Chapter 401 Deathmatch (Part I)

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight cut through the thick darkness.

New York, the sin capital that attracts countless dream chasers, busy people, have already got up.

Have you seen Los Angeles at 4:00 AM?

In New York, the crowded subway is the norm at 4:00 AM.

The moon abroad is not as round as expected. As a world Peak city, the pressure and competition here are far beyond your imagination.

It鈥檚 just New York today?

I don鈥檛 know why, it looks extra peaceful!

A diamond-shaped black scale like a gemstone, from Nagini’s body surface emerges.

The gloomy, cold, sent cold shivers down one’s spine breath, like a venomous snake, rose from Nagini’s body. As I said before, Nagini is in a bad state.

In the battle with Ultron, Nagini had at least half of his body Oblivion.

This kind of injury does not mean that you eat less than half a bowl of rice today, but that you who were originally 140 catties have lost weight to 70 catties.

The state of the whole person is a cliff-climbing fall, and it falls to the bottom in an instant.

Seriously, what Nagini needs most now is rest. His body is in urgent need of recuperation.

But there is a price to pay for reversing time. The longer the interval, the greater the inertia generated by this event in the river of time.

It’s like a piece of wood being thrown into the water. Immediately pushing the wood is a very easy thing, but what if the water is allowed to drag the wood?

It doesn鈥檛 take too long. When the quality of this piece of wood is high enough, it only takes 15 minutes to kill you.

So he can’t rest, every thing that happens is equivalent to a piece of wood thrown into the river for a long time. Because of the inertia of the river of time, Nagini must use Time Stone to find Sam and child back as soon as possible.

You must know that if you wait for Sam and child death, it will be completely affected by the inertia of the river of time. With Nagini’s current strength, it is difficult to change what has happened.

Unless he is capable of ignoring the influence of time and river inertia.

But the question is, is Nagini still Nagini at that time?

It’s like Mia, Toretto, and Brian who have been forgotten by Nagini.

People are born with both humanity and animality.

Nagini is different. He is not human. In the bones, he has only animal nature, but lacks human nature.

His humanity was nurtured by nature. If it weren’t for Nagini’s deliberate retention, his mind would have been corrupted by animality.

So Nagini is very afraid. What he is afraid of is not forgetting, but losing the feeling of love.

Nagini, who has lost his feelings for his family, does not want to lose his feelings for Sam and child.

So anyway, Time Stone oneself must be obtained!

The ancient texture of dim-blue emerges on the surface of Nagini.

That is a sign that the power of the space is stimulated to the limit. The dark gold snake eyes stared at the front, cold eyes passed through everyone, and finally looked towards Strange, who was protected by the superhero.

Step out, blood is like a river, grandiose鈥檚 flowing in Nagini鈥檚 blood vessels, under the dense black gem scales on the body, there is a layer of raised ribs, like a magic net , Overwrite Nagini’s body surface.

“hong long long!”

The monstrous fierce flames rose up, and most of New York fell silent in this brief moment.

Captain took a deep breath, holding a shield in his hand, although he felt guilty for Nagini in his heart, he would not release water to Nagini in battle because of guilt.


With one foot on the ground, the whole body’s tight muscles burst into amazing strength in this brief moment. The vigorous silhouette, like a sharp blue arrow, rushed towards Nagini.

Captain is 1.8 m tall. Eight, this height is tall and majestic even among white people, but in front of Nagini?

His height was close to 2 meters before, and Nagini in the semi-basilisk state can easily reach more than five meters.

Even in the battle with Ultron, half of his body was destroyed, resulting in a loss of strength. But the three-meter-high Nagini is still a huge monster in the eyes of normal people.

Three steps and two steps, watching rushing to own Captain, eye shows the ominous light Nagini, Blink is impatient in his eyes, with shout out loudly:

“get lost! 鈥?/p>

Five fingers spread out, each thick finger like a dragon pillar, seemingly waved at will, like flies, but it set off a hurricane out of thin air.

Looking at the swelling palm in his sight, Captain felt a strong sense of crisis. He knew that the oneself of the physical body and mortal flesh must not be hit. He instinctively lifted the vibranium shield.


The palm of the hand collided with the shield. Because of the special nature of the shield, ninety-nine percent of the power was dissipated.

But even so, Captain still felt as if he had been hit by a high-speed train, flying backwards uncontrollably.

Moreover, I wonder if it is Captain’s illusion?

He was faintly on the shield and saw a depression in the shape of a palm.

At the same moment, not just Captain, but also Nagini who took action just now.

Vibranium is a very special metal, this metal can withstand the force, and at the same time can rebound the force.

The shield in Captain’s hands is a special item made by the previous generation of Stark, with extremely terrifying rebound power.

This is the reason why Captain and everyone can be very close.

