[Traveler]: "Kakata has become a real life, and why is that?".

[Tighnari]: "Because, as far as I know, a highly intelligent mechanical body like Kakata, Abatui usually sets a 'survival' command for him, and in the case of broken parts, he will give priority to repairing himself, but in the video just now, Kakata is covered with scars, but he still does not choose to use those parts to repair himself." "

[Paimon]: "In other words... Kakata: Did he disobey the instructions set for him by Abatui?".

[Cyno]: "How is this possible... How could a mechanical creature disobey a directive that had been set? unless... He has transcended the realm of machinery. "


Abatui: "In my experiment some time ago, I succeeded in adding the 'instinct' of life to you. "

"When energy is low, or when parts are broken, you will prioritize survival orders. "

"Proactively replenish energy, replace parts..."

Tighnari: "Coffee, did you have one for us?".

"In that case, I'll give you another mechanical part, do you need me to replace it for you?"

"A lot of the parts on your body are wearing out badly, and you don't have much energy left. "

"It probably remembers that it had a breakdown in the past. "

"At that time, Abatui helped him change parts and successfully got him back to normal. "

Paimon: "That's why he's been snatching mechanical parts, but... No matter how hard he tries, he can't fix it, right?".

Tighnari: "yes, but the important thing is that he came up with the idea of wanting to fix Abatui. "

"No one knows how the idea came about, but the idea itself even suppressed the instinct that Abatuyi had set for him ..."

[Paimon]: "Actually... Is that really the case? Kakata really disobeyed the instructions set by Abatui early in the morning, and instead of choosing to repair himself with parts, he instead... Trying to fix Abatui?".

[Traveler]: "Unbelievable, has Kakata really become a mechanical being?".

[Alhaithham]: "I guess the scholars in the Akademiya are stupid after watching this video, right? That category of mechanical life that they have been afraid to touch has been studied by a young Mystic scholar, which is like a resounding slap in the face of those sages in the Akademiya. "

[Tighnari]: "If they had believed in Abatui's abilities earlier, perhaps Babatoi would have been able to give Kakata a life sooner, and there would have been no tragedy like this..."

[Collet]: "By the way, what happened to Kakata?"

Paimon: "yes, yes, what happened to Kakata?"

[Cyno]: "If the Akademiya's enforcement rules are followed, Kakata is a product of forbidden technology and should be destroyed by the Akademiya..."

Paimon: "Pin... How can this be? That's the work of Abatui! And Kakata has a life now... How can it be destroyed like this?".

[Alhaithham]: "There is no way to do this, after all, in the eyes of the Akademiya, everything that violates the permission of the Akademiya should not exist. "

[Collet]: "It's a pity..."

Tighnari: "..."

At this point, just when everyone thought that Kakata would end up being destroyed by the Akademiya.

See the end of the video.

When the traveler returns to the zena garden again.

At this time, he found that Kakata was staying intact in the zen garden, and on the side was Tighnari who was concentrating on his research.

Paimon: "Kakata!?".

Kakata: "Gollum!Gollum!".

Paimon: "Didn't you tear down Kakata?".

Tighnari: "What am I going to do with him?".

Paimon: "But you didn't say, 'According to the rules of the Akademiya'..."

Tighnari: "I mean, according to the rules of the Akademiya, all research results are to be destroyed, so the Akademiya can't find out about it. "

"Anyway, I repaired Kakata first, and I used to take a course in the Sulun School when I was in the Akademiya, but I didn't expect it to come in handy one day. "

"Then I buried Abatui with him, and as for the experimental materials, I sorted them out, some of them were brought out as memorials, and most of them were burned and buried deep to clean up the evidence. "

"I'm not in the Akademiya, what do those rules do to me? On the contrary, I am the forest ranger of the Daocheng Forest, and I have the obligation to protect the lives in the forest. "

"Any life born in the world has meaning, and it is no exception, and since it exists, it should not be discarded or destroyed at will..."

Kakata: "Gollum..."

Paimon: "Great! Kakata wasn't destroyed... Thanks to Tighnari!".

Tighnari: "Ahem... Wouldn't it be nice to release this video at this time? After all, there is a gale judge here..."

[Cyno]: "I'll make an exception to forgive you this time, after all, this is just a second creation video, and if you want to punish it, I don't have any evidence." (* ̄︿ ̄)"

[Alhaithham]: "Tighnari, you don't follow the rules, you really look a little like me..."

(To be continued...) )

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