Chapter 612 Untitled

Odin abdicates?

Seriously, although this news has been predicted many years ago, after all, Odin is no longer against the sky, he will be a person after all, the day he died.

But really when the news was announced.

Can only be described in one sentence, that is the shock of Nine Realms!

No exaggeration, this is the fact.

Every country in Nine Realms knows that during Odin’s reign, they were all being sucked blood by Asgard. Many countries, even civilizations, have threatened to overthrow the Asgard rule headed by Odin.

Can in fact?

Nine Realms’ country, planet, and even civilization.

Except for a few powerful ones, such as Earth, most of them cannot do without Asgard, because Asgard has become a huge monster unconsciously.

There are only two choices left to most civilizations. One is to abandon the home of Nine Realms and go to an unknown world that has not yet been tainted by Asgard.

The other is choosing to surrender Asgard.

Good luck, such as Earth, when its own strength reaches a certain level, Earth is no longer the slave of Asgard, and the relationship between them can change from slave and slave master to partner.

Unlucky, those who fail to get up can only choose to obey and accept Asgard’s blood sucking.

Even if you know that this partnership is not fair, the reality is cruel.

Because you have no choice but to accept.

However, this is not the most terrifying. The real terrifying is that with Odin abdicating, Thor will be the Asgard Divine King, and the chief executive officer of Asgard is called God of Evil Loki.

Evil God? This name inexplicably makes everyone feel a bad feeling, and this feeling comes from the dark age many years ago, the Asgard queen who was forcibly suppressed by Odin-Death God Hela!

Coincidentally, Asgard during that period was also in a special period of regime change.

Odin, who just became the Asgard Divine King, under the unprecedented expansion, heeded the advice of his daughter Hela, and this advice was to conquer Nine Realms.

Although Asgard is nominally the ruler of Nine Realms, in fact the relationship between Asgard and Nine Realms is equivalent to Zhou Tianzi and various princes.

You are the king in name, and we all listen to you, but in fact everyone has their own way.

If you have good luck, you can grow bigger and stronger from an ordinary person, and eventually become the strongest prince, and you can even compete with Zhou Tianzi Branch Office.

This is the relationship between Nine Realms and Asgard back then. It is almost exactly the same as it is now. It is also the result of years of careful maintenance by Odin, but Odin and Hela did not think so.

What they think is why should I be the king in name? And why can’t I make Nine Realms become Asgard?

With this idea, Odin and Hela started their Nine Realms conquest plan.

Seriously, at first went well. Asgard’s hard power lies there. Nearly half of the territory of Nine Realms is occupied by Asgard.

But as Odin and Hela’s movements got bigger and bigger, their goals were gradually exposed, but the problem was that the two of them at that time actually didn’t care anymore.

After all, more than half of the territory of Nine Realms at that time had been swallowed by Asgard.

However, the development of the latter event exceeded the previous budget of Odin and Hela.

Not only those civilizations that have not yet been conquered, but even those civilizations that have been converted have come forward.

Odin didn’t understand, Hela didn’t understand either, and then they launched frantic revenge and bloody suppression, but what they didn’t expect was that in the past, they would subdue the soft rebels after a short fight. This time will be so crazy.

It seems that it can’t be killed, and it can’t be killed.

In fact, this matter is well understood. Although Asgard sucked blood before, it at least gave everyone a hope. Although this hope is very slim and even cruel, it is ultimately a hope.

But what if Nine Realms only has the voice of Asgard?

Think about it, Asgard ordered that shit is delicious and you should eat shit. Nine Realms large and small countries must issue this decree on eating shit, because this is an order of Asgard.

Are you not listening?

Why don’t you listen? The general direction of Asgard is that shit is delicious. In order to survive, you can only issue a law to eat shit.

Because of the enactment of the law, citizens of this country can only eat shit, because other countries are also encouraging eating shit, so everyone can only eat shit.

But is shit delicious?

Shit is not tasty, and people who are unwilling to eat shit will eventually choose to leave.

And what is the capital on which countries and civilizations depend?

It’s the people who don’t want to eat shit, or are willing to eat shit for you!

Asgard is very important. This huge monster can protect oneself, but it is people who are really important.

