“Success is 99% effort plus a little talent, this is true, but more often than not, that little talent is beyond the footsteps of many people throughout their lives.”

Zhang Jingfeng shook his head slightly.

That little talent is sometimes the starting point of all tragedies.

Bite!! Bite!! Bite!!

Zhang Jingfeng originally wanted to continue to say something.

But suddenly, the entire monitoring room began to sound shrill sirens. 、

‘Ding! Detect the abnormal area of the power of the divine source!! ’

“Anomaly zone!” The eyes of everyone who heard the alarm immediately lit up.

The Divine Source Array in the examination room set a threshold, and only a first-order Creation God whose strength could break through this threshold.

Ordinary candidates are absolutely unsurpassable.

Only a very small number of monsters with potential against the sky can break through the threshold in the early stage of creating the Kingdom of God, thus triggering an alarm.

In the entire Tianhai City, only one student has triggered this alarm in thirty years.

And that person has now become an eighth-order creation god and stands at the apex of the Great Xia Kingdom.

“Actually triggered the alarm!”

“Oh my God! Find him! ”

How are the teachers not excited that such a genius can appear in their own school.

Teachers quickly move the screen.

Found the abnormal threshold in the examination room.

“In this examination room, Su Ri should also be there…”

“Is that the wasteland? It’s really a different fate, I didn’t expect that a genius who could trigger an alarm appeared in his examination room.

Find the source of the abnormality and directly cast his world phantom. Zhang Jingfeng directly projected the abnormal world onto the big screen.

Everyone saw it.

It was as if there was endless darkness and dead silence.

I saw it too.

Countless verdant stacks, surrounded by the laws of the avenue.

Whoever goes up to the heavens and returns to the ruins….

That one thirty-six pints of green lotus.

One after another, the pure and incomparable laws condensed around Qinglian like pets.

“The rules are solid, what a pure rule creation, just with this creation, this world can be promoted to the kingdom of God!” A teacher couldn’t help but exclaim.

It is not an exaggeration to call such creations miraculous.

“Useless.” Just when everyone was marveling at the thirty-six pints of green lotus.

Zhang Jingfeng shook his head with a little regret.

“You look at the world, although his ideas are amazing

But the world itself cannot integrate into any external laws, nor can it give birth to living beings

This realm is called Chaos, which is considered the oldest and original waste realm, I didn’t expect that I was lucky enough to meet, he is the student in your class. ”

Hearing Zhang Jingfeng’s words, Liu Yingjiao nodded slightly.

“There’s nothing to look at, if it’s not the Waste Realm, just with this green lotus, I can conclude that his future can reach at least above the sixth order, now…”

His words were not finished, but the crowd already understood what he meant.

A world without any hope.

The teachers shook their heads rather pityingly and began to prepare to evacuate the projection.

With the evacuation of the projection.

Qinglian became smaller and smaller.

And in the screen.

The shadows that had been covered by the green lotus began to appear on the screen.

“Wait a minute, what’s that!” At the moment when the projection is about to be completely evacuated.

Zhang Jingfeng ghostly saw the phantom that was very small compared to Qinglian.

“This is…” He looked incredulously at the shadow on the screen, his eyes full of horror.

Behind him, many teachers were completely shocked by this scene beyond their understanding.

“It’s impossible, there are many complicated rules bred in chaos, so it is impossible to inject any rules, but this kid actually embodies the rules.”

“How the hell did he do it, what did he want to do!

“Chaos can’t give birth to living beings, this is one of the biggest reasons why he can’t create the kingdom of God, does he, he want to create rules into living beings!”

“This can never be !!!”

Within the chaos.

Su Day’s spirit was extremely tense.

He mobilized every bit of divine source flow very precisely.

Channeling its power into the shadow of the gods and demons.



In the chaotic universe.

A ray of light emerged, and that light appeared very faintly at first.

Then it became extremely dazzling.

It turned into a pillar of light that reached the sky completely.

“Finally born, the first god and demon of Chaos.” The corners of Su Day’s mouth were fine-tuned, slightly expectant.


Another wave of power fluctuations emerged.

The incomparably brilliant pillar of light began to fade and disappear gradually.

In its place is an extremely powerful presence.

Obviously nothing appeared, obviously the chaos still did not have any color and light.

But that extremely powerful sense of existence is so unreasonable and emanates.

It was as if the world was announcing that I was born.

The first god and demon of chaos, the god and demon of life was born!!

Su Ri looked condescendingly at the gods and demons that exuded a strong sense of existence.

It was a creature with a snake body and a human head.

He, no, should be Him.

His whole body exudes an inexplicable vitality.

Obviously in the endless chaos.

But the direction in which He stands exudes vitality that even chaos cannot swallow.

At this moment, the monitoring room has long been silent.

The teachers looked at the scene in front of them and only felt their throats dry.

Because Zhang Jingfeng enlarged the perspective of the gods and demons.

The image of this god and demon became even more sacred in the eyes of everyone.

At the moment of birth, the rules of life spread throughout chaos.

He bathes in the power that nurtures all beings.

Even if he can’t do it and don’t say anything, he still exudes that indescribable majesty.

His body is surrounded by countless scales of life, and on each scale there seems to be countless lives being born.

And He is like an endless carrier, obviously one second he has remembered his appearance, but the next second, his body is born into a new existence.

Sacred and eerie, majestic and absurd.

Every teacher present could easily crush Su Day’s Kingdom of God.

But now, looking at this creature born from chaos, they felt a trace of fear.

