Divine Star Lang took A Miao to the cemetery.

"Ask your mother-in-law!" He touched A Miao's head and walked to her mother's gravestone.

A Miao put down the lilies bought on the road: "If my mother is still alive, I'm afraid it will be more sad."

People who have waited all their lives not only forgot about themselves, they also got married and had children, and they had a lot of right and wrong. But in the end he was said to be innocent and he was also a victim.

"It's ironic." A Miao looked at the picture on the tombstone, and her mother's smile was still as sweet as that year.

Shenxinglang held her hand: "This feeling is helpless, isn't it?"

Whose fault is it? fate? life? Who can blame ...

"Fortunately, we did not miss it!" A Miao sighed again.

"Hmm!" Shenxing Langlou tightened her. "We are happier than them."

A Miao spoke to her mother for a long time, and Shen Xinglan stood waiting for her far away. When it was getting dark, she came over and hugged him.

"I want him to wake up."

"Then let him wake up." Shen Xinglang raised A Miao's face. "This is not selfish, don't feel guilty."

A Miao held back her tears: "I don't want my mother to be alone in the ground. I want her to hear the man she loves come to her and tell her that her waiting and persistence have not been in vain."

"I know, I know!" Shen Xinglian bent down. "Come up, I'll carry you out."

A Miao's choice is very cruel to the grandma. Maybe the man can't face himself at all when he is awake, and can't even live. But she still chose to wake him up. In A Miao's heart, her mother was more important.

So ... only cruel to another.


Yu Sihan leaned lazily on his back, poking his hand on the screen.

"what's up."

"God Star Lang invites you ... to eat at home."

Yu Sihan: ...

"Is he crazy?"

Although the men think so, they dare not express their opinions.

"Exactly, I bought a gift for Xiaoyaya!" Yu Sihan's hand swiped across the screen.

A Miao knows that when Shenxing Lang invited Yu Sihan to come home, she was very puzzled.

"You're going to confront him?" A Miao looked at the man dissatisfied. "He won't admit it."

Yu Sihan did not say when he was on the island before, he will not explain it now.

"That's because we didn't know too much before." Shen Xinglang appeased her. "From the beginning of hypocrisy to the later to give you maggots, let's go to the island to find the treasure, everything is not his age Can do it. "

This is a plot that was buried decades ago. What role did Yu Sihan play in it ...

"I don't think he would say." Amy had the best understanding of that guy, and her bones were abnormal.

Shenxinglan smiled: "Now the initiative is in our hands."

"Ah?" A Miao didn't understand.

"Good, wait to see tomorrow!"

On the weekend, Yu Sihan came to the appointment on time.

"Inviting me so politely?" He looked around as soon as he came in, "What about Yaya?"

Shenxing Lan glanced at the box he brought: "Even if I don't invite you, you are almost here."

Yu Sihan basically kept the frequency of reporting once every three days.

"That's right." Meiqing sat down, "So are you hinting at me? Before that, you still tell me Yaya?"

If it weren't for Yu Sihan's too many secrets, these secrets are also related to the maggots on Yaya. Shenxinglang had already seen him and saw the gun, so he would not have given him a chance to peep at his daughter here.

"She's sleeping." Star Star pointed at the box. "Don't buy anything strange for my daughter."

The broken teddy bear Xiaoxi hasn't finished yet ...

"I don't think you are a qualified father." Yu Sihan said as he opened the box.

Inside is a very cute little wooden horse with a pink elephant shape and a tail of hair on its tail.

"Well ..." Shen Xinglang gave a scornful look. "You're late, Yaya is exactly the same."

He Shishi and A Miao just bought things online, and they couldn't fit in any room in the toy yaduo.

"I have modified it." Yu Sihan put the baby elephant on the ground, "Will you buy it and run by yourself?"

Shen Xinglang's face turned black: "I said don't give Yaya such strange things."

"What's weird?" Yu Sihan pressed a button and saw the little elephant gliding slowly on the ground, quite steady ...

"Look, how good!" Meijun asked for credit, "With this Yaya, I can run in the room."

Shen Xinglang cold face: "She is learning to walk and doesn't need this kind of thing."

"You are not Yaya." Yu Sihan said lightly.

When A Miao held Yaya down, she saw men and teenagers snarling in the living room. She was not surprised at all, and when she saw Yu Sihan, she had already begun to thump.

"Hanhan! Hanhan!" She slipped from A Miao and ran to the living room with a swing.

Yu Sihan immediately changed her deputy smile, and she stretched out her hand to hug her. As a result, Yaya ran halfway and saw the baby elephant Trojan horse. She instantly changed her direction and rushed to the horse.

"Do you like Yaya?" Yu Sihan crouched in front of her, "Would you like to ride it?"

Yaya crawled up with her little buttocks, A Miao hurried to help her, and was preempted by Yu Sihan.

