body of the giant had to be ripped apart.

However, the sword only ripped apart his tough skin and muscles, not the bones.

There were several reasons why the sword containing the image of amputation could not cut the giant’s bones.

Still, there were some that Tigris was not yet mature enough to draw out the sword freely, and there were some that lacked understanding of the body of a giant.

The giant’s bones were made of high-density mana and fused materials to withstand their heavy weight, and cutting that complex structure was impossible at the level of Tigris.

But there is one thing for sure.

If he had the body of a Sword Master, Tigris would be able to cut that giant to pieces with just a single stick.

‘I must make the 7th ring quickly.’

The giant raised his hand towards Tigris, who had despised him, and slammed it down towards Tigris.


The compressed air pushed by the giant’s hand before the giant’s hand could reach it pressed down on Tigris’ whole body.

But Tigris escaped the giant’s hand with a very light footstep.


The saying that when a giant moves, the terrain changes is not for nothing.

When the giant struck the earth, the heavens and the earth shook and the earth split.

Even though Tigris cut off the chest and cut the tendons at the same time, even though the power was not applied properly, at this level, any kingdom would be enough to disappear with just one giant.

[A worm-like bastard! Where are you!]

The giant looked around and looked for the invisible Tigris, obscured by dust.

At that moment, the giant was dragged to the ground by the golden chains that bound his body.



This golden chain is a relic that even giants are familiar with.

chain of heaven.

The most sacred thing that binds dragon wings.

The giant tried his best to somehow untie the chains in the sky that bound his body, but he was not released.

[How can humans do this…! This is a giant’s relic!]

Ignoring the giant’s words, Tigris rode on the giant’s back.

Then he put the Salamander’s sword into the subspace pocket and pulled out a new sword.

It was the sword of the adversary.

The giant trembled with a fear of death he had never felt before.

[Come on, wait a minute!]

But Tigris drew his sword.

The ability of ‘giant slash’ contained in the sword of the adversary was activated, and it cut through the hard and thick bones of the giant and cut off the neck.

The blood pours out and creates a river.

The head rolling on the floor created a valley.

Even when the giant died, he left a great mark on the world.

Tigris sat on the giant’s back and caught his breath.

My whole body was screaming now.

The two slashes that Tigris slashed may have seemed insignificant, but it was an inaction that could never be shown at the level of his current body.

The sea-like aurora exposed the floor, and the steel-like body creaked.

Tigris thought, rebalancing his twisted body in meditation.

Now all that’s left is to cut the giant’s heart and take it out.

However, to cut the giant’s pounding heart, the bones had to be removed and the tough skin and muscles had to be dismantled, but once killed, he dared not dare.

‘It would take longer to dismantle than to kill.’

When Tigris calmed down, he opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

‘By the way, I don’t know if the other teams are going well.’

* * *

Trisha sighed deeply as she watched the rising morning sun.

Team C promised to come to the waterfall right next to Lake Selves by the morning of the first week of attacking the dungeon.

But no one came.

“Is Charlotte still there?”

At Rain Rover’s words, Trisha silently nodded her head.

Irene and Linia arrived well, but Charlotte showed no sign of coming.

It is not known whether he was seriously injured or dead.

If Charlotte does not appear within a fortnight, they must inform Tigris and Nadal of this fact and find out whether Charlotte is dead or alive.

That way, you can decide whether to restart the dungeon of the constellation or not.

Trisha said as she put the crystal ball in her hand into her bosom.

“For now, we are the only ones moving.”

We’re going to take the Knicks tonight as planned.

Not having a single Charlotte doesn’t mean there will be a big problem in capturing Nyx, and if you don’t pass Nyx’s tears to the lab while waiting for Charlotte, there will be a setback in the production of the Iron Blood Heart.

It was right for Team C to start a search operation to find Charlotte after quickly passing the Knicks’ tears.

As Trisha headed for the tent, she saw Linia and Irene preparing breakfast.

“Has Charlotte-senpai not come yet?”

Trisha nodded her head in response to Irene’s question.

“no. It looks like something happened.”

“Then, did you get a call from Master?”

“no. There wasn’t. Why are you asking that?”

Irene took out the necklaces of Perschen and Adne hanging from her neck.

“If Charlotte was in danger of dying, Master would have reacted first. Seeing that there is no communication from Master, it means that there is no big problem with Charlotte-senpai.”

“Are you saying that at least he wasn’t dead?”