And such a phantom, there are still thirty ways that have not been born.

PS: Has anyone read this book,,,

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

Read All People Creation: Only I The World Is Indescribable – Chapter 5

“But regardless of whether it’s a civilized Transcendental or not, this student wants to be the one I’ve met with the most talent and potential of the Creator!”
“No one compares!”
Chu Feng excitedly muttered to himself, his mind moved, and the body in the office instantly dissipated!
The next moment, he suddenly appeared in the corridor in the 12th grade classroom!
Chu Feng searched for the student in every classroom that caused the terrifying vision, but after searching for dozens of groups, he couldn’t find the source of the vision!
And in front of the fourth grade, it is the last one that has not been searched through the class.
At this moment, Chu Feng was rarely nervous.
And at this time, the fourth grader has finally completed the expansion of the world, and the awakening has just ended.
Chu Feng pushed open the door and walked in, his eyes swept over the many students in the group.
He looked up at Li Binh’s podium, took a deep breath and said:
“Your class, but someone opened it… Transcendent World?”
DepartmentPhong originally wanted to say Transcendentalism above, but after thinking about it for a while, he still gave up this idea.
Anyway Superman above. . . This theory is really a bit too horrifying!
Moreover, my guess is also not necessarily correct.
Although the vision just now was huge, but the entire school was only one witness, the others turned out not to notice!
Perhaps this world is not what I think it is, existing above Transcendental!
But even so, there is a middle-class Transcendental World, which is also the most advanced in existence!
Moreover, it is an unprecedented, never-recorded, never-before-seen new civilization!
This is the one who lost his faith, but this time he found a treasure!
Hearing the principal say that, the entire fourth class was in an uproar in an instant!
“The principal, his old man, came for Jiang Qian Qian!”
“No shame, it’s the Goddess Jiang! Even the principal was shocked!”
“This is a Creator-level demigod!”
“Ai~! What is a proud son of heaven? This is a proud son of heaven!”
“Like us, even an ordinary person can’t expand the world, find a piece of tofu and die!”
The fourth grade students one by one were like eating a lemon, a kind of noisy discussion.
Li Binh also belonged to the fact that he didn’t think that the civilized Jiang Qian Qian, even the principal, was shocked, he has a happy face on his face, and hastily opened his mouth:
“Yes, there is a principal!”
“Our fourth grader, Jiang Qianqian, just opened a Transcendent World!”
Saying that, Ly Binh turned his head to look at Khuong Thien Thien, smiled warmly and said:
“Qian Qian, you come over here, the principal is here to find you!”
KITCHENYang Qianqian didn’t even think about it, opening the world by herself naturally brought the principal’s attention!
After all, this is the Creator-level Demigod!
Placed in the entire Yuan Kingdom, they are the top bosses!
Feeling the eyes of the classmates that were full of longing and admiration, Jiang Qianqian stood up elegantly, her eyes were absent, passing from Lin Mo’s back.
At this moment, Khuong Thien Thien was even more fortunate that he had been rejected by this person.
This does not enter the world of the Creator, how can I match myself now?
Khuong Thien Thien walked in front of Chu Phong, his face flashed with confidence, stooped to salute:
“Principal, you are looking for me.”
Chu Feng stared at the little girl in front of her eyes, with a sense of urgency in her voice:
“You open it, what civilization is it?”
On the one hand, Ly Binh proudly opened his mouth, as if he shared the same honor:
“Returning to the principal, Qianqian opened, a world of Demon Beasts!”
“Demon Beast… World?”
Chu Feng suddenly had a bad premonition:
“It’s just . . . Demon Beast World?”
“Isn’t there anything out of the ordinary?!”
Li Ping was taken aback, instinctively nodded.
“Is . . . is . . . . ”
World Beast. . . What else could be different?
Li Bing was dumbfounded.
Hearing Li Ping’s convincing reply, Chu Feng’s face was instantly filled with disappointment, he shook his head, sighed and said:
“I want to find, not one is the civilization of Demon Beast.”
Hearing this sentence, Khuong Thien Thien’s smile froze for a moment.
Aren’t you coming to find me?
Principal. . . Aren’t you coming to find me? !
Khuong Thien Thien even doubted if there was a problem with her ears?
In the fourth grade, except for me, who else is worth the principal to come and find it? !
More than nWell, if I really didn’t have a problem speaking, the principal seemed to say just now. . . One is the civilized Demon Beast?
Is. . . Civilized Demon Beast?
Khuong Thien Thien’s smiley face instantly turned white.
It is the civilized Demon Beast. . . I am still proud of myself, but in the eyes of the principal, it’s just that. . . Is ?
And Chu Feng also realized that his search for the word seemed to be a bit inadequate, he smiled at Jiang Qian Qian:
“The civilization of the demon beast is not bad, the potential is not small, and the maturity is extremely high.”
“You go back first, after school you can go to the teacher’s office to receive the reward.”
Next, Chu Feng looked at Ly Binh:
“In your class, are there other people who have awakened to the Transcendental World?”
“Or other world class things?”
Li Binh was also dumbfounded, he originally thought that the principal was coming because of Khuong Thien Thien, but it seems that now, it seems that is not the case.
After all, what shocked him?
Li Binh did not have any answers, laughed bitterly and immediately said the truth:
“Except for Qianqian, the rest of us in fourth grade are open to the same class, which is just the general world.”
“There are no high-level worlds, let alone Transcendent World.”
. . .
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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