Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Vol 2 Chapter 86: sneak attack

At the moment of opening the "Perfect Barrage", Su Changxing felt unprecedented power.

This ability raised him to a higher level.

"The ability to be promoted can reach this level."

He lowered his head and looked at the gun in his hand, and was silent for a while, then walked towards West Bridge City with the gun on his back, ready to observe the movements of those wizards.

Blindly avoiding is not the answer.

Now that he has activated the "Perfect Barrage", he can instantly attack and kill any seventh-order existence, unless the opponent has a special life-saving ability.

Enter the boundary of Westbridge City.

There was cold rain in the sky, there was no black fog, but it was also covered with dark clouds, and the sun could not be seen either.

The energy density here is significantly higher.

He felt that the cells in his body became more active, as if he was breathing heavily.

From a distance, there is no big difference between West Bridge City and when he left, the only problem is that there are large and small water droplets floating in the sky, the big ones are as big as basketball, and the small ones are almost invisible to the naked eye. less than.

These water droplets are not hallucinations, but real existence, and even some larger water droplets have small fish swimming in them.

It's not like the real world, it's like being in an absurd dream.

Su Changxing felt some powerful auras flickering in the distance. These wizards would not hide their auras, or they could not hide them. They interacted fiercely with the surrounding environment all the time.

He put on a clown mask to conceal his own existence, and then wrapped himself with a shadow cloak, plus the "ordinary person" effect that comes with his position, which is three layers of protection.

"In this way, no one should be able to detect my existence. If there is, then I can only admit that I am unlucky."

Su Changxing ran in an exaggerated posture, swaggering forward, and saw many people appearing on the road after a while.

They wore heavy silver armor and carried things like long swords and cannons.


He reckoned that these should be soldiers from the world of black mist. Each of them carried strong energy fluctuations, enough to rival the eighth-rank Extraordinary. They were somewhat similar to wizards, but not quite the same.


"I heard that Wizard Kevin disappeared last night. Let's be careful. He may have died at the hands of the natives of this world."

The leader with dark skin and a huge body looked around and said.

The soldier on the side looked surprised: "Ah? How is it possible, isn't this a low-level world? If it wasn't for the war, who would want to come to this poor place."

"The lower world?"

The team leader sneered and said, "If it's really just a low-level world, we won't have to wait so long, but...there's a message from above, let us prepare, and we may do it at any time."

The soldier straightened his face and said seriously: "Yes, anyway, I also think this world is weird and contradictory."

"Hey, what is this?"

Another soldier standing by the side threw his sword to the ground, and a bug-like thing was crushed, revealing tiny metal parts.

The team leader walked over to observe, frowned slightly and said, "It should be something like a magic puppet. Someone was watching us just now?"

They are alert, more than expected.

Su Changxing stared at the dozen or so soldiers from a distance, but didn't do anything. His target was those wizards. They were all little bastards, so there was no need to expose himself.

These people from the wizarding world were waiting, but Su Changxing didn't know exactly what they were waiting for.

Immediately afterwards.

He saw more people appearing in his field of vision, not only soldiers, but also a large number of laborers in gray linen clothes.

They used horse-drawn carts to carry the packed goods, built black stone buildings similar to sentry towers, and dug holes in the ground.

These people should be ordinary people in their world, but even ordinary people have energy fluctuations around the ninth order.

A wizard in a blue robe stood on the sentry tower that was about to be built and looked around, as if he was guarding the surroundings. A huge dark red vertical eye loomed on the watchtower.

"Moving so fast?"

Su Changxing was surprised that this area had been completely transformed by the people of the wizarding world, into their familiar environment, into their territory.

Their purpose is completely different from that of the black mist world.

The world of black mist just wants to dump garbage in their world, and they seem to intend to further invade this world.

It can be seen from their actions that they are not in a hurry to act, but let themselves have a stable foothold in this world first.

"It seems that the war over there is beneficial to them, and there is still room for these things."

Su Changxing observed the situation for a while, pointed his gun at the wizard, his eyes flashed, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Dozens of bullets were shot out instantly, drawing respective arcs in mid-air, delicate and elegant.

The sorcerer looked at the sky with some feeling, showing a surprised expression. Before he could react, he was shot through his body by several bullets and fell from the sentry tower. His broken body fell beside a laborer carrying a sack.

almost instantly.

Dozens of soldiers standing guard in the nearby streets were also killed, and the bullets passed through their bodies neatly, leaving irreparable blood holes.

Several soldiers were injured by the power of the bullets and fell to the ground struggling.

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Changxing turned around and backed away. If he stayed a second longer, he might be caught.


The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and the rain became heavier.

Someone is looking for him.

Su Changxing crouched motionless in the bushes, carefully perceiving the surrounding environment, and taking a rest at the same time, using the "perfect barrage" once drained his spirit.

This ability can be even stronger, but he can't support it.

"Still haven't found me?"

A gleam flashed in Su Changxing's Although doing so is dangerous, it can test the bottom line of these wizards, how much power they have now.

An hour later, he retreated to the edge of the West Bridge area. Several wizards had already passed by not far away, but they just didn't notice him.

This ability to hide perfectly can seem like a headache.

The faces of those wizards were also not good. They managed to escape after being killed.

It's a shame and a huge threat.

"One thing is certain, Kevin is dead, most likely killed by him."

A wizard in a black robe with pale hair and a ruddy complexion said with a smile that he didn't seem to care about these deaths at all.

Otto stroked the crow standing on his arm, squeezed out a smile, and said:

"Teacher, if he can sneak in and attack once, he can have a second time... I suspect that he is the one I saw before."

"How about, let's launch an attack tomorrow. I don't think there are any strong people in that city except him. With you here, Teacher, there is no need to worry."

This is his teacher, Rich, who is also one of the wizards of the war conference, who holds great power, and of course is extremely powerful.

Rich smiled and said:

"Don't panic because of small things. We are not afraid, but we need to coordinate our actions. Do you really think that we are here to invade this lower world?"

The lower world often means that there is no value for development. Most of the things here are very ordinary, and the only value may be their few knowledge.

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