Home bedroom.

“Nope! You have to find a way to make the king carp evolve quickly. ”

Luo Yu fed the King Carp Dragon Energy Cube while thinking about how to make the King Carp quickly activate the dragon blood in his body.

The college entrance examination is less than two months away.

If the king carp can only evolve in a few months, then the yellow cauliflower will be cold.

Although his Carp King strength is not bad, the children of those elven families and rich people are not waste.

He has been taught by high-level trainers since he was a child, and he has enjoyed the supply of many high-quality resources, and his strength will not be worse.

Having the initial sprites complete their final evolution is basically standard.

It is almost impossible to rely on a king carp with a race worth more than two hundred to defeat those people, stand out, and be admitted to the elven famous school.

The gap in basic attributes is too big.

Therefore, Luo Yu must let the King Carp evolve into an atavistic Tyrannosaurus whose race value is comparable to that of a quasi-god before the college entrance examination.

In this way, the gap in race values can naturally turn from disadvantage to advantage.

“Just by eating dragon energy cubes, it is too slow to activate the atavistic dragon blood in the carp king’s body.”

“The Dragon Elf Secret Treasure contains a large amount of pure dragon energy.”

“If I can get the Dragon Spirit Secret Treasure for the King Carp to absorb, I will definitely be able to greatly advance the evolution time of the King Carp.”

Luo Yu thought to himself.

This approach is highly feasible.

But the problem is that the dragon elf secret treasure is too difficult to get.

Synonymous with strength and rarity, dragon elves are sought after by all trainers.

On the market, items related to the dragon system, whether energy cubes or props, are several times to dozens of times more expensive than other attributes.

As for the Dragon Elf Secret Treasure, this rare item is not to mention.

The price has long been speculated.

Luo Yu checked the price.

A superb dragon tooth that can increase the power of dragon moves by 20%, the market price is 500 million.

And there is no market for the price, and it may not be possible to buy the goods.

Even if the low-quality dragon tooth can be much cheaper, it is still worth 100 million.

With such an expensive price, even if Luo Yu sells himself now, he can’t afford it.

“The Dragon’s Fang can’t afford it, so I can only buy the Dragon Scale second.”

Unlike the Dragon Secret Dragon Fang, the Dragon Scale is just a relatively rare dragon prop.

Although it contains pure dragon energy, it cannot increase the power of dragon moves, and can only be used as an evolution prop for the sea thorn dragon, or made into a high-level potion.

In addition, dragon scales can be produced as long as the strength of dragon spirits above the quasi-heavenly king level can be produced, and the supply is relatively stable, and the price will naturally not be as scary as dragon teeth.

Even the scales of the ultimate dragon that were shed by the champion-level fast dragon could be bought for only 30 million.

Of course.

For Luo Yu now, this is not a small amount.

“There are still three million funds left over from the previous sale of the Leaf Stone, which means that there is still a funding gap of twenty-seven million.”

Thinking of this, Luo Yu also had a headache.

If you want to scrape together this huge amount of money in a short period of time, you can obviously only rely on making a windfall.

Taking out his mobile phone, Luo Yu checked what ways to get rich quickly.

The word gambling stone immediately met Luo Yu’s eyes.

To be honest, when he saw the words gambling stone, he also had some doubts in his heart.

You know, this world has such magical creatures as elves.

Super-powered elves are even able to sense items inside stones with their mental power.

In this case, isn’t opening a gambling stone shop doing charity?!

On the first day of opening, I am afraid that the trainer will go bankrupt with the super-powered elf Xue Wool.

Curious, Luo Yu carefully checked the relevant information of the gambling stone.

Only then did I find out that I had misunderstood.

The gambling stone field in this world is not betting on such a thing as jadeite, but on the evolution stone raw mine.

Different from ordinary stones, the stones of the evolutionary stone veins will form an extremely stubborn energy isolation layer inside because they have been infiltrated with energy for many years, blocking the internal energy leakage of the stone, but also blocking the external energy invasion.

Even super-powered elves can’t directly penetrate the Evolution Stone Origin Mine with their mental power and see if there are Evolution Stones inside.


Except that the stone of the gambling stone is different, it is no different from the gambling stone field of Blue Star.

“Maybe I can try my luck at the gambling stone.”

After learning about the gameplay of the gambling stone, Luo Yu was immediately moved.

After all, as long as a few high-quality evolution stones can be opened, the funding gap for buying dragon scales will be solved.

As for whether it can be opened, Luo Yu is not worried.

Unless none of the people in the gambling stone farm can open the evolution stone.

Otherwise, he only needs to use the golden finger of the fate script to check the fate information of those stone gamblers, and he can accurately find the rough stone mine with evolution stones inside.

It can be said that it is completely picking up money.

The more he thought about it, the more moved Luo Yu became.

Just do what you say.

I used the map software on my phone to check the nearest gambling stone.

Luo Yu said hello to his parents, and happily rode his bicycle out.

More than ten minutes later.

Parking the bicycle at the entrance of the gambling stone, Luo Yu walked towards the store.

This gambling stone farm is called “Flying Dragon Gambling Stone Field”.

According to the information found on the Internet, this gambling stone farm has been open for nearly fifty years, and it is very famous in Yunhai City, and the quality of the rough stone mines is also very high.

High-quality evolution stones are often opened from them.

A few days ago, because of the opening of the ultimate thunder stone, I was on the local news of Yunhai City.

“I hope I have a good harvest today!”

Luo Yu thought expectantly.

Push open the glass door and walk into the Flying Dragon Stone Casino.

“Welcome, sir!”

“Our family has recently entered a new batch of rough stone mines from the A-grade resource-type secret realm-Moonsee Mountain, and the quality is very good, I wonder if you are interested?”

A sweet-looking shopping guide walked over with a friendly smile.

“Take me to see it.”

Hearing these three familiar words of Yuejian Mountain, Luo Yu’s heart also moved.

If he remembers correctly, this is a mountain range that appeared in the elven anime of a previous life, located near the city of Nibi, and mainly produces elf fossils and moon stones, as well as a small number of other kinds of evolution stones.


What impressed him the most was the huge moon stone inside Mt. Tsukimi, which was guarded by the Pippi group.

The size of a normal moon stone is no more than the size of a palm.

And what about the huge moon stone.

Not to mention that it is as tall as a two-story building, and the volume is more than a thousand times that of a normal moon stone.

You can imagine how strong the energy is.

This rare treasure created by nature’s magic is easily sold for tens of billions at auction.

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