Chapter 424 A hot man smiles at me

Curt · Wagner-Nightcrawler.

A very special Mutants. It is said that his mother is Mystique and his father is a red devil, so he has a devil’s tail and Mystique’s unique blue skin.

But this is not important, what is important is that he has an extremely rare spatial ability.

Although this ability is very weak and can only perform a short space shuttle, I have to admit that it is a rather buggy ability.

But unfortunately, this ability not at all brings him good luck, because he is Mutants.

I don’t know if it is because of jealousy or fear, this World is not friendly to Mutants.

The same is burglary, and normal people are estimated to be imprisoned for one year.

If you have skin advantages, such as being black, and the judge happens to be white, in order to prevent you from saying that he is racially discriminatory, the other party may also reduce your three-month sentence.

But what if you are Mutants?

Hehe, the minimum twenty-year imprisonment, what? Do you dare to disagree? Buy one get one free, for your courage, this judge will give you another twenty years!

No one likes Mutants, yes, no one likes it! ! !

The reason for this result is not only the danger they represent, but also because in Human’s subconscious, normal Human and Mutants are two completely different creatures.

This is not a simple non-self race, and their hearts must be different.

Mutants has a stronger body than normal Human, a longer lifespan, and also smarter, and possesses various magical abilities.

In other words, the emergence of Mutants will perfectly replace the current Human.

To put it another way, that is to say, if you don’t suppress Mutants now, one day, ordinary humans will be eliminated because of Mutants!

In fact, this is why Human has always disliked Mutants.

Even a superhero like Nagini is strong, but he is only strong in the end, and impossible rises to a race.

So when facing the threat of Kaijumon, Human, who had no internal disputes, chose to cooperate decisively instead of continuing to target Nagini.

Mutants instead?

Nagini has been dead for two years, but this world is not safe.

Although the problem of Kaijumon was solved, Earth discovered the Titan creature of Ancient Times. These monsters are huge and more powerful than Kaijumon.

Besides, Ultron hasn’t been idle for the past two years, either doing things all day, or on the road of doing things.

In the Human World, Thor went home, Sorcerer Supreme was unable to retreat, Hulk did not know why he ran away a year ago, so far whereabouts unknown.

SHIELD was emptied, because of Nagini’s affairs and also because of Hydra’s affairs, which led to the subsequent Avengers fighting each other, a mass of scattered sand.

It can be said that the current Human is internal trouble and outside aggression.

But even so, the relationship between Human and Mutants is still fragile like a layer of ice that has just frozen.

Although Professor X is working hard to ease the relationship between the two parties, but also because Human needs Mutants powerful strength to help them solve some unsolvable problems.

So on the surface, the relationship between Human and Mutants is not at all as bad as imagined.

But actually?

If it is really like the news report, there will be no Mutants selling organization like Francis, and the night walkers do not need to go to the circus to work, and they will be caught in the underground boxing ring. Fight life and death punches.

But it’s not important. What’s important is that when the Nightcrawler thought that oneself was going to cool off, he was saved by the legendary Mutants-Mystique Raven.

Although he doesn’t know why Mystique wants to save him, you have to know that she is Mystique, a hero who is widely circulated in Mutants world.

Different from Magneto, which disappeared, and Professor X, which became Human lapdog.

Mystique may not be as powerful as the first two, but the other party has been saving the Mutants who were tortured by Human.

So for most Mutants, comparing Magneto and Professor X, Mystique Raven is the real Legendary, the real hero.

As for why do you want to save the nightcrawler?

Seriously, Raven doesn’t know that she has saved a lot of Mutants over the years. The Nightcrawler is not at all as special as she imagined. At least in her opinion, the other party is the same as other Mutants.

If there is no accident, Raven will find a place to throw the nightcrawler away.

Although she saves people, she is not a babysitter. There is no need to take care of nightwalkers who have not known her for 24 hours.

It’s just a piece of news, but it made Raven realize that terrifying is about to happen–

Ai Rick, or Magneto of Hellfire Club.