"Mama!" After Yaya shook it a few times, she was surprised to find that this one was different from hers, and this one would still move.

So even more excited!

"Mama! Mama! Let's go!" She waved her small arm, as if this could make the elephant run faster.

A Miao was afraid she fell and wanted to keep up, and was dragged back by the God Star: "He sent it, let him go."

"He wants it!" A Miao glanced at the man.

Yu Sihan followed Yaya over there, secretly kissing from time to time.

"You can't help it, don't defend it." Shen Xinglan squeezed A Miao's hand. "It's still young, please let him be proud."

Wait a few years, Yaya, ha ha ... let you meet a ghost.

"Let's go eat!" Shen Xinglan pulled A Miao to the dining room.

As for Yaya, the child's character doesn't know who he looks like. If you are interested in something, you will keep playing. After you get tired of it, you won't look at it.

"Look at Yaya, they don't care about you, just come home with me!" Half an hour later, Yu Sihan took Yaya into the restaurant.

A Miao clapped her hands, and Yaya fell on her.

"Why did you abandon me?" Yu Sihan stepped back unwillingly.

As a result, Yaya gave him only a glance, gave a toothless smile, and fell to A Miao's arms again.

Shen Xinglang has such an expression. Recently, as long as Yaya is tired or hungry, she only looks for A Miao, even he can't hold it.

"Okay, the opening is over, let's talk about business." Yu Sihan wiped his hands and sat down. "Do you plan to let Grandma wake up?"

"Isn't this what you want?" Shenxing Lang helped Yaya put on a bib. "You knew from the beginning that there were tapeworms in his body."

Yu Sihan put down his chopsticks: "I don't know if you believe it?"

"Do not believe."

"I don't know." Yu Sihan still said, "If I knew it, it wouldn't give you a chance to discover what Grandma's wrong, let alone you have the opportunity to wake him up."

A Miao cold-eyed: "Speaking so boldly of conspiracy and trickery, aren't you afraid that I will drive you out."

"It doesn't matter, just come again next time." Yu Sihan shrugged.

He knew that the God Star Lanna and A Miao would not treat themselves, just as they also calculated that they would not hurt Yaya.

"You killed Yu Kun and Aihua because their existence will affect your treasure." Shen Xinglang thought for himself. "Before, Eva wanted Yu Kun to marry Amy because of the treasure, right?"

"So, Eva, like you, knows the secret of the treasure." Shen Xinglang looked at him. "You used Amy and your blood to open the stone platform before, but failed."

Shen Xinglang's gaze became colder and colder: "Because the tapeworm transferred to Yaya, you are waiting for Yaya to grow up, and then use her blood to open the treasure."

"Don't even think about it!" A Miao screamed, and Yaya in her arms was frightened by her, and her mouth was about to cry.

The breath on Yu Sihan changed, and looked at A Miao coldly: "You're scared Yaya."

"It doesn't matter to you." A Miao is used to his momentum, and has slowly adapted. "I tell you, as long as I live, you don't want to take away Yaya!"

Shenxing Lang was right before. Yu Sihan just wanted to make Yaya have a good relationship with him, and then he took the initiative to help him open the treasure ...

"I didn't discuss it very much today." Shen Xinglan hugged Yaya and patted A Miao's back again.

Yu Sihan saw that Yaya didn't cry, and her breath converged: "I can guarantee that no matter what my purpose, I will not hurt Yaya, you can rest assured."

"It depends on your sincerity." Shen Xinglan picked his lips, "I want to know the truth."

"Okay." Yu Sihan didn't hesitate. "Forty years ago, my father started to deploy all this. He originally wanted to come to your mother by himself." Glancing at A Miao, Yu Sihan continued.

"But there was something wrong with his body. This disease has delayed many things and missed the opportunity."

God Star Frow frowned: "So he arranged for hypocrisy?"

"The hypocrisy approached you to get the bronze mirror and jade pendant." Yu Sihan continued, "But the existence of A Miao is an accident, because he thought you were dead."

A Miao understands what he said after his disappearance.

"When you appear again, my father confirms that you are a descendant of the A clan, and he wants to have a son to marry you." Yu Sihan deliberately looked at the starring, and saw that his face was dark and smiled.

"However, he didn't expect Eva to escape."

A Miao interrupted him: "Why did she run away?"

Why is Eva so greedy for money that she has given up her chance to marry a wealthy man?

"Because my father only needs children, don't want her." Yu Sihan said indifferently. "As long as she gives birth to a son, it means death."

"So she ran away." A Miao understood something. "Still fled with her son, but they met Aya by mistake."

Yu Sihan nodded: "She stole my father's notes when she left, but now I know she may have stolen tapeworms."

"One more thing you didn't say." Shen Xinglan stared at him with deep eyes. "Why ... your family must marry A Miao."

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