Genius Warlock

Chapter 261

261. Natural Negotiator (2)

“Then I can’t help it… I will just give it to you.”

After hearing Edith’s sincerity, Oliver answered.

An alien silence filled the room.

where the air gets cold.

Edith looked at Oliver silently, with his eyes wide open as if he had been hit with a hammer in the head, and Oliver was equally silent.

Because I don’t know what to say.





“…are you playing with me now?”

After a long silence, Edith asked.

He lit up a variety of emotions, including surprise, bewilderment, incomprehension, humiliation, and anger.


“I asked if you were playing with me.”

“no······. I have no intention of playing with Edith-sama.”

“Then, what were you thinking of just giving it to me?”

“uh······. It’s not very free.”


“Edith-sama must pay for the production costs such as the material cost and the tools required for production. These days, I have a savings-”

“-Oh my God…!!”

Edith searched for God with an explosion of anger and irritation. With him, his face turned red and he gasped for breath.

“Where are you uncomfortable?”

“Because of you. please shut up! Don’t do anything unless you want to make me angry and kill you…!”

Edith spoke with sincerity, and Oliver kept his mouth shut and did nothing.

In the meantime, Edith drank alcohol while sick to calm his mind and body.

After a while, he opened his mouth.

“hahaha······. There was a way to intimidate me.”


“There was a way to intimidate me. There was a way to just pay the deal and wait for me to die slowly. But why not? I might get scared in the middle and change my mind.”

“You don’t think it will change? You have a very strong heart…”

“Your mind is always changing.”

“Well······. It could be, but I don’t think it’s that much of a thing to hear? As I said before, spontaneity is important.”

“Come to a human who might die soon and discuss spontaneity?! moan…. Or you can ask for something else. Asking for half of my fortune to be taken away, or asking for a back seat… At least you can’t just give it to me.”

“I don’t mean to be cocky, but shouldn’t that be my decision?”

“That’s right, but this is at a level that goes against common sense.”

“To be honest, I don’t really want Edith-sama other than that. Of course, money is good, but if you ask for money, it feels like you’ve agreed to something else. That seems to be my loss… So I just give it to you.”

“…a natural negotiator.”

Edith said.

Seriously, not sarcastic.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Negotiation is arguing with words, not swords, for more.

At first glance, it may be a milder means than violence, but on the other hand, it can also be more intense and dirty.

Because each other’s bare faces were revealed without change.

As a result, the more the negotiations continued, the more the other side could see the bottom line, and the superiority and inferiority they had psychologically became diluted.

However, the young solver in front of him was the exact opposite.

He didn’t reveal his bottom in order to get even a little more profit, he just suggested that the other party put out what he wanted.

In the process, he did not show off his strength or goodwill at all.

At first glance, it looked like a hogu, but well…

Edith, who was directly dealing with him, couldn’t think of it that way.

He didn’t feel any weakness. Rather, only a presence that is difficult to describe was imprinted.

A feeling of not knowing what the existence in front of you is.

Even though I spent half my life on the speculation board, I didn’t feel anything like this…

What was even more surprising was the lack of intentionality in all of these actions.

Have you become emotional with age?

It was weird though. It was because I felt overwhelmed by the little boy the size of a child.

It is not just a one-dimensional feeling of overwhelming power and wealth, but more than that.

Edith opened her mouth without realizing it.

“…by any chance, did the Fighter Crew help you like that?”

“A fighter crew?”

“Yeah, I heard that you became the captain because you helped the fighter crew.”

“I think you’ve misunderstood, it’s true that I helped the fighter crew, but I’m not the captain.”

As Oliver explained to Jane, he clarified the false rumors publicly known. Edith listened carefully.

“…that’s how it happened.”

“It must be very heartbreaking.”

“Thank you for letting me know.”

“I didn’t tell you.”


“The Fighter Crew is going to be heartbroken.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t quite understand.”

“I didn’t mean to tell you to understand. Rather…. Seriously, you’re just going to give me a blood elixir. As long as I pay for it.”

“I’m not sure, but I think if it succeeds in production, I will.”

“What is that… No, it’s okay. Do not say. If I talk to you for a long time, only my clothes will explode. Just tell me if you can promise or not. Can you give me a blood elixir without any conditions?”

“Well······. I promise to pay, except in unavoidable circumstances. You have to keep paying the production cost.”

It’s an unavoidable situation… It would have been a recipe for breaking a promise later on for a normal person, but Edith didn’t care and immediately nodded.

Because the person speaking was none other than Dave.

“I will not answer your curiosity until the very end.”

“What······. Then, it would be a pity, but it wouldn’t be a big deal, would it?”

“Okay then, take this.”

Edith held out a small piece of paper.

“What is this?”

“My personal phone number. Maybe some personal communication device?”


Oliver nodded.

Pinkman team leader Jonathan said it was good to have it, so we made it together when we were preparing a new residence in Area L.

“Good luck. If you have a job or need money, call me here.”

“Oh, thank you. I thought there was no need to use the communication device, but I’m glad.”

“And a piece of advice.”


“Yeah, I don’t want the person who will live my life to get involved in a fuss.”

“ah······. What?”

“Watch out for Sheamus.”

“Are you Sheamus?”

“Yeah, it sounds like they’re friendly, but keep your distance.”

“Aren’t you friendly?”

Oliver said calmly but firmly.

