Chapter 295 The Snake of Space

The blue sky and the island with pleasant scenery.

What happened in San Francisco has nothing to do with Nagini, and he doesn’t have the slightest idea of ​​intervening. Isn’t it fragrant to increase own strength obediently and honestly?

As for the Pacific Rim monster raging in San Francisco…

Hehe, do you think I care about a cup of coke?

As for the fragrance, it is impossible unless you help me ice it!

Otherwise I am definitely not Hah!! !

Nagini on the island, most of the scales on his body, have become dim-blue.

The energy nodes that originally surrounded him, resembling cuneiform writing, are now only two left. With the passage of time, the remaining two Space Nodes gradually began to break apart, and were eventually destroyed by Nagini. The body absorbs,

The two sides thoroughly fuse together!

At the moment when the body and the spatial power are completely integrated?

In an instant, with Nagini as the center, the surrounding space became distorted and illusory.

At the same time, one can see strange lines appearing one after another around Nagini, and these lines make a dull sound of “bangbang” when they touch the scales on Nagini’s body surface .

This feeling is like a torn dimensional wall.

But the difference is that normal people imagine that two-dimensional creatures tear the dimensional wall of three-dimensional space, such as the Stickman series. The current situation of Nagini is similar to that of three-dimensional creatures tearing apart the dimensional wall of four-dimensional space.

Speaking from a certain perspective, the lines around Nagini, and the semi-real and semi-imaginary distorted picture composed of lines, represent the suppression of Nagini by the four-dimensional space.

And with these converging lines, they continue to impact Nagini’s scales.

At the same time, the space energy that has been absorbed by the scales on the body’s surface is gradually integrated into Nagini’s flesh and blood under the stimulation of external force.

From an internal perspective, you can clearly see that it represents the power of dim-blue after the fusion of space and Basilisk, like a virus invading Nagini within the body.

After a series of optimizations such as invasion, transformation, and elimination.

The surface skin that first came into contact with the scales has been completely transformed. The bright red blood gradually became a bit more blue. When brand new blood flows through the blood circulation, it flows into Nagini’s heart…

A cycle every 7 minutes, from skin to bone, from blood to flesh.

Nagini can’t stand the beating heart. As if there is a hard substance, forcibly piercing the own heart.

It’s painful, so Nagini’s scales burst. But I don’t know why, when the pain dissipates, there will be a touch of comfort and fullness, which is really unstoppable!

Pain and happy?

For some reason, Nagini’s expression is a little weird, looping every 7 minutes? Does oneself awaken some kind of strange attribute, right?

No one knows whether Nagini will awaken the strange attribute.

But one thing is certain, as the moment when the big mushroom was planted, a conspiracy about Nagini was quietly unfolding…

The cause of the matter was Tony’s Death. His Excellency President America stated at the press conference of the San Francisco monster invasion: He is very sorry for Tony’s death.

Tony is a hero, although in the first half of his life, he %&*R&^%……and then &¥%&%……Although ¥%……

When San Francisco was attacked by a monster?

Tony showed the consciousness that an American citizen, a superhero should do.

He is a hero, a real hero. In fact, he shouldn’t die. If we can work a little bit more, it only takes a little bit, Tony will not die!

So, he is sorry to Tony here.

He was very upset and guilty about Tony’s death.

New Yorker is very sad, after all, Tony had saved New York before the San Francisco incident.


You said Nagini? you shut up!

But the most sad thing is the people in San Francisco. They have never experienced it and will never understand the kind of despair. Facing a monster like a mountain, facing the monster is like dismantling a toy, making America the best The monster of Disassemble, the huge body of the opponent, and the terrifying destructive power make people not see a glimmer of hope, like the most primordial nightmare, which makes people feel fear with all their hearts!

But at this time, when everyone is desperate, Tony Stark, the famous playboy and billionaire in America, just used his life to find hope for everyone!

According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 1 million San Francisco people who spontaneously lit the immortal candle for Tony to mourn the hero Min Huai.

At the same time, on the Internet, I don’t know when, a blast of evil has been set off.

First, someone scolded America for inaction, so that Tony Stark sacrificed.

But soon someone retorted and listed data showing that America has done its best in the defense of San Francisco. Apart from anything else, the school-level officers sacrificed at least ten .

Note that this is a school level, not a lieutenant level. Although a school-level officer cannot be regarded as a bigwig in the army, he is definitely a mainstay and an extremely valuable asset.

As for why these sacrifices are the air force?

Then no one knows. Besides, no one will ask this question. Take a cup of tea to find out about prison cell.

However, before the remarks dissipated, and I don’t know what’s wrong, a new remark suddenly appeared on the Internet-why didn’t I see Nagini? Didn’t see any superhero other than Iron Man?

Led by Nagini, including Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, even Captain America and Thor, they are all scolded by netizens.

But the problem is that the whole world knows that Nagini is locked in the New York Police Department. Let alone twenty-four hours, America is an efficient country. Do you know that it is seamlessly connected?

Nagini was acquitted in the last second, and a new notice of interrogation was placed in front of Nagini in the next second. In New York, hundreds of thousands of people died, which means that even if you send a message, you can close Nagini for hundreds of thousands of days!

As for Patton and Natasha?

Don’t make trouble, even if the two of them really appeared in the San Francisco defense battle, they would not have the slightest effect. After all, their essence is human, not monster.

Dr. Banner’s situation is a bit special. After becoming Hulk, he is super brave. But the normal Dr. Banner is actually a bit embarrassing.

Besides, when did you think that Dr. Banner must be a superhero?

The damage caused by Hulk is second only to Nagini.

As for Thor?

Don’t make trouble, he is Asgardian, not your Terrans, why bother with you?

You think Terrans is your father!

But it was useless. Tony’s Death, coupled with the two injuries in New York and San Francisco, fiercely stimulated the nerves of American citizens, and they needed a channel to vent.

And these superhero are the best channels!

But in the verbal abuse of the masses, I do not know when there will be another voice, that is, the superpower supervision law!

This voice clearly shows that each superhero has its own difficulties. Not everyone is the same as Tony. They go where they want to go.

If there is a superpower regulation law, the problems that happened to Nagini will not happen, and the destruction of New York has a reasonable explanation, but because no one cares about the superpower regulation law, Nagini is bound In prison, this led to Iron Man fighting alone, and finally being together with monster perish!

So, the superpower supervision bill, which was almost forgotten by everyone, was proposed again.

The most terrifying thing is that, because of the two accidents in New York and San Francisco, everyone’s mood can be described by an idiom, that is, it is a frightening bird!

They need someone to protect and tell them that this World is still safe.

What? You mean the police?

America, the most powerful country in the world, was beaten by monsters like grandsons. How do you make us trust the police?

The final result is that the quiet white palace finally became lively again.

Although it is still the same group of people, they are different from the previous protests. This time they asked the President to restart the superpower supervision bill.

What? You said it has been there before?

That is from the World Security Council, what does it have to do with America?

At the same time, in the painful and happy Infinity cycle, Nagini, who almost became RBQ, finally completed the final evolution of the 4th Phase, from a weak and helpless Basilisk to the present The snake of space today.

However, when Nagini returned to the prison, looking at the broken Iron Man Armor in the room, Nagini said with a dazed expression…

Fat salted fish, I fucked your mother, out of context?

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