Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning

Chapter 235: The existence in the sea of ​​blood and the mountains of corpses, the beasts that erup

All I saw was a figure sitting on the corpse of a huge mutant wild boar, eyes closed slightly as if resting.

A long knife was inserted into the corpse, and the scarlet blood dripped from the remaining blade.

In the sea of ​​blood, a man sat on top of the corpse, with a long sword sticking around it.

Such a scene seems a bit spectacular.

As if feeling their gaze, Chu Han opened his eyes and looked at them.

Then stood up and drew the long sword.

"Since you are here, the rest will be left to you."

He can't handle the corpses of these mutant beasts alone, but he can't leave the corpses of these mutant beasts to the mutant beasts.

When the official person came, he didn't have to worry about it.

After speaking, without waiting for their response, he walked towards the city.

After a long time of killing, he was tired.

The body can still fight, but his spirit is in urgent need of rest.

However, the killing this time also made him gain something, and even realized something like sword qi and sword intent.

He should be the only one on Earth who has realized this kind of power, right?

The supporters stared blankly at Chu Han's departure. They wanted to speak, but they didn't know what to say.

Finally, he turned his gaze to the corpses of the mutant beasts on the ground, each with a wry smile.

Their support seems to be able to do such a thing.


Time passed slowly, because of Chu Han's reason, Yuncheng didn't lose much in this beast swarm, not even a single soldier died.

This also made them deeply feel how important it is for a city to have a first-rank powerhouse.

Although Chu Han is not in the first sequence, he possesses such abilities.

If he hadn't killed the beast tide alone, it would have been impossible for Yuncheng to not have a single casualty.

Even if they can use firepower to suppress.

In addition to them, Ning Cheng, who was not far from their city, also relied on Ning Guang's ability to solve the beast tide in a very short time, even faster than them,

The same is true for Hangcheng, Imperial Capital, and Tianhai.

Although other cities were not as quick as they were, they were still able to resist the beast swarm, and as long as it continued for a while, the swarm could end.

But after all, some cities are not so lucky.


An underdeveloped town.

Unlike other cities that have more or less beast tides, Yancheng has never encountered a beast tide from the second aura tide until today.

Although there are occasional mutant beasts, they have never been attacked.

It's a pity that this kind of luck will not last long. During this time, they encountered a beast tide.

Different from other cities where the strong suppressed and relied on firepower to suppress the beast tide, Yancheng was briefly suppressed because of the appearance of a mutant beast, and the city gate was breached in an instant.



The fierce beast roar swept the entire Yancheng.

One after another, mutant beasts can be seen on the street. They sense the human breath in the air, discover the existence of human beings according to their own abilities, and then devour them mercilessly.

The scene that once happened in Haicheng reappeared in Yancheng.

"no, do not want......"

A boy with glasses trembled and stepped back continuously, his eyes full of despair.

However, his reaction did not arouse the attention of the mutant wild boar in front of him. With a violent collision, a large amount of blood burst out from his body and bloomed in the air.

The huge fangs tore the boy's body, and the mutant wild boar snorted twice before starting to eat.

It's not just him, such scenes are happening all over Yancheng.

A teenage girl who runs away, a woman holding a child, a husband who covers his wife's escape...

Without exception, they all turned into nourishment for the evolution of mutant beasts.

Despair pervades the entire Yancheng, and all those who are struggling to survive are praying for the support of the state.

"It doesn't matter who it is, is there anyone to save us..."

"Why hasn't the support arrived yet, if we don't come, we will die!!!"

"What about those powerhouses that the country has cultivated? What is the Dragon Emperor and the White Emperor, hurry up to save us! Otherwise, what's the use of asking you guys!"

"Die, it's better to be dead, sooner or later, it's all dead."

Some hold hope, some cry, some are angry and desperate.

The Yancheng defense line was broken, and countless mutant beasts poured in.

They hunted and devoured all human beings exposed to their sight.

For those who survived, the meaning of their existence was as if they were waiting to die.

Every breath makes the body more tense and the spirit more desperate.

Fortunately, because of the beast tide in other cities in the second aura tide, many people realized the importance of defense and feared the arrival of danger.

Before this beast swarm happened, the city had built underground shelters.

According to the original estimate, when the soldiers resisted the beast tide, the people would quickly enter the shelter according to the previous rehearsal.

Everything was going well....

Until suddenly an extremely powerful mutant giant bear appeared, and the bullets directly shattered Yancheng's defense.

Countless mutant beasts broke in, the city collapsed, and the people fled, even forgetting the existence of the sanctuary.

At this time, they can feel at ease only if they can't see the mutant beast in their sight.

Under the threat of death, they have been unable to think rationally.

This day is destined to have countless bloodshed sacrifices.

But at this time, there will always be people who come out of the crowd and use their abilities to protect the people.

For example, a city near Yancheng.

Because it is close to the mountains, the beast tide encountered this time is more ferocious than other cities.

The city's defenses are already on the verge of collapse.

It seems that in the next second, those mutant beasts that are greedy for human flesh and blood will break through the defense line and slaughter human beings recklessly.

"Are you going to do this after all..."

"Forget it, with no father, no mother, no wife and no children, I have no attachment to this world."

"Even if you're bound in it, it's nothing."

"It's just another way of being lonely."

A middle-aged man looked at his right hand with a mysterious golden rune in his palm.

This is his power, Mountain God.

What is the mountain god?

As the name suggests, it is the **** of a The ability of his supernatural ability is to allow him to completely integrate with a mountain and become the mountain **** of this mountain.

He can manage everything about this mountain and borrow the power of this mountain.

Rocks, trees, flowers, rivers, springs even communicate with life in the mountains.

Does it sound powerful?

that's the truth.

------off topic-----

Brothers, I have something to do today, make it up tomorrow


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