Su Changxing was still at a loss, not knowing what had happened, as soon as he closed and opened his eyes, the little boy died in front of him.

"The middle process seems to be interrupted. Is it because I forgot, or because... I have no memory at all."

He turned his head and looked to the other side of the aisle. Huang Biao was lying near the stairs, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"It seems that Huang Biao didn't know what happened. When the little boy screamed, he also passed out at the same time."

Su Changxing leaned against the wall and thought for a long time before making a judgment that my body killed the monster by itself.

"If I tell it, no one will believe it. It's not me who killed this monster, but my body. So I killed this monster, but in fact, I didn't kill this monster."

Su Changxing lowered his head and analyzed himself, this feeling is very strange, as if someone controlled his body behind his back and did other things, just like sleepwalking.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that his body seemed to be stronger than before, which was incredible.

Because before, his body was already at the limit of the human body, and the store's attribute enhancement had little effect on him.

"It seems to have a certain degree of night vision?"

He suddenly noticed that the world in front of him was clearer and brighter than before, and there were circles of bright lines in the space.

"Is this a new ability, or what?"

Su Changxing knew that his body had undergone tremendous changes for some reason, so he turned on his phone to check the properties.

[Ignite the source quality, open the way]

Source quality?

what is this?

He sees a strange message and realizes that this might be why he killed the monster unconsciously.

Open the properties panel.

Name: Su Changxing

Strength: 4.9+0.5 (much higher than the average human)

Speed: 5.6+0.5 (extraordinary)

Physique: 3.7+0.5 (much stronger than ordinary humans)

Perception: 1+0.5 (beast level perception)

Spirit: 5+1 (extraordinary)

Position: Ninth-rank dreamer (upper rank) with a fit rate of 80%

Evaluation: You seem to have gotten rid of your identity as an ant, and you have opened up an extraordinary path with your incomplete extraordinary power. This is not a simple matter. This position seems to belong to the kind of fancy but not useful, but because it is formed by you, the fit is very high, and you can move to a higher place faster.

[Dreamer: No positioning system, mysterious path.

1. Your body is slightly enhanced, your physical limit is greatly improved, you have a strong resistance to mental attacks, and you have a slight night vision ability.

2. When you are in a deep sleep state, the five dimensions of your body will be greatly improved, and your recovery ability will be greatly improved. You will basically not be affected by mental attacks, and your memory will be invaded.

3. When you are asleep, your perception is greatly improved, and you will unconsciously attack nearby objects with killing intentions.

4. It will be harder for you to break out of sleep, and the lower the fit, the harder it will be to wake up.

5. Lack of sleep will greatly affect you. The higher the fit, the less sleep you need.

Note: When the fit is low, random killings in dreams will occur. Cao Cao is a dreamer with a low degree of fit - I like killing people in my dreams]

Cao Cao?


"I'm already an Extraordinary. In other words, Cao Cao used to be an Extraordinary, and he was at the same level as him, but his compatibility is very low, so there is the theory of killing people in a dream."

"Ding Yehui should also be a Extraordinary, even the eighth rank, but he is an extreme spiritual type, which happens to be perfectly restrained by me, so my body can kill him, which is still reasonable."

Su Changxing showed a strange expression. It sounded like he was very fierce, and he could kill the little boy unconsciously.

But in fact, he might not be able to fight well if he is really awake.

I don't know if the little boy was unlucky or he was lucky. Under such conditions, he was able to fight back. The key is that he didn't seem to do anything.

Su Changxing sorted out his thoughts from a large amount of information. The so-called path position should be an upgraded version of the ability. He had the ability to restore blood while sleeping before, and the position happened to be the position that becomes stronger when sleeping.

"That injection of physique strengthening potion from future technology, no matter how you think about it, should be a so-called extraordinary potion. After drinking it, you will have a supernatural power, and the supernatural power should be the incomplete extraordinary power mentioned in the evaluation."

"So the end of science is theology, or they themselves are the same way, and everything ends up on the same line."

Su Changxing also thought that there may be other key points in opening the extraordinary path, such as his body reaching the limit of human beings, possessing complete five-dimensional attributes, and the extremely oppressive environment...

"However, the defect of the dreamer is also obvious. Although the body is strengthened during sleep, it is the most dangerous time."

"It's very possible that when I fall asleep, my body will kill itself. It's really weird when I think about it. When I sleep, my body and I are two different things."

"But fortunately, my degree of fit is high. It seems that the higher the degree of fit, the weaker the negative effects."

Su Changxing clicked on the task bar and found that the task had been humans (distorted extraordinary people) and got 500 points]

[Complete the task, get the item, double-faced person]

[Double-faced man (lower C crown): After wearing it, you are still you, but there are two you.

Note: holding this item can create a new ID in the forum. 】

【Whether to withdraw the reward】


A white light flashed, and a brass chain appeared in Su Changxing's hand, hanging on it was a portrait of a man with one head and two faces, with one eye open and the other closed.

Su Changxing put the copper chain around his neck, and suddenly felt an inexplicable strange feeling, as if there was a sleeping self in his body.

"Crown? A, B, C, D? So what's the use of it, a dead scarecrow in witchcraft?"

Su Changxing frowned, the introduction was unclear, the only clear function was that he could create a new ID by wearing this.

Opening the forum, Su Changxing found three new forum announcements.

[Fenghua Zhengmao completed 800 zombie kills and won the title of "Field Hunter"]

"This is livestock. I killed 800 zombies in three days. You can't kill pigs so fast."

Su Changxing couldn't help complaining when he saw this prompt, and he also knew that Fenghuazhengmao is definitely a powerful supernatural being, or even an extraordinary person?

He felt that the boundaries between supernatural beings and extraordinary people seemed blurred.

[Miss Nun completes the first kill of the Screamer, earning the title "Hunter's Prey"]

"It's amazing that someone actually killed a monster like the Screamer."

Su Changxing exclaimed, then froze for a moment, seeing that the third announcement was actually about him, and it was a world announcement.

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