Chapter 595 You are not as pretty as me.

“Tzzzzzzz ~~”

Beside the soaring flames, a sturdy paw plunged into the swamp, and the black silt touched the azure-red scales, making a harsh sound. A burst of white mist rose.

The swamp surrounding several hundred meters, boiling at this brief moment.

“hong long long!”

Behind Houhou, another swamp exploded, and methane gas rose to the sky. It was ignited in the surrounding high temperature, and there was even a lot of flames. With the explosion of mud splashing.

Like a meteor shower, it fell on the thick back of Huhou.

But a strange scene happened.

Because of the exploding flames, at this moment, it seemed to be drawn by an invisible force. The flames swirled and flew towards the back of the giant crocodile.

Under the baptism of flames, on the back of a giant crocodile, the rows of scales that look like protruding teeth, the color becomes more and more vivid, and even reflects a kind of strange red!

At the same time, in the abdomen of Howoo, the internal organs that have been shattered under the shock wave of the explosion are recovering at a frightening speed at this moment. The squirming granulation shoots are entangled with each other as if they are alive.

The terrifying giant crocodile whose breath was originally terrifying is now moving towards a terrifying level.

And facing this scene that no one thought of?

Reed eyes flash with puzzlement, he was subconsciously muttered: “What’s going on? How is this possible!”

He didn’t understand, because in his plan, Houhou should Killed by the explosion of the swamp, but don’t know why, since he came to Skull Island, his guess has never been accurate.

For example, last time, it was obviously the method of Professor X, but Reid thought it was a strange creature from Skull Island.

As for what happened to Ho Ho?

The reason is very simple, although everyone is due to the special energy brought by this space storm, which eventually caused the mutation.

However, there is a fundamental difference between Reid’s entire group and “roar roar”.

The first is energy intake. Reid’s entire group is only swept by energy. It’s like touching a steamed bun with the fragrance of steamed bun in his hand.

Hoho is different. What it eats is energy harvesting body, which is equivalent to eating a piece of steamed bread.

So Fantastic Four has a short mutation time, while Houhou has a longer mutation time.

Another problem is that Houhou ate a lot of food. Although the entire group of Reid also injected a lot of nutrient solution, it was injected according to normal Human needs.

But Huhou is different, starting from the energy entering within the body.

Even Houhou oneself, I don’t know how much food it ate.

Of course, if there were no accidents, from a saltwater crocodile measuring five or six meters into the current giant crocodile which is thousands of meters long, plus the injury some time ago?

Even if there is a lot of food as a fuel, the energy that can make the body mutate should be used up.

But the problem is that Reid died or not lit a fire in the swamp.

Hoho still has evolution energy remaining in its body, so it is still in a state of evolution, and evolution will change with the surrounding environment.

Reed’s fire will only have two results:

One is to burn Roar to death, and the other is to make Roar to be reborn in the flames.

Be aware that the essence of food is to obtain energy, and the flame itself is also a kind of energy.

This fire completely pushed Huhou from the huge mutant creature to the mysterious realm of Titan creature. If the previous Huhou, the limit is 4th Phase.

The current Houhou has the potential to enter the 5th Phase.

As a large amount of flame is absorbed by Roar’s body, its body no longer expands, but shrinks at a speed visible to naked eye.

The raised canine tooth scales became smooth, as if the wild boar’s teeth were gradually being polished, but on its head, two small drums similar to dragon horn appeared.

As the flames continue to burn, a large number of unwanted genes have been eliminated, and the original kilometer-long giant crocodile has shrunk to more than ten meters in length.

The overall shape looks like a crocodile, but the scales on the body are crystal clear and near-transparent, like a layer of fiery red crystal, and the two small drum bags on the top of the head have also become two Sharp dragon horn.

Seriously, the current Houhou is not even half as long as the previous nails, but at this moment, the imposing manner on its body?

The slender claws step on the swamp,

“ka-cha”, the horrible breath rises, swirling the surrounding airflow.

The gene eliminated within the body turns into dust in the sky, and the surrounding swamps of several hundred meters also evaporate in this brief moment.

On the cracked ground, a pair of jade green eyes looked towards the four people not far away.

next moment, Ho Ho disappeared.

In fact, it should not be considered as disappearing, because a red line can be seen, which is swiftly cutting through the swamp and heading in the direction of the Fantastic Four.