It鈥檚 just that Captain still underestimated Nagini. Captain, who withstood 0.1% of the strength, flew out directly, while Nagini, who withstood 99.9% of the strength, only took a step back.

Although this resulted in a fan-shaped area within 50 meters behind Nagini, all buildings were turned into ruins.

If Nagini has only Captain in front of him, then this battle is over.

But unfortunately, Nagini faces the whole Avengers.

A bow and arrow made of a special alloy appeared in front of Nagini at a speed exceeding Mach 1, but it was grasped before the bow and arrow pierced Nagini.

Hawkeye Button subconsciously presses the detonation button, and the soaring fire light surrounds Nagini, but as the palm of the hand is waved, the fanned hurricane tears the flame apart, and it can be seen that it is wrapped in flame and bears equivalent to two kg of intensity Nagini of Explosive, there is no scar on his body.

Just before the flames dissipated, a huge steel Iron Fist head fell into the sky.

Rhodes Colonel, who was driving the War Machine mecha, waved this dozen-ton fist, fiercely fell.

鈥渂ang! 鈥?/p>

A big fist of a house fell, and the terrifying strength caused the ground to crack instantly.

Natasha made a dexterous jump and threw dozens of button bombs full of explosives into the cracks on the ground.

If it is a normal enemy, it is probably cold now.

But this is Nagini, Earth鈥檚 strongest superhero, not one of them.

So next moment, along with a dull roar, Natasha, who was too late to escape, saw the fist belonging to War Machine mecha. From the gap between the parts, Blink flashed a dazzling light.


The terrifying explosion sounded, Natasha curled up instinctively, and in her arms, another bomb detonator was pressed, and then it sounded for a while A violent explosion.

At the same time, with Strange’s help.

Captain holding a shield, hugged Natasha, and when he wanted to leave the space window again, he stretched out a hand from the flames and clasped Captain’s calf: ” Did I let you go?”

The voice fell, and Captain suddenly felt a terrifying brute force emerge from his ankle. He subconsciously wanted to struggle, but soon realized that there was a difference between the two sides. How terrifying.

Captain, who can’t walk away, can only push Natasha away at the last minute.

In the flames, Captain, who fought back with a shield, quickly became desperate.

He realized that his previous feeling was not an illusion, and Nagini could really destroy the own shield.

With just one punch, this shield, which is claimed to be indestructible, is full of cracks.

As Nagini leaned over with a straight punch, the shield that was about to shatter instantly exploded, and the Captain, holding the shield in both hands, was knocked into the air like a cannonball.

The sturdy figure walked out of the flame hole opened by Captain, the surrounding flames seemed to have life, moved away from Nagini fearfully, and watched as the Demon King came to the world. Nagini in general?

From the beginning of the battle until now, Thor, who has been accumulating his strength, Blink all over his body with dazzling lightning,

Five fingers spread out, holding Mj枚lnir tightly, following Thor鈥檚 shout out loudly , The hammer in the hand fiercely fell!

In an instant, Mj枚lnir seemed to be linked with a certain rule of Earth. As the hammer fell, a dazzling thunderbolt, with the power to destroy everything, fell fiercely on Nagini.

Lightning with hundreds of millions of volts fell, feeling the amazing strength of thunderbolt, even if you know Thor summon鈥檚 thunderbolt must be amazing, but you really see this thick lightning that is 10,000 meters long, Everyone’s complexion could not help but change.

Thor, the Thor of Asgard, claims to be able to defeat Level 4 Kaiju beast monsters in hand-to-hand combat. This moment shows the true power of Spiritual God.

But next moment, a scene that moved everyone present happened.

How fast is lightning?

Some people say that it is the same as light, but in fact lightning is not light, but plasma that can glow.

According to scientists鈥?explanations, the linear lightning released by Raytheon is a pulsed discharge phenomenon in the atmosphere. A lightning consists of multiple discharge pulses. The interval between these pulses is very short. A few hundredths of a second.

The so-called lightning speed can reach the speed of light, it does not mean that the travel speed of electrons in the medium is the speed of light, but the speed of electric field propagation is the speed of light.

But even so, lightning is lightning after all, with incomparable speed and destructive power.

At the moment when the lightning fell, the dazzling thunderbolt Blink on Nagini’s body surface, because it was too dazzling, everyone closed their eyes subconsciously.

Only Thor, because of the special relationship with Lightning, allows him to see clearly.

The fatal blow that oneself prepared, this huge thunderbolt measuring tens of thousands of meters, was so grasped by Nagini,

Immediately, Thor’s panic happened. Now:

I saw Nagini holding the thunderbolt in his hand and stepping forward, his “small” body dragged this huge lightning like this, as if he was carrying a thunderbolt knife that was tens of thousands of meters long. , Fiercely cut it down!

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