Xiao Xilin ate the cake silently, forgetting that she would only take one bite.

Cecilia looked at little Celine with soft eyes, and she said softly:”I’m sorry, Sirin, you have been lonely these two days.”

Then, she smiled and said:

“So, tomorrow, let’s go shopping together!”

Hearing Cecilia’s words, Sirin couldn’t help but widen her eyes:”Shopping…shopping?!”

The next day, early in the morning.

The cool air on the street blew in, and Xilin’s head became clearer.

She secretly questioned herself:

“What on earth am I doing? Why didn’t I kill them?”

“They are not my parents at all!”

“Forget it, this is the illusion I created. I can do it anytime I want, no need to rush.”

“Let’s see what other tricks they can come up with first.”

“Ordinary and happy daily life……”

“If I hadn’t encountered Honkai, if my mother hadn’t died… would I have had this kind of happiness?”

Xiao Xilin tilted her head and thought blankly.

“Siren! Let’s go to this store and try it. The clothes here look very cute~”

Cecilia’s words interrupted Sirin’s thoughts.

“It’s really difficult. My daughter looks so beautiful no matter what she wears. I really want to buy all the clothes here!”


Siren looked at those cute and beautiful clothes.

She thought for a moment, it was a fantasy world anyway, so it would be okay to buy another piece of clothes.

So, she pointed at one of the clothes and asked:”Then , how do I wear this?”

Looking in the direction that Siren pointed, Celecia saw a very cute dress.

She immediately praised:”Ah! My daughter is very discerning. When you put on this outfit, you look like the cutest girl in the world!”

“Come on, let mom give you a hug.”

Cecilia opened her arms and walked towards Xilin


“Wait, no. No, don’t hug me. I don’t want to be held. Xilin shook her head and resisted.

After breathing a sigh of relief, she secretly said:

“What was I thinking just now? I must be crazy……”

“For a moment, I longed for the warmth of her embrace……”

“That woman is not my mother……”

Everyone in the live broadcast room felt a little distressed when they saw Xiao Xilin’s little act of resistance. 10

【Xiao Gong: Xiao Xilin is so lacking in love, it makes people feel bad】

【Arataki Ito: I admit that I used to speak louder. Siren, I’m sorry】

【Paimon: What a pitiful child, but she is just as arrogant as Hei Xier.】

【Xingqiu: The warmer this scene is, the more heartbreaking it is when it reminds me of the Tower of Babel Laboratory. 】


Right now.

A sudden loud explosion, accompanied by a strong shock wave, shattered all the glass on nearby buildings.

“Blast, explode?! Xilin was surprised for a moment, but soon she regained her composure:”Tch, this little glass shard, don’t even think of hurting me!””



She only heard Cecilia’s urgent voice.

The next moment, she was held tightly in Cecily’s arms.

She looked at Cecilia in surprise.

This woman was completely Ignoring the flying glass shards, he used his body to protect her tightly.

“ah! What are you doing……?!”

She hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Cecilia kept comforting her:”Don’t be afraid, mom will protect you.””

“Mom is here, right by your side”

“Ichliebedich Silin.”

Celine couldn’t help but be intoxicated when she heard Cecilia’s German words”I love you”.

She called to Cecilia softly:


Soon after.

Siren looked at Cecilia in front of her and roared angrily:

“Liar…liar! you liar!”

“You already knew that I am not your daughter! You lied to me!!”

Ci Lin already knew that in the illusion just now, Cecilia was not affected by Yu Duchen.

Cecilia quickly said:”Ci Lin… you listen to me.……”

However, Xilin is extremely angry now and cannot listen to her words at all.

“You know that I am not your daughter, but you still pretend to care about me and approach me secretly……”

“Sure enough, your purpose is to destroy me! You are a liar just like everyone else! big liar! Celcia hurriedly explained:”

No, Siren!” I actually……”

Angry Siren completely blocked all explanations

“hateful! hateful! hateful! You all get out of here!”

“Why are you deceiving me? Why? Why?!”

Kiana in the dream could sense it.

Although only a little, Sirin’s murderous intention weakened.

