Chapter 380 The Birth of Ultron (Part 1)

Stark Industries, the original top floor, has now been transformed into a top laboratory for artificial intelligence research.

Under the spectrum analyzer, the energy structure of Mind Stone is simulated little by little. At the same time, under the control of Tony and Dr. Banner, Jarvis is undergoing a series of calculations and integrations.

The essence of the Ultron project is to evolve Jarvis into Ultron, thereby increasing the amount of calculation. In the end, Ultron is the core to create a world where humans are protected by machines.

In other words, Ultron was not created directly.

It’s the fusion of Jarvis and Ultron Program, and the artificial intelligence that was finally born is the real Ultron.

Of course, this is just Ultron in Tony’s eyes in theory.

As for what will be researched in the end?

Even the creator of Ultron doesn’t know.

Looking at the fast-jumping data in front of me, the programs keep colliding, Dr. Banner, who hasn’t appeared for a long time, looks a bit dignified at this moment:

“Tony, really Do you want to do this?”

Faced with Dr. Banner’s question, Tony put down the hot coffee cup in his hand and looked at each other weirdly: “Otherwise? Banner, don’t tell me, you want to Want to quit?”

Dr. Banner shook his head. He said, “Relax, I promised you that I will not leave before Ultron is born, but do you really think Ultron can protect Human? “

Seriously, Dr. Banner didn’t want to help, perhaps because he hadn’t participated in the battle for a while, and Banner didn’t think the current world was so dangerous.

In fact, in his opinion, the Earth is dangerous enough now.

Even if there is no black technology, there is no mecha that can destroy a small country at every turn, and only with the weapons on the market, it can destroy Human a dozen times.

But no way, Dr. Banner also wants to live.

Although he can also prove the value of own like Thor. But he hopes to prove the value of own as Dr. Banner.

After all, compared to an ordinary person who is worthless?

The monster within the body is destined to be impossible like an ordinary person, dispensable.

This is also the reason why Tony can tell Dr. Banner.

Not only because Tony said that he has a dream of world peace, but also because he knows that Dr. Banner needs a stable life, and he can give Dr. Banner a stable life.

Even, he can provide Dr. Banner with the necessary experimental tools to eliminate the Hulk within the body.

Although money and power are not omnipotent, in most cases they are omnipotent.

It’s just that with the deeper and deeper research on artificial intelligence.

I don’t know why, Dr. Banner feels a little more disturbed inexplicably.

However, facing Dr. Banner’s question, Tony was silent for a moment, and finally sighed, his eyes were a bit complicated: “I don’t know, but I know if there was Ultron before, it happened The tragedy of Rod will not happen.”

Don’t Tony know the danger of artificial intelligence?

As the proponent of [Ultron Project], as far as Earth is concerned, he is the well-deserved Number One Person.

But the problem is that he needs Ultron.

The reason is simple. Human will make mistakes, but the machine will not. This is the biggest difference between Human and robot.

Meanwhile, the reaction speed of the machine is faster than the reaction speed of Human. When problems are encountered, the machine can solve these problems more effectively.

Besides, what Tony wants to do is not artificial intelligence in the true sense, but a new kind of program that is lower than artificial intelligence but higher than the current semi-artificial intelligence.

In other words, what he wants to create is nerfed artificial intelligence.

Dr. Banner didn’t know Tony’s thoughts, after all, he was responsible for the analysis of the Mind Scepter.

And what about Ultron’s real core technology?

It is in Tony’s hands from beginning to end, which is why the first thing that comes to mind after Ultron was born is Tony, because he is the true creator.

Dr. Banner, who didn’t know this, looked at the silent Tony. He was silent for a while, and finally sighed: “Sorry, maybe you are right? But I still have to say, this is a madness I don’t feel very good about Ultron.”

But after a while, before Tony could continue talking, Dr. Banner took the initiative to break the topic.

He asked casually:

“Don’t talk about this, how is Rod?”

The expression was a bit hesitant, but in the end Tony still Shaking his head:

“I am not quite clear either, but I seem to be taken away by Nagini.”

