Genius Warlock

Chapter 266

266. Daily (2)

“sorry. It’s work.”

Oliver apologized and swung the quarterstaff.

Bang-!! The mercenary on the other side flew away with a sound and echo. It’s so unnatural.

“under······. It’s not easy either.”

Oliver mumbled as he recalled this mission.

This mission was none other than to protect the evacuees from the redevelopment in S area.

More precisely, it was to block the mercenaries called the founders hired by the demolition company.

‘Actually, he said he found me because of him.’

Although it was a sudden request, I accepted it because it was the best time and pay, but Oliver realized that there was no easy way to make money.

That mercenary named Founder was hit by Oliver’s attack, but it wasn’t enough to back down and mitigate the shock, so he squirted magical energy in the air and moved and took an advantageous position again.

He was said to be a veteran mercenary who had double digits in the war he participated in, and he was really seasoned.

Oliver was clearly superior in firepower, but the fact that he was unable to subdue it and confronted him was his proof.

“Your name is Dave?”

Founder, who landed on a rooftop higher than Oliver, asked.


“I thought people would be mad because a kid was the second Seamus, so I guess I should apologize.”

“It’s overrated.”

“No, no. I’m serious. I don’t know how many times I’ve been pushed back by a warlock in melee.”

The Founder naturally continued the conversation, carefully manipulating something through the golem’s prosthetic arm.

Oliver watched the scene carefully and answered.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

“her! Until being polite… I am so sorry!”

“What are you talking about?”

“I have to kill a polite young man with my own hands.”

In response, Founder raised one of his prosthetic arms. At the same time, magical power was sensed on the right side of Oliver.

A small cannon measuring 10 centimeters in width and 50 centimeters in length was moved by magic and aimed at Oliver.

As soon as Oliver sensed the magic power, he immediately fired a bullet of hate, neutralizing the small cannon.


“The person who prepared it is embarrassing!”

The Founder did not panic, even though the attack he had prepared failed.

Oliver opened the black shield to block the magic bullets that came pouring out like a shower, and fired bullets of hate to counterattack.

Then, while maintaining the attack, the Founder jumps using the golem prosthetic leg. I moved to the next rooftop and lightly dodged Oliver’s attack.

After all, it looked familiar in long-distance battles.

As proof of that, Oliver’s attack didn’t pass even a single shot, and only crushed the roof railing, the door, or the magic bullet.

In particular, the magic bullet exploded like a firecracker whenever it collided with a bullet of hate, illuminating the demolition company and the evictioners-union union fighting under the building.

The demolition company that hired the Founder pushed forward with the golem, and the evictioners-union coalition desperately stopped it with the professional union militant as the main force.

“Your employer is fighting pretty hard, but it’s a matter of time anyway.”

Founder shouted mockingly. The intent is to frustrate Oliver and turn the fight into an advantage.

But regardless of the intention, the words themselves were true.

Because the demolition company also pulled the golem and pushed it.

The golem’s innate defense and mass was a threat just by moving, and without firepower to subdue it, the migrant-union coalition retreated to keep pace with the golem’s pace.

All they can do is make a little bit of time.

If Oliver didn’t join him soon, it would break through.

“Can I help you sooner? You wouldn’t be able to get the balance?!”

The Founder continued to taunt.

If Oliver moved without being able to overcome his impatience, it was to attack the gap.

Oliver replied to this.

“······· I agree with the idea that we need to help quickly. So I have to finish it soon.”

Simultaneously with the answer, Oliver condensed his emotions into his hands and fired them like an explosion, sending dozens of bullets of hate at the same time.

Like, shotgun.

The bullets of hatred formed a wide barrage in the shape of a fan.

“no use!”

The Founder spurted magical energy from the golem’s prosthetic leg and prosthetic arm, and moved in the air to avoid Oliver’s attack.

However, it was fine. Because I didn’t plan on getting it right in the first place.


The bullets of hate flew wide in a fan shape passed the Founder left, right, up and down, and then exploded.

At best, it was firecrackers, but for Oliver, that was enough.


[Hate Bullets]

Oliver cast two black magic at the same time.

Waves of emotion emanated out, creating dartboards in Founder’s body, followed by a shot of hateful bullets that compressed considerable emotion.


A heavy sound cut through the air, and the bullets of hatred flew right towards the dartboard.

“Such a remnant!”

