Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Vol 2 Chapter 59: Reconnection

Su Changxing sat quietly on the top of the ruins, and countless raindrops hit his body, causing pain that was neither mild nor severe.

The hour hand skipped twelve o'clock.

The phone vibrated violently, and a large number of messages popped up.


Su Changxing took out his mobile phone to check, and the forum was open again. He now belongs to the forum in Xiqiao District, and someone has already posted a post asking for help.

Xi Lingmeng: I am now trapped in the inner city, and the house is about to collapse. Does anyone know what to do?

Immediately someone replied: I also want to ask, before it was those lunatics, and then there was this rain that was like a stone.


Too many people died on the West Bridge, and there were only a dozen scattered posts in more than an hour, all trapped in a certain place in the city.

Su Changxing reckoned that there might only be hundreds of people in the forum, but this number is not surprising, because there are not many people who survived the doomsday.

Immediately afterwards.

He spent 100,000 points, summoned ten doomsday shops, and prepared to spend a lot of money.

By hunting a large number of gladiators, he earned more than 2 million points, with a total of more than 3.2 million points.

It sounds like a scary number, but it's not too much, because in the doomsday store, many of the more expensive items are around 100,000, or even hundreds of thousands.

Of course, how cost-effective it is is another matter.

Ten beams of light flowing from fireflies are interspersed between the sky and the earth, and can be seen in most of the city. Because dozens of beams of light are gathered together, they are extremely conspicuous.

Jin squatted aside, holding a "sniper rifle" and shooting the monsters left in the ruins, followed by explosions.

Those monsters were not shot to death by bullets, but were blown to death. The power of the explosion was astonishing, often causing a large amount of rubble.

"This is not a sniper rifle, a satellite howitzer or something." Su Changxing couldn't help complaining.

Jin looked sideways, showing a thoughtful look, and said, "It feels about the same~"


The forum exploded because of the doomsday store summoned by Su Changxing.

"I saw someone summoning ten doomsday shops, is this an illusion?"

"No, I saw it too. It's worth 100,000 points. We must have a big boss here, at least a Extraordinary."

"It's too extravagant to use 100,000 points to summon the doomsday store. My points are not even a fraction."

"Isn't the fraction of one hundred thousand zero?"


The ID of "Please call me a good person" still cannot be used.

Su Changxing had no choice but to use the ID of "Lucky Kid" to contact Chen Ling and ask them what was going on there.

Chen Ling told him that T3 is manufacturing a transport robot with a material that can specifically resist this kind of rain, and the manufacturing will be completed tomorrow.

"It is actually possible to manufacture such a thing, which is indeed a high-tech product."

After thinking about it, Su Changxing felt that T3 seemed too abnormal. Given enough time, it didn't seem difficult to create a machine empire, and they would continue to grow with time.

He suddenly realized a serious problem. According to this trajectory, the AI ​​mutiny seems to be doomed, and it is only a matter of time.

This seems to be a potential factor for the end... Su Changxing smiled, thinking too much.

The doomsday shop slowly descended along the beam of light, suspended in the air, exuding a soft light.

He browsed through the items in the ten doomsday shops and found that there were many good things.


Su Changxing bought a lot of items, because there are enough points, it is a waste not to use them.

But you can't buy all of them. The backpack doesn't have that much space, so you still have to make a choice.

"Come here, let me strengthen it for you... You probably haven't strengthened it yet."

Su Changxing turned his head and said to Jin who was holding a gun.

Jin came over, thought for a while, and said, "No."

Su Changxing didn't know how many times Jin could be strengthened, but for the sake of safety, let's exchange it six times first, twice for spirit, twice for perception, once for speed, and once for physique.

Jin's ability is obviously related to mental power, it should be right to strengthen the spirit and perception.

Several streaks of white light merged into her body.

Jin felt it, and said, "It seems to have changed a bit."

Su Changxing then asked, "How much is your mental strength?"

"Huh?" Jin looked puzzled.

Su Changxing gestured, "The one displayed on your phone."

She reluctantly took out her phone from her pocket and looked at it.

Didn't I see it before... Su Changxing thought it was After all, she didn't even register for the forum ID.

She is probably the only player without a registration ID.

Jin stared at the phone and said thoughtfully, "38."


Su Changxing was stunned for a moment, and then he was dumbfounded. He never thought that her mental power would be so high, and she was completely abnormal.

He thought that his own mental power of 21 was high enough, but Jin was actually more than ten points higher than him.

This is a very scary thing!

If he didn't have a mental power of 21, he wouldn't be able to take care of so many abilities at the same time with the trickster, and it would be impossible to achieve such combat effectiveness.

And the higher the attribute goes, the more difficult it is to increase it. It is much more difficult to increase from 20 points to 30 points than from 3 points to 20 points.

The average person's mental power is around three points, and the average perception is around 0.5.

Sitting on the rocks in the ruins, Jin opened her dark blue eyes wide and asked curiously, "Huh? What's wrong?"

Su Changxing thought for a while and said:

"I feel that I chose the wrong direction of strengthening just now. The strengthening of mental power seems to be of no use to you."

Jin shrugged, with a look of indifference, but was interested in the bazooka Su Changxing was carrying: "What is this?"

Su Changxing handed her the bazooka and said, "There is only one bazooka for a nuclear warhead, and the explosion range is about one kilometer."

The explosion range of this thing is indeed large. For ordinary people, the radiation alone is fatal, but the power is not as powerful as a random shot he fired.

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