Raven learned through friends’ news channels that he was killed by his wife and daughter after living in seclusion for many years!

Many people nowadays don’t know who Magneto is and what the name means.

Simply speaking of two things, Kennedy was killed by him. Although it was proved afterwards that he was behind this matter, this is not the point. The point is that the other party once lifted one by the strength of oneself A large stadium with a capacity of 80,000 people.

In addition, during the Cuban Missile Crisis many years ago, Magneto, which controlled thousands of shells, also demonstrated the unique war-level dominance of the fourth-level Mutants.

This also means that Magneto’s own strength is enough to start a war!

And now Magneto’s wife and child are dead, who the hell knows what will he do when he is angry?

The most terrifying thing is that when the time comes Magneto waved his arms,

With the influence of the other party, coupled with the hatred accumulated in the hearts of Mutants under the persecution of Human over the years ?

I drop a tortoise, I am afraid this world is going to be messy.

So Raven immediately took the Nightcrawler to New York. If he wants Magneto, he must have Professor X. On the one hand, Professor X and Magneto are both fourth-level Mutants.

Another reason is that Professor X is Magneto’s only man…won’t hurt.

PS: It won’t hurt and can be removed. Applying the school flower and grass theory, this is where there is no fragrance in the end of the world, why just love a flower.

It’s just that Professor X, the scumbag, doesn’t seem to be at home?

Looking at the wild beast Hank who was still as shy as before, Raven thought for a while and decided to chat with him.

As for the Nightcrawler?

Where to stay cool, no one will treat you as dumb without talking.

The poor little who was thrown out by the idol met Cyclops and Gretchen. They didn’t know what to think. A group of people who had just met less than 5 minutes decided to go to dinner and watch a movie together.

So, is America’s friendship so simple?

Or the screenwriter is mentally retarded and deliberately found an excuse to send Gretchen out?

In short, these are not important. The important thing is that when the entire group was preparing to go home, Cyclops who was driving keenly discovered a problem.

He lowered his voice and tried to pretend to be as normal as possible: “Pay attention, the car behind has been following us.”

The Nightcrawler glanced behind him, he rolled the eyes “It’s just an ordinary taxi.”

But Cyclops obviously disagrees with the concept of nightcrawlers. He asked, “Where is the school?”

Nightcrawlers subconsciously replied, but he didn’t finish speaking, he seemed to realize and so on him, his face changed a little: “Suburbs…wait, what do you mean?”

And realized that the nightcrawler had noticed To the problem Cyclops, nodded at the moment, the expression is a bit solemn:

“Although I am not very clear about the situation of the school. But I am sure, in such a remote place, there must be very few taxis around, not now In the beginning of the school season, it is impossible that parents will pick up the child. So I dare to speculate that the other party’s target is likely to be us.”

Just, looking at a serious Cyclops, also a nightwalker with an expression grave in the back seat?

Gretchen, who has been secretly using her ability to understand everything just now, has a strange look on her face:

“Well, maybe the other party just dropped in?”

But Cyclops shook his head. He glanced at Gretchen, with a warning and preaching expression: “No, you are too naive.”

Sighed in his heart, Gretchen looked helplessly at this confidence Man.

It is foreseeable that when Radium Ray knows the truth, he will be embarrassed to death.

But I am not to blame, after all, I have already reminded.

Just following Gretchen’s inadvertent glance, she saw two people sitting in a taxi behind her through the rearview mirror, her face suddenly changed!

There are two people behind the car, and Gretchen knows this.

Just now, Gretchen discovered that there was only one person behind, but oneself could see two people.

Two conclusions, one is that the person in the back seat realizes that oneself is watching him, so he hides his own breath. The other is that there are actually three people behind.

Regardless of the former or the latter, it is not good news for Gretchen.

At the same time, in front of the Mutants school, the little angel Quicksilver scratched his head, eyes flash with hesitation: “By the way, when I passed the taxi just now, did the hot man smile at me? “

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