
former Protector Yaksha was young and ignorant, and was seized by the demon god to seize his weakness and detain him as a big demon under his seat, and did a lot of cruel and bloody things according to instructions. He created a lot of killing karma, trampled on many ideals, and was asked to swallow the dreams of the loser, and he was in great pain but couldn't help himself. Finally, on the battlefield of the Demon God, Morax, the god of rocks, met with the master of the Yaksha, who defeated the master of the Yaksha and liberated the Yaksha. For safety reasons, Morax gave the name "Xiao" to the Yaksha, because in the legends of the foreign land, the word Xiao represents a suffering and tempered ghost, and Morax believes that he has also experienced a lot, so he will use this name in the future. In order to repay Morax's kindness, Xiao took on a thousand-year hard labor to protect Liyue.

The demon gods of Liyue, who have been suppressed by Morax, occasionally erupt into resentment and dregs of an unusually large scale while half-asleep and half-awake. Among them, the outbreak of the night of the Lantern Festival is the most huge. Kui was ordered to perform the Jing Demon Dance and fight all night on the night of the Lantern Festival. As a result, he was particularly disgusted with the Lantern Festival. Wei didn't find the battle difficult. Thanks to his efforts, Liyue Harbor was eventually safe. People lit the sea lanterns, and the blessed lights illuminated the night sky and the coastal sea, and Xiao's heart also had a special emotion rising with it, but he couldn't figure out what kind of emotion it was.

Once, the all-night battle exhausted Xiao's physical strength, and he almost couldn't complete the mission. The sea of ogi flowers was mostly swept down by the fierce battle. Xiao pulled out the spear stuck in the ground, set out on the way home, and left the battlefield. Xiao was already exhausted, and the resentment of the demon god contaminated with his body immediately attacked. Infinite resentment pounded Xiao's mind, and he collapsed in agony among the flowers. At that moment, a beautiful flute sound, swept over the clear water and mountains, and was carried to this place by the wind, although it was not Xiao himself who suppressed the evil thoughts, but the sudden pain disappeared without warning—the flute saved him. With the first rays of dawn and the flock of birds in the distance, the sound of the flute tends to be clear. It guarded Xiao, calmed his restless mind, and bought him a moment of peace. Xiao wondered who was playing, but he didn't want to delve into it. He already had a vague answer in his mind.

Although he is a young man on the outside, Xiao's real age is more than 2,000 years old.

Fortunately, no one belittles him just by looking at his appearance, as long as he has taken a face, anyone can understand that he is a ruthless character. - Dangerous, silent. His eyes were as sharp as knives.

Among the immortals, Xiao's generation and prestige can be called the best, but in the world, his reputation is not high.

For he is not a blessed star for the riches and the well-being of the world; It is not a saint who holds the immortal path in his hand and dwells high in the clouds.

The person who can see Xiao exert his magical powers must be a person who dies and is in danger.

It's not that Xiao wants to harm anyone, but that he's always fighting the darkness that engulfs the lights of Liyue's homes. If ordinary people witness the scene of the battle, they will inevitably be affected.

Of course, this is not a secret that needs to be silenced.

What exactly is Xiao fighting against?

If you want to reveal the truth tactfully, you can say this: resentment from the past, great wishes that have not been fulfilled, and sighs of losers.

The straightforward answer is: the remnants of the demon gods who were defeated in the "Demon God War" before the establishment of the Seven God System.

They were defeated by Morax and crushed under the rocky rocks.

However, the demon gods are immortal beings, and although their consciousness will dissipate, their power and resentment will be left behind, turning into accumulated filth and repeatedly infesting sentient beings.

"The Dance of the Demons" – Liyue's power climbers who know the truth sums up the thousands of days and nights that the town has experienced in these four words.

There are no winners and no end to these battles.

These battles were fought to no one to witness and no one to be grateful.

"Xiao" is not the real name of the Yaksha, but a pseudonym given to him by someone for security reasons.

In the past, Xiao was young and ignorant, and was seized by the demon god to be detained as a big demon, and he did a lot of cruel and bloody things according to instructions.

He created a lot of killing karma, trampled on many ideals, and was asked to swallow the dreams of the loser, and he was in great pain but couldn't help himself.