Rod Colonel was in Wakanda. This matter was before he left New York, Tony Just know. But I don’t know why, Tony not at all told Dr. Banner in front of him.

Meanwhile, in Wakanda, Rod Colonel, who was raised by Dr. Banner, was lying on the operating table. And not far from him, is Wakanda king’s younger sister-Su Rui.

At this moment, this almost almighty scientist is installing special spinal nerves for Rod Colonel’s spine.

With time passes by, when the last shining spinal nerve was successfully placed within the body of Rod Colonel, Princess let out a long sigh of relief.

She glanced at Nagini, who was drinking strawberry milk tea, her expression was a little helpless: “Why are you still here?”

Nagini ignored Su Rui’s tone, and casually Throwing away the milk tea cup, pointing to Rod Colonel who was still lying on the operating table: “How is he?”

He put his butt next to Nagini. Although he looked disgusted, he still picked it up. A cup of strawberry milk tea: “Everything is going well, and there are no adverse reactions at the moment.”

Nagini thought for a while, expression with a little thought:

“How long will it take to resume normal operations?”

Su Rui shook her head. She rolled the eyes: “I don’t know, everyone’s physique is different, and the recovery speed is different. Normally, you should be able to live normally in half a year, but you want to reach the peak state?”

“Sorry, the current level of technology can only be restored to 70% to 80%.”

70% to 80%?

It looks like a lot of difference, but in fact it is enough for Rod Colonel.

Be aware that when a person exercises for a long time and does not exercise for a long time, the difference in Muscle Strength can reach 80% at most! (60%-140%)

So Nagini was satisfied with nodded: “Nothing, this is already very good.”

Although you want to drive mecha again, you have to do like Tony, Wearing a steel armor.

But Nagini believes that Rod Colonel will not care about these small problems, after all, before he even had a luxury to walk.

However, when Nagini was about to leave, Su Rui suddenly raised her head:

“Can you not give me strawberry milk tea next time, although it is delicious, but I almost drink milk “

Glancing at Su Rui’s half cup of milk tea, Nagini shook his head, he said solemnly: “Waste is shameful.”

rolled the speechlessly. eyes, fiercely took a big sip, drank the remaining half of the milk tea in the cup, grabbed the milk tea cup and threw it at Nagini: “So this is how you send me strawberry milk tea every day The reason?”

Taking the milk tea cup casually, throwing it backhand into the trash can, looking at Su Rui who is crazy like a wild cat in front of him?

Nagini thought for a while, and then asked:

“If I say no, will you be happier?”

rolled the eyes silently Looking at Nagini with a calm expression, Su Rui felt tired for a while: “Enough, you will have no friends like this.” Nagini was taken aback, and he calmly told a fact:” Sorry, not only do I have friends, but I also have a girlfriend.”

Su Rui rolled the eyes: “I always feel like you are suggesting who?”

Nagini waved his hand, his profound His gaze seems to pass through the endless space: “I don’t have it, don’t talk nonsense, how can Xianyuqi not have a girlfriend? He has a girlfriend and two girlfriends.”

Looking at a serious nonsense Nagini, Su Rui speechlessly ridiculed: “Although I don’t know what you are talking about, I feel that this is a sad story inexplicably.”

But Nagini waved his hand disapprovingly:

“Okay, let’s not talk about it, has Tony contacted you recently?”

Su Rui shook his head, with a bit of doubt in his expression: “No, since I cheated nanotechnology from me last time , He hasn’t contacted him for a long time, what’s the matter?”

With some thoughts, Nagini thought for a while, hesitated with a little uncertainty in his eyes: “The Ultron he studied recently, How should I put it? I don’t feel very good.”

Looking at Nagini’s hesitant expression, it was different from the previous frivolous. This time Su Rui’s face was a bit more serious. She thought about it, and finally nodded:

“Don’t worry, I will be careful.”

If it is someone else, Su Rui will not care, even if it is Wakanda’s king at the moment.

But there is no way, the person who made this sentence is Nagini.

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