Because that was true.

Edith was perplexed for a moment, but then came to his senses and continued.

“Well then, I’m glad. Anyway, keep your distance. He looks like he’s ready to take advantage of you.”

Oliver agreed with that. Every time he saw him, he had a plan. Of course, I’m not criticizing it, though.

“In Landa, it’s a law to use each other for the benefit of each other, so there’s no big problem, isn’t it?”

“huh! You are good at talking. Well, that’s not wrong. It’s not bad to be taken advantage of if you’re smart. Wouldn’t these guys be able to share the profits? But not Sheamus.”

“Is that so? You seem smart and capable.”

“I am not denying my abilities. The solver Naburangi has grown into a businessman. However, even taking that into consideration, he is too greedy and very good at acting. Usually, such guys can’t control their greed and have big accidents. I swear to my canine wife and rat bastards, sooner or later he’s going to have a big accident. So much so that the society is buzzing.”

level close to prophecy. But it was sincere without exaggeration.

“Well then, I must tell Miss Jane to be careful. Because I am in the same group with the Sheamus lovers and I am close.”

“Oh, come to think of it, was it because of Jane that you attended this party? I don’t understand. If I had a reputation like that, I would be able to hang out with a prettier, richer girl.”

Edith lit up malice.

Oliver answered without thinking.

“I like Miss Jane.”

“······okay? why?”

“That’s it…. Oops, I don’t think I can tell you.”


“Because it’s unfair. Edith-sama didn’t answer, isn’t it unfair if I only answer?”

“I thought I was stupid, but I guess that’s not the case……. Then, make a deal.”

“Oh, Edith-sama, would you like to talk too?”

“No, fuck you. I’ll give you some good information, so I’ll trade it for you.”

“Good information?”

“okay······. Do you have the devil’s book I gave you?”

“Yes, although the book is almost completely empty.”

“I’ll explain why.”

“Is there a reason the book is empty?”

“Yeah, and how to fill it. I didn’t have a way to check, but I know how to do it.”

“I’m really curious, so why are you telling me that now?”

“I made a deal to give you a book, but I didn’t say I was going to tell you the secrets of the book. Also, you can use it like this… So tell me whether you want to trade or not. Don’t stare at me with those eyes, it’s creepy.”

Edith looked at Oliver, who was staring at him, and said.


After talking to Edith, Oliver came out of the room, greeted Jane, and hurriedly left the party.

Sheamus and other members of the Sister Hood felt sorry for them, but Jane let Oliver go without saying anything.

I believe there must be some reason.

Oliver thanked Jane for her consideration, then hailed a taxi back to her home in Sector L and went to the basement.

Then he took out Big Mouse and asked him to spit out a book.

The book of the devil obtained on the mission to collect the auction items of the Crime Firm.


Big Mouse muttered and spat out the book.

Oliver told Big Mouse that he had a hard time, handed him a bill and asked him to wait for a while.


Big Mouse answered, crouching down in the corner of the underground lab, and Oliver opened the book and checked the contents.

The book of the devil received as a reward from the crime perm was a kind of document that recorded the damage caused by the demons, and Oliver looked at the contents of the book in his spare time.

Some of the contents were quite credible, while others were like ghost stories that the village disappeared in one night, or stories that were too old to touch.

After flipping through the book, Oliver murmured.

“Originally, I was going to keep it… big mouse. If it’s okay with you, could you bring me another book?”

Sitting crouching in the corner of the lab, Big Mouse murmured his head on the top of his head again and spat out the book.

This book was a book I received from Edith, and it was a book with explanations about the 72 monarchs and demon kings.

Yes, there were more empty parts than filled parts, so it was embarrassing to call it a book.

‘By the way, that’s not the case…’

Oliver looked at the book that Edith had given him for a moment, and then put his two books together.

Then, he extracted hunger and hunger from the test tube and gave it to the book that Edith had given him.

‘Yeah, isn’t it? Edith-sama also said it wasn’t certain…

As Oliver thought as he looked at the silent book, Edith’s book twitched and, to his surprise, something resembling an eye appeared on the cover of the book.

But that was not the end.

The book I received from Edith went beyond my eyes, and it grew on my teeth, and the front part of the book opened like a mouth and began to eat the devil’s book next to it.


On the surface, it was just a book that opened and closed, but the book that was being eaten shrank little by little and eventually disappeared completely.

All that was left was torn pieces of paper from the process of eating.

Even then, he picked up all the books he received from Edith and ate them.

I thought I knew about black magic to some extent… Oliver realized that he still had a lot to learn.

Oliver reached for the book.

I was worried it would bite, but luckily it didn’t.

Rather, it returned to its original form as soon as I touched it, as if taking care of Oliver.

‘·······The letters are very small, but have they increased?’

Oliver thought, flipping through the book.

As Edith said, the contents of the book seemed to have been added by eating other devil’s books.

Oliver tried to read the addition. Just then, there was a beep-beep-beep-beep.

Forrest’s personal communication device.

“Mr Forrest? Oh yes… I had something to see, so I came out in the middle… Yes, it looks like you had a good time… Yes, thanks for your understanding. Edith met. Yes, yes… Oh, you were looking for Lee Wan? That’s fortunate. all right. thank you.”

Having made an appointment, Oliver turned off the communication device and looked at the book again.

“After all, things are accumulating quickly.”

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