Chapter 211

Wutian: “Master, you have reached the target location!”

Wutian: “Master, the tunnel exit has been locked, the location of the safe house!”

An electronic sound,

Let Wu Di recover.

finally reached!

Wutian: “Master, the blizzard is right…”




“A large vibration is detected, it may be an aftershock from the urban area, please be careful!”

Wu Di was about to get up when the artificial intelligence suddenly issued a warning-alarm!

next moment,

The surrounding earth shook frantically!

Boom boom boom!

The world is spinning, the ice and snow collapse,

Buildings collapsed, screaming, screaming,

The light dangled in the dark,

Under the strong wind,

Terrifying cracks have been cracked in the earth!


The ground at the foot of the RV cracked, forming a steep slope,

The RV rolled over directly in the ice and snow and got stuck on the edge of the crack.


“Integrity of RV: 93%!”


The artificial intelligence keeps beeping,

Wu Di grabbed the chair and stabilized his figure in the huge shock.

After all, he is already a first-order life form, and he has not received much influence.


He is extraordinary,

Beautiful women and girls are just ordinary people!

“what happened?”

Wu Di recovered, thinking of the two women, his face changed, and he hurriedly looked at the video screen!

“Ms. Ho, Xiao Guozi? Can you hear it?”

In the picture,

Total darkness!

“No heaven!”

Wu Di’s expression turned cold.

Wutian: “Master, the connection has been disconnected! Retrieving…”

“Invaded all surrounding equipment…successful!”


“Search failed!”

“Master, the target handheld device may be damaged!”

computer is broken?

Wu Di narrowed his eyes and said, “Lock the safe house and I will go by myself!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

The exoskeleton armor starts,

Wu Di got up!

The door opened and he jumped out in one step!


The blizzard was so violent,

The terrifying gust of wind was about to tear the earth to pieces, and the wind and snow kept hitting his armor, making dense noises.

Wutian: “Master, the recent route map has been projected on your screen!”

Around the armored helmet, the surrounding map has appeared!

Surprisingly, the drone flew up on the blizzard, leading the way for Wu Di.

at this time,

The drone can only be overloaded!

Wu Di looked at the map and strode towards the safe house!


The earth shook again!


The snow layer collapsed, it seems that this section of the road collapsed, and the buildings, ice layer, and the earth all collapsed, just like a huge sinkhole appeared!

Wu Di almost couldn’t stand firm, but fortunately he responded quickly.

One jump, jumped more than ten meters,

Jumping out of the broken ice!

He looked at the location of the safe house. The block that had been frozen by ice had become a broken pothole!

“There was a blizzard, but an earthquake occurred at this time.”

Wu Di smiled helplessly and looked for the hotel carefully.

The huge exoskeleton armor ran in the blizzard, and soon a broken ice field was found, with half of the “hotel” wrecked lying beside it.

“found it!”

Wu Di breathed a sigh of relief and looked around, and found that the situation at the basement door was rather complicated!

He strode forward,

The terrifying force smashed the ice wall and cleared a way!



Brute force! speed!

Wu Di was extremely fast, and in a short while he opened a “channel”,

Opened the door of the underground!

The basement has collapsed.

Wu Di broke into it and smashed the surrounding obstacles with a punch.


Saw two people in the corner!

At the moment, their situation does not look good…

The beautiful woman hugged the little fruit under her body and curled up in the corner!

The beautiful young woman, her face under the mask was pale at the moment, with blood in her nostrils and mouth.

“I passed out!”

Wu Di walked over, took a closer look, his face became serious.

….. ….. …

It depends on the situation, it should be the beautiful woman who protects the little fruit under her body,

After the basement collapsed,

Xiao Guo’s injury is not serious,

But the beautiful woman has serious injuries on her back and neck!

If you don’t handle it well…

“Damn it! You must go back to the refuge and be treated in the medical cabin!”

Wu Di checked roughly, and his expression was shocked.

He decisively hugged the two of them, grabbed the thick radiation protection suit, and walked out!

The storm is getting more and more terrifying,

The RV was stuck in the crack and couldn’t move.

Fortunately, Wu Di is no ordinary person!

He put the two down first and jumped into the sinkhole!

“Start the overload state!”

“Energy pouring…successful startup!”

He grabbed the corner of the RV, and with all his strength, he dragged the RV more than ten meters long from the pit!

The huge exoskeleton armor exploded with a huge grip, a humanoid monster!

Wutian: “Master, completeness is 77%! The RV can run normally!”

Wu Di turned around and picked up the two women, gritted his teeth and said: “Open the door, hurry up!”

Wutian: “Yes!”


The door opens,

Wu Di faced the wind and snow and took the two women into the RV… Where.

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