Rather than hatred, she felt more disappointment and anger.……


【Paimon: Ah, what happened just now, were they all just illusions created by Yu Duchen?】

【Xingqiu: Little Paimon, once I saw you, I didn’t pay attention to the plot.】

【Chongyun: But why does Cecilia pretend not to know?】

【Xiaogong: Cecilia saw the loneliness and pain of little Siren in her memories, and she really wanted to play the role of Siren’s mother. 】

In the subsequent battle, everyone united to fight against Xilin. Countless attacks fell, causing her injuries to gradually worsen.

In his final moments.

She came there again and the world turned dark

“……Am I dead?”

“I can’t feel anything anymore, just the cold……”

“In the end, I was just…alone”

“Mom, I’m so cold…Mom……”

In this darkness.

A dazzling white light shone in.

Cecilia’s gentle voice dispelled the darkness and came to Celine’s ears:”It’s okay, Celine, it’s okay.”

She continued:”Celine, poor child, I never thought of lying. you”

“In the fantasy, I saw your loneliness and pain”

“I really want to be your mother and make up for what you lost.”

“Unfortunately, at that time, I couldn’t change anything”

“At least, at the end of your life——”

“Let you feel the warmth”


Cecilia’s voice became weaker and weaker, and she said with all her strength:”Ichliebedich.”

Everyone in the live broadcast room burst into tears when they saw this.

【Paimon: Ooooh, I’m going to cry, I’m going to cry……】

【Xiao Gong: Mother Cecilia is so gentle. 】

Gulu, Guru, Guru.

In the endless darkness, I dreamed false dreams.

In the dream, I missed the woman who was not my mother.

I miss the warmth she once gave me. That warmth made me feel at ease.

I thought more than once, if I turned back to an ordinary person… would I be able to live happily with her?

If… give me another chance…(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I want to hear her voice again

【At the end of Ichliebedich’s picture, the perspective comes to the life-sustaining cabin.

In the gray-green liquid, bubbles were popping upwards, and everything was gray.

Experimental subject K423 was born here. She opened her eyes and said the spell blankly.[]

When everyone in the live broadcast room saw this, they couldn’t calm down for a long time.

Until now, they finally understood the reason for the birth of the Second Herrscher.

When Experimental Subject K423 opened his eyes, the confused sentence”Ichliebedich” hit everyone’s heart.

【Paimon: After reading Kiana’s dream, I felt so depressed that I couldn’t breathe.】

【Xiangling: Destiny is so bad! Otto is so bad!】




Kiana woke up from her dream, gasping for air

“It’s this dream again……?”

After getting up from the bed, she felt a little thirsty, so she got up to get some water.

Wow – the fish tank in the corner of the room glowed slightly with cold light. It was specially prepared by Anti-Entropy to allow employees to relax in the underground base.

The cold light from the fish tank illuminates the mirror beside the bed, reflecting the figure in front of the mirror.


Kiana exclaimed.

What appeared in the mirror was Xilin’s face. Her eyes were drooped and she looked extremely sad.

She couldn’t help but said to herself:


“What were you dreaming about at that time?”


“This sentence that echoes in your heart countless times…what does it mean to you?”

Because she was talking to herself.

Naturally, no one could give the answer.


Only her sigh echoed in the room.

Early the next morning,

Kiana looked worried.

Bronya passed by. Keenly aware that Kiana was a little depressed, she asked:”What’s wrong, Kiana? I woke up suddenly absent-minded.”

Kiana raised her head and said in a daze:”Ah? …Ah, it’s nothing, I’m fine.”

Soon, she noticed Bronya’s expression and understood that Bronya was worried about her state.

“Look at that expression, I’m worrying you again”

“Actually, I didn’t intend to hide it from you. After all, I promised you that you wouldn’t have to shoulder everything on your own. It’s just… it’s a bit complicated and I haven’t organized the language yet.”

Bronya said:”Bronya doesn’t mind. Just tell it bit by bit in Kiana’s own way.”

Kiana said hesitantly:”Then…Bronya, it may be a bit sudden.……”

“What kind of person do you think Siren… is?

Bronya asked with some doubts:”Celine?” Does it mean Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky who caused the second collapse?”

Kiana nodded:”Yes. In my dream, I experienced her memories over and over again. Siren is a Herrscher and an enemy of mankind, but what she dreamed about was more regret.”