The Founder did not panic and spurted magical energy from the golem’s prosthetic legs again, turning diagonally to avoid it.

like it has always been. But this time it wasn’t the same.

As the dartboard moved, the bullets of hate also turned slightly.

It didn’t hit the dartboard accurately due to the nature of the direct fire, but instead, it hit one side of the Founder’s golem prosthesis.


The impact caused the pounder to lose momentum and fall. He fell to the roof and rolled over.

[Black Dart]

Oliver didn’t miss the momentum and fired dozens of black blades filled with rage bombs.

Because the targeting was still maintained, the black blade flew precisely toward the Founder with only a different direction.

As soon as the Founder saw it, he raised his arms like a shield and spread a magical shield from his prosthetic arm, and the black blade and the shield collided.

Kwagwagwang ━━━!

There was a huge explosion that shook the building, and a thick layer of dust was created.

Oliver looked at the Founder’s condition through the warlock’s eyes.

‘The magic of vitality and will has weakened a bit, but it is still in a state of being able to fight.’

Oliver immediately stretched out a finger and hurled bullets of hate at the Founder hiding in the dust.

It was not difficult to shoot because he could see through the exact location with his emotions, magic, and vitality.

Founder spread his magic shield again to block Oliver’s attack.

Seeing that he couldn’t escape like before, it was clear that there was something wrong with the prosthetic part.

If you put pressure like this, you could easily win.

That was right then.

Something came out of the dust.

It was a bomb. A bomb that contains the energy of black magic, not a regular grenade.



A bomb exploded in mid-air. A considerable amount of black smoke spread all around with the explosion.

With Black Mist, it was a smoke made up of emotions and vitality, so it was an object that could even cover the eyes of a warlock.

However, Oliver was fine. If you can’t find it with emotions or life force, you can find it with magic.

‘Especially, Mr. Founder’s prosthetic limbs and the magical powers that make up them are unique, so it’s not that difficult to find them.’

Oliver focused his eyes, and immediately sensed something and opened the black shield.

Immediately, an aircraft flew through the Black Mist and fired a laser-like mass of magic at Oliver.

Jijiji hey hey—!!

The vehicle’s identity is one of the parts of the golem’s prosthesis, and surprisingly, it fell off when the black mist spread and attacked Oliver directly.

‘Is there such a function…? Is that great?’

Oliver admired and blocked the laser with a black shield.

It would have been quite a shock if it had been hit because it was a fairly high output.

Apparently, the Black Mist was not meant to prevent an attack, but to counterattack.

It was admirable. In that situation, you think of counterattack rather than defense.


shock to the ground.

Something heavy fell here. was a pounder.

“A bit surprised!”

He crossed over at once from afar using the golem prosthetic leg.

I wondered if the prosthetic leg was okay, but it wasn’t.

There was a hole in the right prosthesis and I could barely see it creaking.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Nevertheless, he decided it was important to deal with Oliver first, so he removed another aircraft from his shoulder and fired a laser to press Oliver from both sides, and he limped and stretched out his fist.

[Shadow Spike]

Oliver, whose hands were tied to block the lasers from both directions, built a shadow stake to block the Founder.

The prosthetic hand was nearly pierced by the rising shadow stake, but the Founder quickly retrieved his arm to dodge it, then swung his fist to break the stake.

Oliver used the shadow tentacles again, and Founder used his sharp eyes to grasp the direction of the shadow’s movement, avoiding and destroying all the densely soaring shadow stakes.

Oliver made the shadow stake faster to counteract, but Founder swung his prosthetic hand faster and faster like a heated engine, smashing the shadow stakes apart.


But it was not without results.

In the process of destroying the shadow stake, a considerable amount of mana was consumed, and the aircraft that fell out of the prosthetic arm stopped attacking and returned to its original position.

With both hands free, Oliver pointed his fingers and tried to shoot the bullets of hate along with the shadow stakes.

With an offensive like this, even the Founder will have a limit to avoiding it.


The Founder threw the bomb again.


The bomb’s identity is a flash bomb.

A strong light rose, disabling Oliver’s shadow and his eyes.

Founder didn’t miss the opportunity, concentrated his magical power on the golem’s prosthetic arm and extended his fist again.

Trying to win here.

[Earth Thorn]


A high-density cement spear rose from the floor together with the brigade, smashing the golem’s prosthetic arm that was reaching for Oliver.

