Holding the traverser in one hand and the system in the other, Chang Le brought a few people back to the hall who were still a little unclear about the situation.

"Keqing, you send this guy to the repatriation room at the headquarters, where someone receives him. "

"Then I went to the technical department and sent the system there. Ask what kind of system this is, and remember to explain to them that this is the system captured by our two-dimensional branch, so that they don't have to pay for it again. "

handed over the people and system to Keqing, and Chang Le carefully advised.

Now that he has an employee, he doesn't want to do everything himself.

"Got it. "

Keqing nodded in agreement, and then led the person to the passage of the headquarters.

After Keqing left, Chang Le beckoned a few people to sit down and said, "I'm sorry for a few, I offended a lot in the group before." "

Several people were speechless, they thought this guy was a liar, but they didn't expect that he was still a public official. But when I think about it, I don't think it's right, this guy is really a liar, he just didn't want to deceive them.

"Small. Director... You're going to do this... Do you want people?".

Yae Miko was most interested in this place, and she wanted to visit it now, after all, Liyue's seven stars were all here, and it would definitely be beneficial.

"I'm not small!".

Gave a white look at Yae Miko, you are called Xiao when you see anyone, and you will see that I will not take you to the fairy boat for a walk in the future.

"It's okay to join here if you want to. "

Although Yae Miko's motives are not pure, Changle does not refuse to come, and he wishes that there are as many people as possible, so that he can live a flat life.

"Ningguang, you can explain. "

As a director, he naturally still has to be a bit of a leader, and now that he has ready-made coolies, he naturally has to let Ningguang go.

"Okay. "

Ningguang didn't postpone either, after seeing the system, she didn't think that it would be better for her and Keqing to get these traversers, or find some teammates.

When he told a few people everything he knew.

"Uh... What do you mean... There are a lot of people who travel this way, and it is still harmful?".

Candace was amazed to hear it, she didn't expect such a miraculous thing. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it.

"It's kind of interesting..."

Silver Wolf is interested, her hobby is to play games, real games in the universe. Now that I find such an interesting thing, my heart is a little moved.

"That's... Director Chang, what benefits can we gain as individuals?".

Yae Miko thinks a lot.,You just said that you can raise the world level.,But it doesn't seem to have much benefit for private individuals?

You can't use that performance score right now, so it's like not having one.

"There are a lot of private benefits. Chang Le explained: "Although the performance score is useless now, when I grasp the system in the future, what kind of ability the system has, I can get it through the office again." Then you'll be able to squander your performance points. "


This is good, as long as you strengthen your body like crazy just now, won't you be able to fight in the shadow after that?

Thinking that he ran into the Pure Land of One Heart to give Lei Ying an old punch, and then forcibly slipped her out of the crying and chirping, Yae Miko felt that the sky was a little brighter.

"Not really. "

Chang Le's words were like a basin of cold water poured down, pouring her heart cold.

"Actually, that kind of reinforcement just now is very hurtful, and I don't recommend you to do it. "

"That's... What is the system for?".

Seeing Yae Miko's expression, Chang Le knew that she was thinking about it, and explained: "The system is strange, there are all kinds of things, and the chat group you joined before is also a system." "

"In other words, what kind of system can we grasp, what kind of capabilities can we have here, and we can use these systems with performance scores?".

"Yes. "

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a dandruff fox, and the reaction is fast.

These few people understand it, and they are secretly wondering whether joining here will bring them any benefits.

"Everyone, join in. Good for us in Teyvat. "

At this time, Ningguang also began to persuade, after all, how can a group of people join the upgrading world quickly when two people join?

"That's right. "

Candace thought about it and decided to join, after all, it's good for the world. She was still wondering in her heart, the world level was high, so would it be easier to govern the desert.

"I joined. "

Silver Wolf also decided to join, after all, she likes to play, and joining here does not mean that she has turned her back on the Star Core Hunter, and she can still find time to play in other worlds.

Although she can go to many planets, she is still essentially in one universe, but now she can run to other universes, which makes her a little excited.

"Uh... This one... I'm usually a little busy..."

Jean originally wanted to join, but she was too busy to have time to deal with the work here.

"You can think about it slowly. "

Chang Le is not in a hurry, anyway, Qin is already in the chat group, can he still run?

He doesn't care about the character of these people, and he doesn't have a problem with you being a cow or a horse in Mondstadt. Anyway, as long as he doesn't delay the work here, he won't say anything

You know, isn't Keqing also a workaholic, and it's not about running on both sides.

"So... Miss Ningguang, take them to the company, you know the process. "

"Do you want to be a shopkeeper?"

Ningguang was speechless, do you dare to be lazy any longer, you also look for me when employees join, aren't these your jobs?

"Hehe, don't I still have something. "

"Okay, please come with me. "

Ningguang didn't know what else Chang Le was going on, but she didn't know too much, so she could only take a few people to go through the formalities.


PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, evaluate votes, kneel and beg, kowtow !!!!

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