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Fang Heng's strategy this time is very simple.

Let Lucia seduce Nemesis to the chemical factory!

Then, use your flammable and explosive raw materials in the chemical factory to blow up the chemical factory and the Nemesis!

Although there will be consequences for doing so.

The huge explosion and flames will attract more zombies to the inner area of ​​the Meteorite Company campus, and they will be attacked by more zombies later.

But Fang Heng had no time to think about these details.

Time is running out, this is the best way Fang Heng can think of at the moment.

After listening to Fang Heng's plan, Yu Le frowned and said, "Fang Heng, I have a question, how can I ensure Lucia's safety?"

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements in advance to ensure her safety."

Yu Le and Zhang Fang looked at each other again, as if asking each other's opinions.

A row of game prompts flashed under Fang Heng's retina.

[Hint: During the judgment, the current player's Dark Knights honor level, current player's friendliness, current player's reputation value...] are being determined.

[Hint: The judgment is successful, the second and third groups of the Dark Knights agree with your actions, and temporarily obey your instructions].

Yu Le nodded and said, "Okay, it's not too late, Captain Fang Heng, what do you need us to do?"

With the cooperation of the two captains, Fang Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Most importantly, I need you to immediately clear a passage between the park and the chemical plant to ensure the safety of Lucia, the sooner the better."

"I understand!"

Yu Le nodded and waved: "Three groups! Come with me!"

Zhang Fang, the captain of the second group, asked, "What about me?"

"You lead the team to go to the chemical factory first, meet with the 12th team, and set up the chemical factory terrain in advance. I will meet you soon after the layout is completed."


The members of each team immediately split up after following the command.

Fang Heng took a deep breath and nodded to Xiao Jingjing, "You follow the second group and keep in touch at any time."

"Good! Be careful."

Xiao Jing admires Fang Heng a little.

Apart from the various 'monster' operations that were completely opposite to the textbooks just now, he did have some skills.

He was able to formulate a feasible plan in such a short period of time, and persuaded the second and third groups to be his helpers.

He clearly remembered that it took the boss's efforts to persuade Zhang Fang, the leader of the second group, to come to the weapons factory to meet, and he almost broke his mouth.

Thinking about it, Xiao Jing took out a black notebook to record while keeping up with the second group.

[The target character is a ruthless character. The NPC who has just tried his best to save him now uses it as a bait to lure the Nemesis into a trap. He may have anti-social tendencies and needs to be paid attention to! ].

[The target person has high executive ability, can calmly and quickly respond to emergencies, and is extremely dangerous. It is recommended to investigate their background carefully].

Watching the members of the Dark Knights rush out of the weapons factory park with firearms.

Fang Heng turned around quickly, returned to the gun room, and jumped into the sewer.

From the sewers can also lead to the chemical factory outside the meteorite company.

As early as when the plan was arranged, Fang Heng had already controlled the zombie clone to clean up the sewer passage from the weapons factory to the chemical factory.

After identifying the direction, Fang Heng walked towards the chemical factory and turned on the communicator at the same time.

Fang Heng: "Lucia? Is the situation okay?"

Lucia: "The Nemesis is still chasing me."

Fang Heng: "Hold on, our people are clearing the passage from Meteorite Company E area to the chemical plant. Wait, I need you to go to the chemical plant with Nemesis."

Fang Heng: "Can you do it? Do you know the specific route to the chemical plant?"

Lucia: "I can!"

Fang Heng: "Okay, keep in touch."

Fang Heng raised his head, accelerated and followed the zombie team to clean up the remaining zombies in the passage.


After half an hour.

Fang Heng stared coldly at the two metal cans that were more than five meters high in front of him.

The leader of the 12th Squadron who remained at the chemical plant was unfortunately seriously injured during the plane crash and died of a serious infection,

The 2 and 3 squads that came here incorporated the subordinates of the original 12 squad into the team.

"Captain Fang, the passage has been cleared."

"Those two are extremely dangerous flammable storage tanks, and if they exploded, they would be powerful enough to blow up an entire chemical plant."

Fang Heng turned his head and said, "Thank you, I'll leave it to you later. For safety's sake, please evacuate the chemical factory and return to the weapons factory."

Yu Le frowned and asked in a deep voice, "What about you?"

"I'll stay here to meet Lucia, and after I've dealt with Nemesis, I'll return to the weapons factory to join you."

Yu Le stared at Fang Heng's eyes for a few seconds.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back at the weapons factory."

After that, Yu Le waved his hand and led the team to evacuate.

Zhang Fang also came up, patted Fang Heng's shoulder vigorously with his fan-like palm, and nodded to him.

"Take care of yourself!"

"Team 2! Come with me! Return to the weapons factory!"

Xiao Jing stood aside.

He looked at Fang Heng, who had chosen to stay, a little stunned.

He just thought that Fang Heng chose to sacrifice Lucia to destroy the Nemesis.

But what is the situation now?

Fang Heng chose to stay?

Does he stay here to die?

Or does he really have another way?

Is it the sewer?

Xiao Jing knew that Fang Heng had a special way to enter the sewer.

But the sewer entrance is a short distance from the blast site.

Moreover, with an explosion of this intensity, it is not safe to hide in the sewers.

The sewers are very likely to collapse!

Xiao Jing was surprised.

"Private Xiao Jing! What are you still dawdling at! Quickly keep up!"


Xiao Jing wanted to stay and hid in a place not far away to observe the record.

Unfortunately, Zhang Fang, the leader of the second group, did not give him this opportunity.

Xiao Jing opened the notebook and quickly crossed out the two previously recorded items.

[The target person has hidden means, need to be careful! ].


Lucia drives a motorcycle with Nemesis around the Meteor Corporation campus.

Until she heard Fang Heng's instructions, she immediately left the Meteorite Company and went to the chemical plant along the main road that had been cleared in advance.

The door of the chemical factory is open, and there are scattered zombies wandering inside.

With the help of night vision, Lucia avoided the scattered zombies she encountered along the way.

There is still plenty of oil in the motorcycle.

Fang Heng's voice sounded in the communicator.

Fang Heng: "Have you arrived yet?"

Lucia: "Well~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I have seen the entrance."

Fang Heng: "Lucia, I need your full trust, and so on and follow my instructions."

Lucia: "Okay!"

Fang Heng: "After entering the factory, you need to go to the chemical raw material area behind the chemical factory. At that time, you will see two dangerous gas tanks marked with an X symbol by me."

Fang Heng: "There is a torch on the gas tank, which is easy to identify."

Fang Heng: "After confirming the target position, I need you to jump off the car immediately. The landing point of the jump car is in the middle of the two gas tanks, where there is a circle mark on the ground."

Fang Heng: "On the premise of ensuring your own safety, try to aim at the circle as the landing point."

Lucia: "Received!"

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