The golem’s prosthetic arm, which was weakly defended as much as it focused on the attack, was broken more easily than expected, and the Founder could not react immediately as he was surprised this time and retreated.

“how······? It’s definitely snowing…!?”

“These days, I am practicing to explore the surroundings by expelling magical energy from my body. Sometimes I use it in practice.”

said Oliver, rubbing his eyes, which had been blinded by the flare.

When I thought that I had succeeded by counterattacking the veteran’s counterattack again, I felt a little bit better.


Founder took off the shoulder part as before and threw the aircraft back at Oliver.

Gigi hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

Lasers in two intensely pouring beams.

Oliver sang with the quarter staff forward.


Along with Young Chang, the black suit changed and took shape, and several toothless mouths formed at the end of the quarter staff, sucking and swallowing the elongated mass of magical energy.

cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. cold.

Founder was startled by the first sight, but he did not stop and ran towards Oliver, whose hands were tied to the laser.

A willingness to fight without giving up. It was really great.


Simultaneously with Oliver’s words, the two minions waiting in Oliver’s arms flew in both directions and shot down the vehicle that was pressing Oliver at close range with hate bullets.

With both hands freed with the explosion, Oliver raised the quarterstaff towards the running Founder.

“Spit it out.”

Oliver slammed down the dozen-mouthed quarterstaff and said, a huge explosion occurred on the roof of the building.



A huge explosion was heard from a planned redevelopment site in Area S.

It was so large that the surrounding buildings shook, and debris fell from the building where the explosion had taken place.


The demolition company and the evictioners-union union, who had been fighting for their lives until recently, were bewildered by the sudden situation, and all of them were divided into camps and avoided the falling debris.

It was a wise decision.

From small stones to large chunks of cement the size of a human head fell down.

Tuk-tuk-! visor! Dududuk- Boom!! bang! Thug- bang bang! bang!!

A lump of soil, stones, reinforcing bars, and cement pouring down like rain.

Everyone swallowed their saliva at the unusual sight, and after a while, something fell from the sky.

It was Oliver.

He landed softly using black magic, holding the symbolic quarter staff in one hand and a corpse with only the lower body in the other.

“this person is······. I can’t use it.”

Oliver said, holding the lower half of the body upside down like a fish.

Even though it wasn’t a big deal, it sounded creepy because of the shards of intestines running down between the cross-sections of the corpse.

Everyone was curious about the body’s identity, and soon found out.

Because Oliver ripped the golem prosthetic from the corpse and stole it.

“The Founder…? Did the pounder get hit?”

“Nonsense. He’s a guy who even killed a war mage.”

“But that prosthetic leg…”

The people at the demolition company who understood the situation looked at Oliver with emotions such as astonishment and fear.

The migrants-union union, who was encouraged by the sight, shouted.

“I won! Dave won!! This is our victory!”

“Ha ha ha!! You look so good, you bastards! We won!”

“Fuck, hooray!!”

The evictioners-union union cheers. They looked very happy.

That’s right, because this time the contract with the demolition company has expired.

The construction company, now with a tight deadline, would have to accept the terms of the evictioners-union union, and they would all be able to receive huge compensation.

Of course, some of that will be billed to the demolition company that fails to fulfill the demolition contract.

The moment when joy and sorrow are divided.

At that moment, the golem, who was still like a statue, lit up his eyes and moved again.

The man who appeared to be the head of the demolition company gave the order.

“Crush it! If we fail this time anyway, our company will go bankrupt!! We all fight for our lives.”

A cry full of desperation.

At the command of its owner, the four-meter golem flashed a hammer the size of a house and pointed it at Oliver.

Oliver also took the quarterstaff back and swung it back to match.

Dozens of layers of black armor like rebar were wrapped around the end of the quarter staff to create a mace-like shape.

“no way······?”

people were astonished

A warlock who wants to fight for strength with a golem that is close to 4 meters tall.

It was a nonsensical story, but it was a reality, and the golem and the warlock’s weapons collided.


A roar that could not be compared with the previous explosion resounded with a shock wave and smashed the windows of the surrounding buildings, and everyone closed their eyes and covered their ears.

Chewyeeing-! ringing tinnitus.

People complained of suffering and looked ahead.

There was a golem that could not withstand the shock and collapsed backwards, and there was a warlock who was paying close attention to the golem.

the warlock asked quietly.

“Can I take this golem?”

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