Finally, on the battlefield of the Demon God, Morax, the god of rocks, met with the master of the Yaksha.

The history of later generations shows the answer to this victory. The "Emperor of the Rocks" liberated the Yaksha and gave him the name "Xiao".

"In the legends of foreign countries, the word Xiao represents suffering. Tempered goblins. You've been through a lot, so let's use this name in the future.

To repay the Rock God's kindness, Xiao took on a thousand-year servitude to protect Liyue.

The past of serving the demon god washed away Xiao's gentleness and innocence, and now, all he has in his heart is killing skills and karma for generations.

Fighting is the only thing he can do for people.

So what can people do for him?

Ordinary people would definitely not have such thoughts, just watching from a distance, they have been frightened away by that momentum.

But... If anyone really wants to repay him, they can listen to this anecdote.

The seven-star spy who supported Xiao in subduing demons ostensibly ran an inn called "Wangshu".

Xiao occasionally goes to the inn to eat almond tofu. Looking at his expression when he eats, it should be from the bottom of his heart.

Xiao is not obsessed with sweet tastes, but the taste of almond tofu is very similar to the "sweet dream" of the past.

What is he fighting against?

According to those in power in Liyue, he is fighting against the evil phenomena caused by the dregs of the demon gods. But if you ask him directly, you may not get this answer.

Xiao was once enslaved by the evil gods and endured hardships until the Rock Emperor appeared, and he was able to regain his freedom. His supernatural ability is the leader of the immortal family, and it is not difficult for him to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

But the power of the demon god is huge, and hatred and obsession are also very accessible. Xiao slashes the filth that grows from their wreckage, and those hatreds turn to smithereens, polluting Xiao's spirit.

To get rid of such hatreds, one must bear their "karma." The karma accumulated over the years is enough to burn the heart and bones.

Xiao didn't feel resentful. His life lasted for 2,000 years, and all the enmity and hatred against him were just fleeting.

What kind of battle is Xiao in?

Travelers know very well that Xiao is fighting the darkness that threatens the homes of Liyue, and that he is protecting Liyue.

So who can protect him?

Once, fighting all night exhausted Xiao's physical strength, and he was almost unable to complete his mission.

The sea of ogi flowers was mostly swept down by the fierce battle, and Xiao pulled out the spear head stuck in the ground and set out on his way home.

It is said to be a way back, but there is no so-called place to return, just leaving the battlefield.

Xiao was already exhausted, and the resentment of the demon god contaminated with his body immediately attacked.

Infinite resentment pounded Xiao's mind, and he collapsed in agony among the flowers.

But it was at that moment that the sudden pain disappeared without warning.

It wasn't Xiao himself who suppressed the evil thoughts, but a flute that saved him. The sound of the beautiful flute, swept over the clear water and heavy mountains, and was sent to this place by the wind. With the first rays of dawn and the flock of birds in the distance, the sound of the flute tends to be clear. It guarded Xiao, calmed his restless mind, and bought him a moment of peace.

Who is playing? Xiao was curious, but still reluctant to delve into it, he already had a vague answer in his mind.

The last person who had the power to help him was one of the seven gods who reigned on earth. Then this one, I'm afraid, is also...


from the Sumeru Akademiya conducted a folklore study of Liyue and wrote the results into a book called Journey to the Land of the Glazed Rocks, with one edition for Sumeru and one for Liyue. Among them, Liyue's surviving version was renamed Glass Moon in a Box, and many witchcraft and mystical parts were removed.

"The Empty Wandering Hungry Ghost Casting Method" is only one of the complete editions that exists in the collection of the Sumeru Akademika.

It is mentioned in the text that although the "Immortal Yakshas" have great magical powers and great virtues, they are still trapped by their own karma, and there are great fears and great pains in the intermittent calamity, which is the suffering of empty wandering hungry ghosts, which will not be extinguished for thousands of years.

The text lists a variety of methods to appease the Yaksha immortals, including food offerings, almsgiving, and so on. In doing so, the Yaksha will rejoice and be willing to protect the peace of others.

The Yaksha clan is good at fighting, and often goes to the battlefield in person as a general. However, there have been too many wars in the past thousand years, and the Yaksha clan has almost perished. Today, the Liyue region still has a huge broken statue of the Demon Slaying Yaksha, but its face has been completely destroyed.

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