"Now that we are in the dark and the enemy is in the light, don't reveal your identity yet, try to disguise yourself as an ordinary person. After Li Changshou finished speaking, he jumped off the highway fence and jumped into the roadside forest.

The corners of Fang Mu's eyes twitched, his hands on the edge of the fence and looked down, under his feet was a mountain stream dozens of meters high, this is what an ordinary person can jump and play casually.

What misconceptions you may have about ordinary people.

Fang Mu shook his head, and then jumped down as well.

Luckily, there are no cars on the highway and there are no cameras nearby.

There was no one except for the big truck that passed by just now.

After jumping off the highway, they hid in the mountain forest, and the movements of several people relaxed a little.

After some exchanges, the goal was determined, and the next moment the four of them disappeared in the same place, appearing in an uninhabited alley of the city dozens of kilometers away.

"The security department of this plane has files, and the information channels are relatively abundant, and it is easiest to find out the traces of strange stories from the security department. Li Changshou said.

"That's not easy. He Xianming smiled slightly.

With a finger, he summoned a demigod and a human psychic mage from his divine kingdom.

"My God. Dressed in a white robe and holding a magic staff, the Mind Mage saluted He Xianming respectfully.

He Xianming ordered to go down.

The Psychic Mage bowed to leave, he walked out of the alley, and not far away, a working man in a black suit walked towards him, obviously the Psychic Mage in a white robe was in front of him, but he ignored it.

The Mind Mage swung forward with his staff in his hand.

A strange scene appeared.

The Psychic Mage's face changed.

The gray hair turned black, the back was straight, and the wrinkled skin of the face became smooth and elastic.

The eyes are dark and bright.

The white robe worn on the surface of the body also changed to a black suit.

One breath takes to completely change to the person who just walked past.

Looking at the man's back, the Mind Mage reached out and pointed five fingers at the back of his head.

No one saw it, and invisibly, a gray mist flew out of the back of his head and swept into his palm.

A cloud of memories was plundered, and the corners of the Mind Mage's mouth rose slightly.

Not far away, passers-by fell to the ground with a pop and fainted.

Passers-by on both sides looked at this scene indifferently, no one went up to help him, and no one cared about the fallen man.

Only a little girl silently took out her mobile phone and made a call to the police.

Then a few steps around, the crowd on the side of the road bypassed the man who fell on the ground, forming an invisible empty circle.

The man in the suit strode into the security station, and the officers in the guard station were doing their own thing.

The man at the desk paused neatly on the desk with his papers in his hands.

The front desk officer picked up the phone, "Hey, okay, we've received the situation, please evacuate the school in an orderly manner." "

The psychic mage walked alone to the room where the files were stored at the police station, and with a wave of his hand, all the files in the room disappeared.

"Hey, the security department isn't a place where you can come and go whenever you want, it's too swaggering to take us seriously. At the door, a man with black hair covering his eyebrows and his hands on his chest lazily leaned against the door looking at the psychic mage disguised as a man in a suit.

The Mind Mage silently raised his head.

The man at the door grinned, grabbed the clothes on his chest with his left hand and tore them hard.


The clothes were torn, revealing a strong chest.

The stout man grinned, showing his white teeth, his left hand raised, and the corners of his eyebrows were bruised.

A rich hot breath comes out of the mouth.

A thick black mist appeared in the palm of his left hand.

Behind him, a white-clad apparition of a hanged ghost appeared behind him, and the room instantly became dark.

One by one, hemp ropes fell from the sky and landed in front of the Psychic Mage.

One of the nearest hemp ropes was thrown at the psychic mage's throat.

"I felt a lot of evil thoughts. The Mind Mage muttered to himself.

He looked at the stout man and said, "The mind is reversed!"

Magic ripples flashed.

The hemp ropes in the room danced wildly in an instant.

Several of the hemp ropes, in turn, wrapped around the man's limbs.

"How is that possible!" the man couldn't believe it.

His own ghost tool was actually devoured.

What a realm this man is!

"It doesn't matter what you are...... The difference in strength is fundamental, no matter how weird your strength is, the difference in strength cannot change the gap between you and me. After the Mind Mage finished speaking, a spiritual shock wave and the Mind Prison controlled the man.

Then he swaggered out of the police station with the man.

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