“yes. Most likely, you are obsessed with someone. Maybe something went wrong when we got out.”

Irene scooped up the boiling soup and handed it to Trisha in a bowl.

“Then it would be right to attack the Knicks as planned, right?”

Trisha received the bowl that Irene had given her.

“yes. As soon as we finish breakfast, we will clean up the camp and leave, so let’s get ready.”


* * *

Charlotte opened her eyes with difficulty.

My right eye was so swollen that it was painful to open it, but I tried my best to understand the situation I was in.

Charlotte’s body was bound with strong chains and was being transported to somewhere in a cage.

“Oh, you already woke up.”

Charlotte shot Manu, the lord of the Hapons estate, who was looking at him while riding on a horse.

Manu waved Charlotte’s loot as if proud of it.

“Hey. Now give up and tell me what’s in this subspace pocket. okay? Then let me kill you comfortably.”

Charlotte turned away without looking into Manu’s eyes.

This time Manu took out a map from his pocket.

“Or would you mind explaining this map? Is it really right for Nyx to live in this Lake Selves?”

But Charlotte did not move at all.

Manu spit at Charlotte, who was staring at him like he was going to kill him.

“A bad year.”

Manu drove away as Charlotte didn’t think to open her mouth and disappeared in the lead, and Charlotte shook her head with her head on the floor.

Charlotte had never in her life been so humiliated and helpless.

How many people worked hard to capture the dungeon of the constellation.

The guilt that all these efforts might be in vain because of one Charlotte made my heart ache.

‘If only I had escaped well back then…’

The reason Charlotte was so captured was simply because she was unlucky.

Charlotte ran into Manu while eating at a small inn within the Hapons estate.

As soon as Manu saw Charlotte’s beautiful appearance, he forced her to become his concubine, and Charlotte escaped from the inn, not wanting to get involved with Manu for nothing.

However, Charlotte did not know that Manu was the lord of the Hapons estate at the time, and Manu, who was very angry at ignoring him, had his escort Gren to capture Charlotte.

If he had used artifacts, he could have escaped enough, but as soon as he was about to take out the stealth artifact from the subspace pocket, Gren, who was a 6-star knight, immediately subdued Charlotte, so there was no way to do it.


As the convoy stopped, Charlotte lifted her head and looked around.

I was dazzled by the bright morning sun shining on the lake.

It was the first lake he had ever seen, but Charlotte seemed to instinctively know where it was.

It was Selves Lake.

“Im here. Lord.”

At the words of Gren, the commander of the Knights of Harpons, Manu looked at Selves Lake with greedy eyes.

“I never thought that Nyx would live in my estate. Come on, let’s get ready to summon the Nyx.”

“But is it true that Nyx lives in this lake?”

Manu said as he looked at Charlotte, who was staring blankly at Lake Selves.

“Think carefully. Nyx’s location is written on a map owned by a mysterious woman with an elaborate crystal ball and subspace pocket that even the 4th circle wizard cannot fully grasp. Wouldn’t it be okay to pretend to be deceived?”

Gren glanced at Charlotte.

“Well, it could be.”

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Ji Yi-ing-

Manu was startled by the sudden vibrating crystal ball and took it out of his arms.

Manu laughed out loud, shaking his greedy belly.

“okay! This crystal ball must have been an artifact of locating Nyx!”

Nyx is expensive even if sold for ornamental purposes, and Nyx’s tears that can be extracted from Nyx are a very famous elixir material.

Even if you capture ten or five Nyx, Manu will sit on the money cushion.

“Come on, get ready to hunt Nyx!”

“Manu. Avoid!”

At that time, a blood-colored dagger flew like an island war from the forest.

Gren barely drew his sword and struck the dagger.

It was good to cut it off, but the bloody dagger broke in a strange shape and flew towards the knights and soldiers that Manu had led.


The soldiers and knights did not have the talent to dodge the dagger, and as many as 20 people were killed.

The dagger disappeared into the deep forest where even sunlight could not reach, and Gren raised his sword towards the forest where the bloody dagger had disappeared.

Because he didn’t know when the dagger would fly again.

But the dagger did not fly.

Instead, a woman with a mysterious spirit, spitting out a golden flame, was slowly walking out with a bloody dagger.

It was Trisha.

Trisha activated the bleeder that had consumed enough blood to draw a sword red as blood.

Trisha glanced at the captive Charlotte and then scattered life.

“Do not think that you will die well today.”

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