Xia Yun was also a little distressed, what was her name? It’s too long!

Amber smiled, and when you know it, you can’t laugh!

He stopped and pointed to the door of the house with the water system: “This is the room of the astrologer Mona!” ”

After speaking, he enthusiastically walked around and looked for empty houses: “I’ll go and see if there are empty houses around, if there are, you can-”

Amber paused, because he saw a familiar figure in black and was surprised:

“Why is the diplomatic envoy of the fools here? Aren’t they all at the Goethe Grand Hotel? ”

Mikhail was in a black robe, wearing a black mask and a bloodstain on one eye, staring at the group and wondering

“That’s what I’m asking you, right? Amber, Traveler, Xia Yun, why are you here? ”

Amber, the knight of the Zephyr, and Mikhail the Fools, stared coldly at each other;

The forces behind it clashed, and the atmosphere was strange.

Paimon and Ying, standing quietly, wanted to say something for the familiar Amber, but were stopped by Amber.

It was her business with the fools, and she didn’t want to implicate them.

Xia Yun moved forward, broke the deadlock, and said very naturally

“We were choosing a place to live in Mond, we fancy this place, and here we are.”

“Maybe we’ll still be lords? You have to get along well! ”

Xia Yun has a good impression of the Zephyr Knights, but it has only been a day, and he has no ill feelings towards the fools at present.

Amber said a little angrily: “What’s so good about being a proud person and a neighbor with this kind of person?” ”

Mikhail said contemptuously: “The Knights of the Zephyr can’t even solve the dragon disaster, it’s really useless!” You also deserve me to treat you well? ”

Amber angrily retorted: “You! Don’t slander our Zephyr Knights, of course we can solve the dragon plague!” ”

Mikhail sneered: “Say that it can be solved, why hasn’t it been solved until now?” Wine prices? Why are there so many empty houses around that can’t be rented out and no one buys? Amusing! ”

Amber stammered, “hummed” fiercely, and clenched his fists! I’m so angry!

Xia Yun waved his hand and interrupted: “Two, don’t argue for the time being!” It’s not early, let’s choose a place to live first? ”

Depend on! If you quarrel for a long time, maybe you will have to live in the wild.

Amber can’t argue with it now! If the quarrel continues, she gets even more angry.

Mikhail’s attitude became extremely kind: “For the sake of warriors who can fight dragons, don’t talk nonsense with the weak!” ”

“Xia Yun, traveler, I am happy to be a leader with a strong person like you, it will be very friendly!”

Xia Yun, the traveler is a strong person who can fight the dragon, and the fools will not be easily offended.

After that, Mikhail said hello and went back to his residence here.

Amber suppressed his anger and reminded, “Do you still choose here?” Maybe something bad is plotting that may affect you?! ”

Xia Yun said confidently: “Why not? ”

“With your Knights of the Zephyr here, they still don’t do anything important that affects ordinary citizens;”

“If it’s a small thing, we can handle it ourselves.”

Ying nodded: “Don’t worry about us!” He alone can’t hurt us. ”

Amber pointed to the two brand new houses, remembering that they were able to fight dragons, they were very strong, and let go of their minds:

“What do you think of these two houses?”

“This is a newly built house around, and no one has lived in it for the time being.”

“Meet Xia Yun’s request that you want to learn Mona’s astrology, just near her.”

Xia Yunying carefully examined the surrounding environment, the environment was quiet and there was no noise;

Xia Yun said, “Can we go in and take a look?” ”

After a careful observation.

Xia Yun is very satisfied, the house is very large, the scenery is very good, there is a courtyard, the basic facilities of the house are perfect, and it can already be rented directly;

Special attention is paid to the kitchen, the equipment is perfect, and you can do it directly after buying the ingredients;

Upper, middle and lower floors.

There are four empty rooms on the second floor!

Xia Yun nodded and said resolutely: “Hmm! I decided to leave it at this and I’m satisfied! ”

Ying thought for a moment and agreed: “I decided on the one around here!” ”

Paimon flew around happily: “Yay! All right! We can finally live without living in the wild! You can sleep in a warm bed! ”

Amber said with satisfaction: “In that case, then these two suites will be given to you according to what Captain Kaia said!” ”

Ying’s eyes widened, “Give us?” Isn’t this what the Knights of the Zephyr temporarily gave us to stay? Isn’t it temporary? ”

Amber shook her head: “No! Captain Kaiya specially instructed me before Xia Yun called me: ”

“If the traveler and Xia Yun, please go to see the house, and fancy the house again! Just give it to them! Mora, formalities, I’ll just fix it! ”

Paimon said enviously, “Two suites! Let there be many, many mora! Captain Kaia is really rich! How generous! ”

Amber recalled: “You deserved it! Ordinary passengers, Captain Kaia will treat them with general courtesy. ”

Sure enough! It’s a favor!

Ying and Xia Yun looked at each other and understood this truth.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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