Chapter 71 Yin Master, Jedi Game!!

“A bunch of, fool the ghost.”

Facing the threat of the muscular man, Luo Yu was not moved at all.

Isn’t it a fool to believe in the promises of the enemy?

Really robbed his Larulas.

As long as this muscular man is not stupid, he will definitely kill him to avoid future troubles.

After all, his Larulas was registered with the Elven Trainers Association.

Protected by law.

As long as he leaves the secret realm alive and reports to the Elf Alliance, this guy will be in big trouble.

To be caught is the death penalty.

Therefore, this guy’s words that he is a punctuation do not believe.

Of course.

Even if this guy really kept his promise, Luo Yu would not be able to hand over Larulas.

Larulas was his partner.

Even if he died, he could not abandon Larulas.

There is no intention to talk back.

While the muscular man was talking, Luo Yu quickly looked at this guy’s fate script with his golden finger.

【Name】:Ma Peng.

【Fate】: Yin Man Master (purple)

[Talent]: [Insidious and cunning (when you try to secretly attack others, the probability of success is +30%)]

【Trajectory of Destiny】:

(Poor start): You come from a poor peasant family and have to help the family with farm work at the age of six, and you are very envious of other people your age being able to wear new clothes and play freely.

In order to change your fate, you give up the liberal arts route your parents chose for you, choose to study elven science, learn elf knowledge, and want to become a respected trainer in the future.

(Pick Elf): In your junior year of high school, you have no money to buy high-quality elf eggs, so you can only go to the school breeding house to choose free elf eggs, and you choose a little Lada with mediocre qualifications as the initial elf.

(Failed in the college entrance examination): There is no money to buy high-quality elf food, plus your little Lada qualification is very average, and the growth of strength is naturally very slow! Not surprisingly, you failed the college entrance examination and only entered a pheasant elf university whose name you had never heard before.

Not wanting to waste time at Pheasant University, you decided to drop out and become a freelance trainer.

You and other classmates who also failed to get into a good university team up to explore the secret realm, and you are lucky to find a low-grade moon stone worth millions! Knowing that you have encountered a chance to change your destiny, you decisively attack and plot, kill two other companions, and devour this moon stone alone.

(Rapid Rise): You released your initial elf, Little Lada, and with the money you exchanged for the Moon Stone, you bought a fairly qualified Darrubi and a large amount of energy cubes! After cultivating Darubi into a black ruga, you will taste the sweetness and go to the secret realm again! With your innate talent for secret calculation, you have grabbed a lot of opportunities, and your strength has improved rapidly.

(Murder): You go with the ride to become an elite trainer! During an exploration of the underground ruins of the C-level secret realm, you accidentally find that there are people fighting in the D9 area of the fourth underground floor, and you lurk in the past and find that the two are competing for the valuable treasure of the Shanado mega evolution stone! Your eyes are red, and while the two are unprepared, you launch a sneak attack, kill all the two trainers, and plunder this treasure.

(Take Off in place): Sell the Shanado Mega Evolution Stone to the top magnates, and you get a quasi-god cub baby dragon, as well as a huge amount of money and cultivation resources! With the help of such huge resources, your strength will increase rapidly! More than twenty years later, you became a Heavenly King trainer.


Relying on secretly calculating others, seeking wealth and killing lives, and robbing opportunities, he went all the way from a poor man at the bottom of society to a respected king trainer.

What a ruthless character!

“However, according to the information in the destiny script, this guy completely took off after grabbing the Shanado mega stone.”

“That is, now this guy is an ordinary elite trainer.”

Knowing this information, Luo Yu was also relieved in his heart.

If Ma Peng is a Taoist trainer with six Daoguan-level elves.

Then he should now consider whether to give up the Shanado mega stone and run away.

Although his Tyrannosaurus strength is worthy of any opponent at the same strength level

But facing the joint siege of six elves of the same level at once, it was still too hard to protect him at all.

The other party only needs to entangle the Tyrannosaurus, and then send a Daoguan-level elf to second, a trainer, to easily establish the victory.


Fortunately, the situation is not so bad.

Ma Peng is now just an elite trainer.

With the strength of the tyrannosaurus, it is a complete sweep against the elite-level elves.

Even if the opponent’s six elite-level elves besieged, he had a winning rate of more than eighty percent.

“Boy, are you deaf?”

“What Uncle Ben said, you dare to be a deaf ear.”

Seeing that Luo Yu did not bird himself at all, and did not mean to hand over that Larulas, Ma Peng was immediately furious.


If you look closely, you can find that Ma Peng actually has no anger under his eyes, it is all proud that the conspiracy is about to succeed.

Next second.

A dream demon and a geng ghost appeared not far behind Luo Yu without warning.

Fold your hands.

Two powerful shadow balls rushed towards Luo Yu.

Just when Larulas wanted to use teleportation to take Luo Yu to dodge the attack, a black ruga directly used the provocation skill to block Larulas’ transformation moves.

Followed by.

The other two black ruga spat out two pillars of fire, blocking the dodging space around Luo Yu.

In less than a second, Ma Peng’s elves quickly completed a complete set of tactical cooperation.

Let Luo Yu fall into a desperate situation.

It is clear that this was a premeditated attack.

“This guy is really sinister enough, always thinking about plotting others.”

Seeing this, Luo Yu still didn’t understand the other party’s calculations.

I am afraid that the words just now were deliberately used to attract his attention.

In order to create a sneak attack opportunity for the dream demon and Geng ghost who quietly lurked behind him, and kill him with one blow.

Replaced by other elite trainers, I am afraid that it will really be succeeded by B.0.

However, Luo Yu was not panicked at all.

In the face of absolute strength, the so-called secret sneak attack is just useless.

“Tyrannosaurus, use Stormwind.”

The voice fell.

The wind is howling!

An incomparably violent pillar of wind rose with the tyrannosaurus as the center.

It’s like an insurmountable ‘wall’.

Whether it is a shadow ball, or a jet of flame falling on it, it will be instantly crushed by the storm strangle.

“How is this possible?”

Seeing this picture, Ma Peng, who originally felt that his trick had succeeded, was extremely proud, and his whole person froze.

His face was full of disbelief.

The attack and killing that he had been planning for a long time was so easily cracked?!

The joint attack launched by five elite-level late-stage elves together could not even break the storm trick of one of the other elves?!

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