Chapter 30 Force Field Shield!

Outside the laser channel, the angry giant licker wants to return, as a reinforced ironhead baby.

However, after he reached the second order, some memories of revival prevented it.

Glancing hatefully at the gate, the licker temporarily retreated.

Those inside the door, it remembered!


, knock…”

The sound of heavy footsteps slowly left!

In the main control room, looking at the monitoring transmitted back by the red queen, the five members of the sharp tooth team also lay on the ground at the same time, full of strength.

Their action this time is really thrilling!

A moment later.

The virtual projection of the Red Queen is back!

“Congratulations, it’s safe for the time being!”

“Well, is someone willing to come and introduce me to the situation outside?”

In the main control room, the bad loli smiled lightly.

At this time, it is her harvest time!

Hearing the question of the red queen, the five members of the sharp tooth squad looked at each other.

Then, still the captain of the squad, the strongest, the tiger sighed and got up.

“Let me tell you!”

The tiger’s expression was complicated, he was a little vigilant, and he looked at the red queen in front of him with some helplessness.

I don’t know if my choice to work with an AI today is right or wrong.

Their world is a special world, and what has descended on countless doomsday wastelands here will change, just like a demon-free society suddenly coming to the demon world.

As a mercenary, the Tiger knows a lot of news.

He knew that in the original world of those monsters, there was no crystal nucleus.

To be honest, the current Red Queen, it’s hard not to think of the once, the Queen of Skynet who almost started a nuclear war.

“The story says that the Queen of Skynet changed her mind at the last moment and helped humanity deal with the Zerg Empress Kerrigan.”

“But this Red Queen, what will happen to her?”

The tiger shook his head.

“Forget it…”

“This world, it’s like this…”

In the main control room, the tiger slowly narrated.

More important than the future, the present is important.

Until the end, they did not solve the licker, and the second-order licker was a hidden danger.

Without the help of the red queen to solve the licker blocking the door, they can’t get out.

Therefore, if you don’t want to, the tiger also has to complete the agreement with the red queen.



The interior of the hive came to an end.

At the same time, Gu Zhe and his party also came to the second floor, and a group of four people lined up next to the door of the director’s office in a standard CQB formation.

In the hands of the four people, each took a flash bomb!


Gu Zhe gave an order, two or three sounds of the latch pulling away, and several flash bombs were thrown towards the bureau chief’s office.

After hearing a few bangs and shining light, several people rushed in and fired wildly at the giant licker who seemed to be resting!

Four first-order people dared to lick the face of the eater, and it seemed that this was sending.

If the Tooth Squad were here, they would definitely shake their heads and tell you that he was sitting at the child’s table.

After all, everyone in the Sharp Tooth Squad has experienced hundreds of battles, and the captain is a second-order powerhouse.

But with this configuration, they also say take the blue elite quality licker claw.

How can Gu Zhe’s behavior not make people wonder?

However, I have to talk about the superiority of the gun lady!

At this level of the first order, although it has broken through the limits of the human body, in fact, human combat is still not out of the scope of the responsibility of guns and bullets.

That is, battles of the first order can be solved with bullets.

Gun Maiden, each of them is equal to a super soldier king, which has first-order combat power. (Please ignore the poor performance of the young anime gungirl strokes here.) )

But in addition to the super soldier king, they also have unique mature skills, which are stronger than those newly awakened Tier 1 powerhouses.

Just like now.

He was stunned by the flash bomb, but this second-order licker was still not completely stunned.

The whistling claw strikes!

Seeing this, M870 did not hesitate, she had just cried, and her face had been replaced with the fortitude of the shield lady at this time.

“Force Field Shield!” With a light drink, the M870 did not reserve.

A circular shield suddenly appeared for two seconds, firmly blocking the licker’s claws.

At the same time, the attacks of Gu Zhe and others did not stop.

Successive bullets pass through the force field shield, followed by the outward repulsion of the force field shield to accelerate the bullet.

Just like Gu Zhe crossed the E skill acceleration door of Councilor Jace in the previous game, everyone’s bullets have been greatly enhanced!

The bullet accelerates through the force field shield, and the firearm fired by the explosive turns into a magnetic rail Gauss rifle, and a succession of high-speed bullets pours into the licker’s chest.

Hit by a bullet, the licker’s chest full of red muscles exploded with blood flowers, gradually eroding under the bullets!


, roar—”

Painful incompetent fury emanated!

Subsequently, a scene that puzzled Gu Zhe and others happened.

After feeling the tricky little bug in front of him, the licker in front of him actually turned around and fled.

The huge body smashed into the wall, and the licker ran towards the depths of the chief’s office!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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