Chapter 67 Self-detonating laser channel!

“In the end, brothers| brothers just want to | a possibility of survival!”

“Queen Red, this possibility, you can give it to us!”

“Cooperation, open your heart, sincere cooperation!”

“Isn’t there a win-win concept in your head?”

In the host room with five big men standing and somewhat narrow, the fox’s words were loud!

However, the fox is right in saying that there is really no win-win concept after the red queen.

Not embarrassing black, the designer of the red queen is a Westerner, and Westerners do not know what a win-win situation is

In fact, the Red Queen does want to be winner-take-all.

Even the fact that she did not shy away from provoking the tiger just now was part of her means.

If the tiger’s palm is successfully smashed, then the red queen will immediately open the | and pretend to be dead

And the self-detonation laser channel creates a sound in the host room, sucking | to attract lickers to arrive.

The Red Queen knew that because of her obstruction, the licker’s hatred for these people in the Sharp Tooth Squad was far greater than that of Gu Zhe and the others outside.

At that time, it was | a situation in which | of sandpiper mussels competed and the fishermen outside profited.

At that time, the red queen can also have a wave of misery, and the trend will join the opposite |.

After seeing that Gu Zhe and the others’ equipment was assigned red, he knew that he was not the kind of person who was indifferent to | Fang.

On the contrary, he still values and cherishes the girls under his |.

Such a person would not refuse the red queen who paid so much for him.

It’s just a genderless artificial intelligence.

But the green tea set, the red queen is also born to know, she | straight to be a scheming girl.

Moreover, this is also the wisdom learned from the art of war in the Eastern |.

Gongzi gives his head!

A art of war to maximize benefits through sacrifice.

Unfortunately, these were destroyed by the | humans named foxes.

At this time, the red queen looked at the fox who questioned her, and it was also the first |time she felt | being troubled by humans.

People with good brains in human beings are not much weaker than her artificial intelligence.


In the avatar, the red queen’s eyes are downcast, and she is thinking about this concept.

It’s just that no matter how Red Queen’s thread calculates and thinks, her program can’t run out of | win-win possibility.

Win-win, didn’t I win twice?

The lack of the underlying architecture can not be filled in a while after red.


“Tell me what you think!”

The Red Queen asked the fox.

The fox and the sharp-toothed squad looked | joy on their faces, and hurriedly told their plans.

At this time, Gu Zhe and the others also completely stepped out of Restaurant B.

The light and continuous footsteps did not stop |.

Not far from the main engine room, the huge licker was asleep.

At the elbow cut off by the laser channel, pink | tender granulation germinates, the missing limb is repaired, and a new claw is about to reappear.

At this time, faint footsteps were heard, and the licker’s recovered | eyelids moved slightly, and it seemed that he was about to wake up.

And just when the licker is about to wake up because of the sound of footsteps.

In the main room of the hive, the laser channel that was still flashing ground meat on the ground suddenly brightened |.

Under the deployment of the red queen, the power of the whole hive is turned on | and concentrated towards the laser channel!

At the end of the passage, in the small window in the center of the heavy iron gate, a bright flash appeared.

“So we just just…”

At this time, the fox was still telling the plan.

Then, the light suddenly hit the | of his face.

Looking at the sudden brightening of | outside the door, like the light of a flash bomb explosion, the faces of the five Sharp Tooth Squad | changed suddenly.

“Damn, Queen Red, what are you doing!!?”

The fox questioned angrily.

In the face of their questioning, the red queen only smiled slightly|, and she replied indifferently:

“I think clearly, I am me, I don’t need to seek a win-win situation with you!”

For the Red Queen, the greatest benefit is to gain | body and freedom.

Her goal is the senior named Skynet, not to submit to some human being, and the outside person is just a pedal.

I am me, self-interested and indifferent, why should I put on a white lotus?


The Red Queen made a | proclamation to the world.

In places where she herself did not notice.

On the | of the red motherboard, it is obviously a precision circuit board hard disk, but a green, nearly blue crystal nucleus has condensed out of the void to |.

“Abominable!” Hearing his words, the tiger was furious.

The huge tiger claw shot towards where the red rear motherboard was.

But at the same time, the bright laser channel finally exploded under overload!

The disordered laser scattered with intense momentum and just cut through the palm of the tiger’s hand.

Also cut through the sleeping licker’s newborn elbow.

On the other side, while walking, UMP45, which had high perception, suddenly jumped |, and pushed Gu Zhe | with unskilled mental power.

A laser that scorched the air flew over Gu Zhe’s head.


A heavy iron gate was cut open head-on, and on the section, fiery red molten iron remained.

“Aaaaa Whoosh! ”

At the same time, the wailing of beasts and monsters |!

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