The red light passes by, the water in the swamp is evaporating, and the cracked ground is like a riverbed that has been dry for more than ten years.

The strong sense of crisis made Invisible Woman Susan couldn’t help but hold up the position of At, but just as her position rose, a ten-meter-long roar appeared in front of Susan.

The distance between the two parties is difficult to calculate, but it is certain that it is at least two 10 km.

How many seconds have passed since seeing the red line until the other party appeared oneself?

This speed is amazing!

And when Susan was in a daze, from the fiery-red paws of Houhou, paws that looked like white jade popped out.

“Cracking ~~Cracking 嚓!!”

The terrifying strength acts on the energy position, just like a broken glass, the at position is directly broken.

Susan, who was taken away from all the stamina in an instant, turned black before her eyes, and fell directly onto the cracked ground.

Human Torch rushed subconsciously, but the flames on his body just rose?

A miserable howl, a large amount of flames gushing out from the Human Torch within the body, and is directly sucked into the body by the roar.

Reid see power is far from good, turning into a rubber man, trying to tie Huhou.

And Ben, who has been a good friend for many years, turned into an angry rhino, and launched a charge against Huhou.

Just before Ben approached, Houhou slapped his backhand and directly pressed the stone man into the cracked ground.

Yes, the rubber man’s binding doesn’t make any sense. From the relaxed look of Houhou?

This is not like a rubber man’s binding, but a mass of noodles wrapped around oneself.

Looking at the paw that was trying to grab oneself’s body, Reid fled away from the body in a panic because he was worried that his own body would be ripped off by this terrifying monster.

But after all, it was still a step too late, Houhou successfully grabbed one of Reid’s arm, and then pulled hard.

This reminds Reed of Ben’s shoulder fall.

The two have signed up for judo training in college. At first Reid is still very interested, but with Ben One shoulder fall?

Reid clearly realizes that people are not the same.

Now, he felt like he was thrown over his shoulder. The internal organs seemed to be shattered, and a puff from his lungs did not know whether it was qi or blood.

His eyes were dark, and Reid even felt his own heart stopped.

“pa ta ”

Human Torch Johnny fell from mid-air, his pale face and trembling body, as if he had been squeezed dry.

Since then, the only Fantastic Four who remains awake is Reid alone.

But unfortunately, one of Reed’s hands was still held by Huhou.

It is like a little demon, full of interest in Reid’s body.

Of course, it may also be because Reid’s body is really fun, just like dough.

Just for Reid?

This is simply torture.

In Huhou’s hands, Reid’s body changed into various appearances, just like the flip-fancy rope in a child’s hand, and his consciousness collapsed again and again.

But the problem is that Reid had to hold on to not let his consciousness crash.

Because he knows very well that if his own consciousness collapses, he will not be able to maintain superpower, and Reid, who cannot turn his body into a rubber man, will be torn apart in an instant.

But people have limits after all. Reed can survive the first limit with Willpower, but what about the tenth limit and the hundredth limit?

The will can indeed play the limit of breakthrough effect at certain times, but the limit is the limit.

The false limit is just the limit you think.

The true limit, without your breakthrough, will naturally die.

Reid knows that oneself is going to finish. The only difference is whether oneself will die now or will die some time later.

But in fact, it seems that Reid guessed wrong again the first two times.

He thought Magneto and Professor X were dead?

But in fact, the two of them live on Skull Island.

He thought oneself could kill Hoho?

In fact, Houhou completed the evolution from ordinary creatures to Titan creatures.

And this time he thought that oneself would be torn off by Houhou,

But in fact, as if he was tired of playing with toys, Houhou casually threw Reed’s body away, It looked to its side curiously.

There is a huge creature there, the other party has a thick tail, strong muscles, and a layer of crystal-like bone spurs on the back. Although it is very large, it gives people a very strong feeling inexplicably , You can see that it is powerful.

Hohou was stunned for a moment, it looked at the strange big guy. I looked at the rough skin of the other person, and looked at oneself crystal clear and near-transparent, the bright scales like rubies.

A touch of pride appeared on his face, and the expression seemed to say–

Well, you are not as pretty as me.

And Nagini, who understood what the other party meant, was stunned at this moment. He looked at oneself’s rough, rock-like skin, and a kind smile appeared on his face. The expression seemed to say ——

Really? I don’t believe it, let me be Kangkang!

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