Latest website: At this moment, the fangs of the legion were revealed.

This is also the preparation they have made these days. The small fights every day are to confuse the enemy's sight.

Moreover, the number of hellfires projected this time far exceeded the previous ones, and even the location of Dawn City was attacked by these hellfires.

The only difference is that before these hellfires reached the spiritual shield of Dawn City, they were already shot down by Dawn City's air defense facilities.

Anti-aircraft missile towers, Keha palace forts, these are all capable of air defense, and they can accurately intercept most air attacks.

Although the speed of the free fall of these hellfires is fast, it is too slow for Suguang's defense facilities.

The detonated hellfire turned into shards of green flames, slid across the sky, and then dissipated in the gray mist.

The loud noise naturally attracted the attention of the residents of Shuguang, who looked out through the windows of their rooms.

From time to time, a large number of missiles will fly towards the sky with tail flames, and then become a gorgeous firework.

It seems that this time, we are in a bit of trouble.

The person who stayed in the City of Dawn for a long time couldn't help but say.

Since the establishment of this city, it has never been attacked by others, or in other words, no one has been able to break through Dawn's defense and achieve the effect of a surprise attack.

But this time it fell directly on their heads, although they don't know what those things are.

If the trouble is a little bigger, isn't there a little more we can do?

And these days, apart from spending points to clean up monsters in other cities to earn points, we can't even get out of the city gate.

It must be some powerful enemies that we face so vigilantly. It is also for our safety that we are not allowed to go out.

Awakened by Dawn, all the people gathered together to discuss.

Truth be told these days Dawn is no different than it used to be,

It just closed the city gate.

Originally, they thought that this would cause them to lose the channel to obtain points. After all, they are not allowed to go out, so there will be no point income.

Relying on my old background, I might not be able to survive this winter.

But just when they wanted to report, those strange buildings started to activate, that is, the portals of the protoss.

Shuguang directly turns some useless portals into civilian use, sets up some guards, and spends a certain amount of points according to where they are going and the number of people, and then teleports them to 069 or the plane of the Great Wall.

This also allowed these people in City of Dawn to earn enough points, so that they would not have no points to earn this winter.

Moreover, compared to the surrounding environment of the two places and Shuguang, it is completely an undeveloped wild area.

For the mercenaries of Dawn, it is a paradise, and this can be regarded as promoting the connection between various cities.

By the way, bring up the mercenary culture of several other cities.

It's still early, let's go back and have a rest first, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with the first round of teleportation tomorrow.

One of them yawned, waved his hand and said to everyone:

Maybe tomorrow we'll know what happened, and I have a hunch we'll see our dawning weapons of war soon.

The others originally wanted to go to rest with them, but this person's last words aroused their curiosity.

Weapon of war?!

Do you have any gossip!

Tell us about it!

The sleepy young man was suddenly shaken by everyone, and he said helplessly, I don't have any gossip. I hang out with you almost every day. You almost know everything I know.

However, a few days ago, I did find some black shadows more than ten meters high moving in the military area, but when I looked carefully, I found nothing, and I don't know if my eyes were dazzled.

In the end, everyone still didn't believe it. In the end, he almost revealed all the embarrassing things about him when he was a child, so everyone let him go.

But in the end, everyone touched their chins thoughtfully, as if they already knew what it was.

But they kept complaining in their hearts, what the hell is the black shadow more than ten meters high.

With this doubt, everyone fell into a deep sleep.

the next day.

The mercenaries gathered together as usual. They first glanced at the big screen on the mercenary union and the mission distribution board.

Finding nothing of particular note, they departed.

But after coming to the avenue, they found that the road here has been blocked.

There are already many people gathered here, all mercenaries who got up early and wanted to earn points in other cities.

Seeing the rows of marines wearing power armor, everyone's eyes did not have the same fear as before.

Some only have endless fanaticism. For them, if they have such a set of armor now, they can earn more points.

Brother, what's going on?

Like Wu Yan, Su Yun came out of his residence. Seeing such a scene, under Su Yun's signal, Wu Yan approached a mercenary and asked, Why did you suddenly block this place?

The mercenary who was disturbed was depressed, and now suddenly someone slapped him like this, and when he was about to get angry, he saw the logos on Su Yun and Wu Yan.

The logo of the D-level personnel in the City of Dawn, and these mercenaries can only be regarded as E-level personnel.

It can be said that D-level personnel still have great rights in Dawn City. There are many places where E-level personnel cannot go, and they can go, and they still use the portal for free.

However, wild D-class personnel are still rare, and I didn't expect to see them today, and there were still two of them.

Similarly, it is not so easy for D-level personnel to be promoted. It does not mean that you can spend some points, but it is possible for talents who have made some contributions to Suguang.

The heads of the top few mercenary regiments are also D-level personnel, but I don't know about the others.

With such a good opportunity now, if he could hug their thighs, wouldn't it be much more convenient for him to be in the City of Dawn in the future.

So his original impatient expression suddenly changed: You two, how can I know something that you don't know, but it should be related to yesterday's attack.


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