Chapter 59 Candidates for T Virus Enhancement

The child of destiny or something, the red queen does not know what it is.

However, the current appearance of Gu Zhe’s team has obviously brought new variables to her.

As for whether this variable is beneficial or unfavorable to the queen of red, she needs to observe for a |.


“Gentlemen, decide!”

“New humans appear, do you need me to contact them and help you communicate and cooperate?”

The joys and sorrows of people and artificial intelligence are not connected, and Honghou interrupted several people who looked at the sharp-toothed squad with ugly faces |.

“No, not yet! Just let them in! ”

Hearing the words of the red queen, the tiger hurriedly said.

At present, it seems that the | Gongzi brother who is surrounded by a group of |women is a little white, what should I do if I contact in advance and scare people away?

“Yes, just let them in!” The fox said.

He thought deeper than the tigers.

Contact in advance, that is, you beg others, and you may also scare the other |party away.

But if you just wait for the opposite side to come in, when the opposite | encounters the licker, you and the others will kill again.

This not only reduces their own losses, but also does not have to pay more, maybe then lick the power of the eater, they can also eat both!

The only variable is the Red Queen!

“Queen Hong, you don’t want to contact the other party |, do you?”

Saying that, the fox stared at the red queen tightly.

At the same time, his eyes | slightly signaled to the other four |.

The five people of the sharp tooth squad moved slightly, and I don’t know when, they had already stood | positions that surrounded the red queen motherboard |!

“When was it discovered!!?”

Seeing the position of the Sharp Tooth Squad, the Red Queen was shocked |, how did they know the location of their motherboard? I should have not shown it all this | time!

In the main engine room, the camera behind red walked upstream | the faces of the five people of the sharp tooth squad |.

Then, she understood.

It’s a vulture! This enhancer is obviously not as she thinks, a | fool who is easy to deceive!

When he used the | party’s spirit | power, the | side also saw clearly where his motherboard was!

“These mercenaries don’t just know how to destroy! They are savvy! ”

The sudden red queen sighed in her | heart.

Fortunately, at this time, because of the squad outside, several people with sharp teeth exposed their knowledge of the location of the motherboard.

Otherwise, at this time, it is already a digital life, although the red queen will not be trapped on the motherboard, but the motherboard is the most suitable place for her, and most of the time the main data after the red queen is on the motherboard.

If the motherboard is suddenly lost, the red queen will also be seriously injured!

“Of course not!”

After figuring it out, Honghou said, she projected | face | expression:

“You are the first to cooperate with me, of course I will listen to your opinions first!”

“yes, that’s good!” The fox, who received a clear answer, nodded in satisfaction.

Several people looked back at the screen.

At this time, Gu Zhe was still thinking about the use of the T virus.

There are a total of five opportunities for T virus enhancement, because he does not know whether the | T virus can be mass-produced|, so he cannot use it at will.

If the T virus can be mass-produced after receiving red.

Then it must be that every gun lady, as well as other women transformed by Gu Zhenniang, will each be equipped with the T virus.

And if the T virus cannot be mass-produced, then the current few T viruses are precious.

He himself must have booked one or |, then there were only four.

These four times can only be put on the top gun lady | |.

Among them, the T virus has a probability of awakening motivation.

Therefore, in order to maximize benefits, Gu Zhe must choose someone with the greatest possibility of awakening motivation to use the T virus, which is not a waste.

Thinking of this |, Gu Zhe had already made a decision.

“Go, keep going!”

In front of the camera, Gu Zhe closed the silver suitcase containing the T virus.

At the same time, Gu Zhe slightly signaled to UMP45 |.

The UMP45 nod that received Gu Zhe’s hint indicated that it had received.

The squad continued to move forward, passing through the airtight door that had been opened in advance after the red queen, and officially entered the hive.

“Take the stairs and enter through Restaurant B!”

The familiar words sounded |, and Gu Zhe’s team also went to walk a hundred flights of stairs just like their predecessors.

However, the only difference was that Gu Zhe took a little longer to go down the stairs.

“UMP45, Mrs. Springfield, come here!”

Gu Zhe, who was out of the red queen’s surveillance, said.

Then he took out the syringe gun, installed the T-virus into the |, and motioned to UMP45 and Mrs. Springfield.

In terms of the probability of awakening the power of thought, who is higher than the two | people with the talent bonus of | divine power?

UMP45 leaned over and Mrs. Springfield obediently revealed their fair and soft necks.

The sharp needle penetrates the blood vessel, and the blue T virus is slowly injected |!

Drastic changes start | happen!

Since we all know what strong enemies are below, how can we not |strengthen it first?

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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