“When the world gave her pain, she treated them with hatred and abhorrence; but someone also gave her love, which made her show a little bit of weak kindness.……”

“Sorry, it feels like I’m trying to defend her. Maybe I was too deeply affected by those memories. It seems that I have to work harder.”

Kiana shook her head. She looked at Kiana and said seriously:”Kiana doesn’t need to apologize for this. Bronya, I’m glad you’re willing to talk about your troubles.”

“Siren triggered the second collapse…Bronya’s parents died in that disaster.”

Kiana asked:”Do you hate her?”

Bronya scratched her head and organized her words.

“It would be a lie to say that I don’t hate him at all. But those disasters were all before Bronya became sensible. To be honest, there was no real feeling.”

“The second collapse ended with the death of Siren, the Herrscher of the Sky, and she had paid the price she deserved. So, Bronya’s hatred is over”

“Bronya actually thinks that Kiana’s words are correct.”

“Everyone is a mirror, reflecting the world as he sees it”

“When Bronya was still a mercenary, she was like an emotionless weapon with only cold murderous intent towards the world.”

“Later, it was Cocolia’s mother who brought Bronya back to the orphanage, and it was Xier who told Bronya what home is.”

“Life has many possibilities. The people a person comes into contact with while growing up will influence him, change him, and make him take a different path”

“Whether it’s Siren or Bronya, everyone is like this”

“Isn’t it true that the Herrscher of Domination takes advantage of this, stimulating negative emotions in people’s hearts and using them to harm the world?”

Hearing this.

Kiana added:”You can’t succumb to negative emotions.”

Bronya nodded and said:

“That’s right. This is the power of the human heart”

“However, if you are referring to the Silen hidden in your body and awakened by Otto,——”

“Bronya hates her because she brings pain to Kiana”

“……Thank you.”Kiana said.

Bronya said:”To speak frankly about what is on my mind and express my gratitude like this, I always feel like I have changed back to the Kiana before.”

Kiana smiled and said:”Haha, I also think this is more suitable for me.”

Next, in order to find the happiness of the past, the two also competed in the training room.

Just like they did in St. Freya at that time.

The game was over.

Bronya stood in the training room with a frown.

Kiana asked with concern Said:”Bronya, what’s wrong?”

“Sure enough, it still can’t be used. Bronya said:”The power of the Herrscher of Reason… still has not recovered.””

Kiana asked doubtfully:”Isn’t it still possible? The Herrscher of Domination has obviously been defeated.”

Bronya said:”Bronya thinks so too. But…there’s definitely something wrong”

“At first, I thought that the lost power would slowly recover over time, but after so long, there was still no sign.”

Kiana and Bronya fell silent together, thinking seriously.

After defeating all the dolls, Bronya found that her powers had not been restored, but because there were too many possible influencing factors at the time, it was impossible to make a conclusion for the time being.

But then Even though other influencing factors have been eliminated one by one, the problem has still not been solved, which makes the situation more difficult.

“……Maybe we missed some crucial clue.”

Kiana said:”But, the puppets have been destroyed, and we can’t go back to dominate the theater. How can we find your power?”

Bronya said:”Bronya does not rely on the power of the Herrscher to fight, so it doesn’t matter. I’m just a little worried that there is another meaning behind it.”

Speaking of this, Kiana also said:”Well…Actually, I have always had an unsolved doubt in my heart.”

“In the Domination Theater, when I used the Herrscher of Sky’s ability to open the passage, I was prepared to have my power taken away.”

“After all, it will take a while for the dolls to master the power of capture. As long as we defeat them within this time, it will be our victory. This is a worthy bet.”

“But the strange thing is that my power was not taken away. Even if I used the power of Herrscher of Sky again in the subsequent battle, I did not encounter any hindrance.”

“At that time, I thought that they knew that the situation was over and there was no point in doing anything, so they simply gave up the struggle.”

“But when you say it this way, it seems even weirder. It is obviously more beneficial to seize the Herrscher’s power, so why should they stop?”

Hearing what Kiana said,

Bronya was also very confused now.

“Well, it’s indeed suspicious. They swarm here for the power of the Herrscher of the Sky, but they don’t take action when they have the opportunity. What other motives do they have?”

“Can’t figure it out……”Kiana said

“I will tell the doctors and others about this matter and discuss it again. Kiana, you have to be careful too”

“Well, I will.”Kiana nodded and said…

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