Chapter 671 I want to live

The blue sky, a few white clouds drifting by, and under the cool sea breeze, there is a huge coconut tree. Natasha doesn’t see Captain that browses slightly wrinkle in the distance, after a moment of thinking?

She laughed suddenly:

“Laughing? Although I don’t know what happened, please allow me to be happy for a while.”

Winter behind Captain Soldier’s eyes flashed unpleasantly.

Having witnessed what happened recently, he looked towards Captain with a little more worry: “Natasha, there is no need to be so tart and mean?”

But Natasha disagrees Shrugged, she lazily leaned her body against the trunk of the coconut tree: “Perhaps? But no way, who made me a woman?” It may be because too much has happened recently , It’s also possible that he didn’t care what Natasha was talking about. Looking at the external skeleton on the two of them, Captain of browse slightly wrinkle asked:

“What are you looking for? Or is it Fury? Want you to kill me? Don’t say it, this fits Fury’s style.”

The silent Hawkeye suddenly raised his head and shook the bunch of green coconuts in his hand:

“Are you interested in chatting?”

Captain was shocked. He eyes flash with surprise, but after a moment of thinking, he turned his head and hinted Winter Soldier: “Bucky, you are waiting here Wait, I’ll be back later.”

As he said, he left the Winter Soldier who was in charge of monitoring Natasha, and followed Patton to the nearby beach.

Sit on the ground and use a sharp short blade to pierce a triangular hole in the green coconut shell. Barton handed it over: “Would you like to drink? The coconut tastes very good here.”


Taking the coconut that Barton handed over, Captain also sat down: “Speak, what are you looking for me for?”

It stands to reason that the two sides should meet with swords drawn and bows bent. It’s like Natasha did to Captain before, but in fact?

Between Hawkeye Button and Captain Steve, it’s like old friends who haven’t seen each other in years talking together.

The clear sky of cyan has a purity that is difficult to see in a New Yorker’s life. The white waves slap on the beach and drink the clear coconut juice. Patton’s tone is calm:

“You should know that Natasha and I came two days earlier than you.”

Captain nodded, a flash of self-deprecating flashed in his eyes: “I know, whether it is Fury or Ross, they all hope to use me to come The target on the surface.”

He doesn’t understand, but there is no way, this World is cruel.

The big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats dried shrimps. The balance maintained by oneself before is broken.

Now he can do nothing but accept.

Ignoring the “have no desire to improve” in Captain’s tone, Patton continued: “We found something interesting.”

frowned, put down the green coconut that was drinking, Captain Turning to look at Button, his tone of voice asked:

“Can you tell me?”

Shrugged, his face was disapprovingly calm: “You can’t say anything before you come, but After the meeting? In fact, it doesn’t make much sense to say nothing. Coulson’s report was wrong. There is no underage chapter of the abyss. What we found is the super-large octopus whose strength is close to the 4th Phase and is code-named “The Devil.”

Just as Button tone barely fell, Captain froze for a while, then blurted out:

“Is it hurt?”

Button also froze, He looked at Captain with a little surprise, but in the end he shook his head, and his eyes flashed with admiration: “As expected of Captain, many people think that you have achieved so much because of good luck. Now it seems that you should be better than others. Smarter.”

But Captain shook his head. He expressed a calm analysis and said:

“It’s not hard to guess, your goal is the five thousand soldier stationed here, or I said I wanted to carve up Skull Island with America. I knew Fury had this idea a long time ago. I even knew that Fury and the highest Commander here-Kondra Colonel are close friends.”

“Fury didn’t have a chance before, he didn’t. Dare to touch America’s cake, but now Nagini is back, he has the confidence.”

“Although five thousand soldiers are nothing to America, but fewer than five thousand soldiers are all year round. Veterans fighting with monsters, so the five thousand soldiers stationed here must be resolved.”

“The only possibility for America to sacrifice those five thousand soldiers is to make them doubt, the abyss and the other Two overlords go to war, and an abyss is enough to make America move. If you add an injured Titan overlord? America will not refuse.”

“But I have a question, how do you do it Yes?”

Captain knows what Fury is thinking, and he also knows what America is thinking. After all, he has built a perfect balance between the two parties, or even the three parties.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand. How could Fury hurt the Abyss? That is a monster close to the 4th Phase.

The only small elite teams that can do this are Thor and Hulk, who have long disappeared.

The large-scale troops impossible breakthrough America’s military base here is blocked, so theoretically Fury cannot forge the fact that the Abyssal Giant Chapter was injured.

Without being injured, it is naturally impossible to convince the American side that they have the opportunity to catch both the fisherman, so Captain will ask Barton how the entire group did it.

Looking at Captain, who was puzzled by the expression, although he admired the other party’s ability to pass a few words, he guessed the outline of the matter.

But Barton didn’t pay too much attention to it. Instead, he drank the coconut milk with a happy expression: “Perhaps they are really at war?”

The green coconut shell is still in the sea, and Captain rolled the eyes in an angry tone: “Then you will tell me all this now?”

eyes flash with hesitation, but finally Barton sighed: “Me too I don’t know, in short, there is an unrecorded monster, which caused the abyss to lose a tentacle and successfully escape.”

An unrecorded monster? Possess the power to injure the Great Seal of the Abyss?

eyes flash with pondering, as if thinking of something, Captain’s face was a little bit more incomprehensible excitement: “Maybe Coulson and they were wrong at first, but I’m curious, why did you follow I said this?”

Barton shook his head, facing Captain’s question, Blink was confused in his eyes:

“I don’t know, maybe it’s because of Coulson, maybe it’s because I thought Become the same person as you.”

As Patton’s voice fell, Captain was shocked, his face appeared astonished, mocked, and even odd expressions: “Like me? You are here? Cracking a joke?”

While looking at Captain’s exaggerated expression and not knowing what he was thinking, Patton laughed at himself:

“Maybe, just be I’m joking.”

Speaking, Patton threw the green coconut shell in his hand into the sea, only looking at Patton who was about to leave, Captain called him: “Wait.”

Turning his head to look at Captain, Button eyes flash with puzzlement: “What? You are not trying to buy me, are you? Natasha can be here, unless you want to kill the two of us.”

Captain rolled the eyes: “I’m not that stupid. You must have left behind before meeting.”

If you want to buy Hawkeye Button, you must kill Natasha. The less you know, the better, but if Natasha dies, Patton will be investigated.

The risk of being investigated far exceeds the benefits obtained from the acquisition. At least for now, Captain cannot afford to pay Barton to bear all this.

That’s why he would say, unless you kill both of us.

But the problem is that even SHIELD lowest level agents know to keep one hand.

So this time Fury will not only send Barton and Natasha. A conservative estimate, at least one person.

Looking at Patton’s puzzled expression, Captain calmly said: “If I can let SHIELD and America control Skull Island together, what will Fury be willing to give?”

Button was stunned, it seems that he didn’t expect Captain to say such things.

So after a while, he browsed tightly knit and emphasized: “You are Captain!”

Captain nodded, he also emphasized: “But you are also SHIELD Agent.”


It seems that both parties are questioning, but they seem to be emphasizing something, but Captain vaguely feels that this is a bit wrong, and adds: “Besides, I want to survive.”

Barton There was silence, he didn’t know what it meant when he said this sentence from Captain’s mouth, or how many things had happened in the past two years, so that the other party became what it is now.

In short, looking at this friend who has become stranger, he sighed:

“I need time.”

On the other hand, Captain has a lot of faces on his face. With a smile, he took a deep look at the other person: “Very well, it just so happens that I also need to improve the plan, see you tonight.”

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