That’s why the countries of Nine Realms will resist.

What they are afraid of is not that there is no hope, because as long as they are still alive, there must be hope. What they are really afraid of is that one day you have to hold the shit with your hand and stuff it into the support In your people’s mouth.

Why did Qin II die?

Due to tyranny?

No, tyranny is just the appearance. The key is Qin Country’s policy. As the first dynasty to unify the six nations, Qin Shihuang’s expansion and the right to make him wanton wariness eventually destroyed him. A kingdom created by myself.

Capital monster?

In fact, Old Ancestor understood this truth many years ago, and saw it more thoroughly, that’s why there is the classic sentence: If you divide for a long time, you must be together, and if you are together for a long time, you must divide!

This was the case of the Qin Dynasty, which was the second king, and the Han Dynasty, which lived for 407 years.

This is a reincarnation. No one can change it. The only thing that can be done is to extend it. The Zhou Dynasty, which has lived for more than 800 years, did it well.

Power is really not the bigger the better, because too big will swell, and the result of swelling is self-destruction.

Fortunately, in the latter part of that bloody suppression, Odin understood this truth.

He is a wise man, so Odin understands that even if oneself eats all the Nine Realms and when oneself dies, Asgard will never escape the end of Qin II’s death.

Not to mention whether Hela is suitable for the position of the king of the gods, even if she can suppress Nine Realms with her bloody wrist, what will happen after Hela is dead?

Give you a set of numbers, and then give you Infinity time, one day you can win 5 million.

Asgard has become stronger, but Asgard has also become dangerous.

It’s like a ignited bomb hung under the crotch. It’s really powerful. Everyone will run away, but don’t forget, the bomb will explode someday.

Of course, Odin can also continue to conquer. After all, the universe is so big that Nine Realms can also become the 99 world, but the universe has its limits.

The stronger Asgard’s power is, the greater his power will be, and when power is out of control, the backlash will be violent.

So, Odin is really a very smart person. He gave up the great goal he had imagined with his daughter. He no longer thought about how to conquer the Nine Realms. He even gave up a large amount of land that he had already laid. Choose to suck blood like the original one.

Hela scolded Odin for being a coward.

Because she didn’t understand why Odin, who was as brave as oneself, became a coward overnight. You must know that the word Odin in the ancient language means “crazy” or “violent.” .

Odin thought about whether oneself should explain to his daughter.

But in the end he gave up. Not everyone can think of problems from Odin’s perspective.

He needs to sacrifice someone to offset the anger of Nine Realms at this time. In other words, he must find a reason that everyone can accept, so that the countries and civilizations of Nine Realms Accept the reality of being sucked by Asgard again.

If he can’t find this reason?

Asgard is very strong, but this does not mean that Asgard is irreplaceable.

At the same time, Odin also needs to deal with internal issues.

War brings benefits, benefits breed rights, and rights will eventually cause Asgard to inflate frantically and ultimately to destruction.

So there is Hela vsValkyrior.

If Odin simply wants to suppress Hela, why doesn’t he do it himself, but let Valkyrior do it first?

You must know that Odin back then was not the old Odin now.

So all this is very simple. Valkyrior was given to Hela to kill.

On the one hand, it blocked the mouths of most people in Nine Realms. After all, Hela is Odin’s own daughter, and Oneself also sacrificed an elite team of Asgard

On the other hand, it solved internal problems and dispelled most people’s ambitions. At the same time, it also allowed Asgard to retain enough strength to continue to eat Nine Realms. Blood.

And now, it’s time for Asgard to be in a shift of power again.

What happened that year, will this time repeat itself?

Seriously, no one knows, but most people would rather be sucked blood than what happened in the past. People are endless, just like leeks. Stubble also next stubble.

But people are still gone.

Just like the Temple of Artemis in Turkey, it can be completely rebuilt with modern technology, but if it is gone, it is gone.

Although from a rational point of view, it is just a group of data.

But apart from robots, no one can be absolutely rational.

However, as the protagonist in this storm, the current king of the gods Thor?

At this moment, he, not at all staying in Asgard, but following Nagini, old father Odin, Xiao Tang Qing these people appeared in Earth.

According to Odin, he will take Thor to meet someone.

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