Global Monster Online

Chapter 710: Dying

It is not a difference in combat power, but a purely strategic failure.

After hearing the whole battle from the priests of the Beast Temple who had returned from this defeat, Zhao Nan felt quite speechless for the executive officer of the Beast Temple.

The enemy fights and retreats, making it clear that it is a tactic to lure the enemy deeper. However, in front of the battle, Tigerlet did not listen to the advice of his subordinates, and pursued it arbitrarily.

On the premise that the losses were not heavy, the enemy successfully led the priests of the Beast Temple into the traps that had been prepared long ago.

As a result, the beast temple, the battle army, tried an unprecedented defeat, and only the remnants of less than two hundred successfully broke through and returned.

This is the worst and worst failure in the history of Torrent Iron Fort.

The executive officer of the Beast Temple, who was obviously responsible for this failure, was seriously injured and could not leave the door behind closed doors after returning. It seems that if you don't get treatment right away, your soul will ascend to heaven to serve the gods you believe in.

"It's the Sonny."

Zhao Nan and His Royal Highness listened quietly.

This is a meeting urgently convened by Torrent Iron Fort for this failure. Unexpectedly, Zhao Nan's party also received an invitation from Li Miang, the executive officer of Conglin Temple.

"A few months ago, the Torrent Iron Fort attacked and destroyed the Sonny Clan's base secretly built under a large mountain not far from the stronghold. This time they came completely for revenge." Li Miang said solemnly, "Recent paragraph. Over time, we have been constantly attacked by the Greys. We could barely resist the attacks of the Greys with the weapons captured from the Sonny. But this time... the weapons we captured suddenly failed!"

"Failure?" Zhao Nan said subconsciously.

On the long table of the meeting, there were Zhao Nan and His Royal Highness, as well as the main persons in charge of the jungle temple, including Li Miang, and of course the other persons in charge of this fiasco except Tiger, who was recuperating.

The total number is as many as sixteen.

Zhao Nan's voice attracted a lot of attention. But for this guy in black who can make Tiger Executioner lose out on frontal confrontation. In addition to curiosity, it is more awe.

"It's a malfunction. The weapon can't be used suddenly. Even if it can be used, the missiles fired by the dragon fire bullets will be confused, causing a lot of casualties on our side." A tiger-headed orc covered in white gauze said. Shi gritted his teeth and said: "It must be a ghost of the Sonny clan in secret! I clearly saw several Sonny clan members in the gray man's army! Damn, this group of despicable scraps!"

Hey... Those rocket launchers and other sophisticated electronic artillery, probably only due to the interference of radio waves. This ability is the ability of the science and technology department. Where can it be considered mean? Zhao Nan nodded irresponsibly.

After all, the people of Torrent Iron Fort thought that they could sit back and relax if they got the Dragon Flame bomb.

So it’s really scary to have no culture.

"Well, now is not the time to discuss the enemy's despicableness, but to discuss how to deal with the Sonny and the gray people." Li Miang knocked on the table and said with a serious face: "First of all, the Sonny we captured The weapon is no longer usable. The manpower lost this time is one-fifth of the existing manpower of Daruo Iron Fort. However, the decline in our overall combat power is far more than one-fifth. Everyone thinks. Think of some good suggestions."

In addition to counterattack, what better and more appropriate suggestions are there?

The executive officer of the Jungle Temple understands that in addition to Zhao Nan, His Royal Highness, and Li Miang, the remaining thirteen people here understand even more. Even the prince, whose face was indifferent and purely acting as an observer, understood it.

It's just that no one is leading this head.

This kind of discussion meeting, which is good, everyone, and if it is difficult to fly separately, reminds Zhao Nan of the town lord meeting of the chosen city before the second disaster.

However, this is not just a problem of facing gray people. It is to face the problem of the Sonny, who is the partner of the Greys.

Compared with that kind of high-tech artillery, it is clear that the two temple professionals of Torrent Iron Fort are better at dealing with gray people who are specialised in hand-to-hand combat.

"The two are the elites of the Temple of War and people from my major alliance. You may wish to talk about them. Our temples are watching and helping each other, and we have no distinction between each other." Li Miang said sternly: "Now is the time of crisis, I hope the two can let go of those. Unpleasant memories."

Zhao Nan and His Royal Highness looked at each other.

His Royal Highness immediately said: "We are here for the first time, it is really inconvenient to make any comments. However, the iron fortress is difficult. Based on the principle of the big alliance, we will not stand idly by. If it is useful, we should do our best."

Li Miang's face was slightly happy.

He just needs this kind of commitment. Tigerlet is seriously injured and may not be able to fight again. The high-end combat power of Torrent Iron Fort is undoubtedly plummeting. At this time, if you can get the help of these trials from the Temple of War, it will undoubtedly be like giving charcoal in the snow. I just saw these people go crazy yesterday, at least two of them are not below him.

"I don't understand. The alliance has been operating in Abandoned Lands for many years and has built a large number of strongholds. That means it has a place. In this case, you should have experience in dealing with various forces." Zhao Nan asked nonchalantly: "Executive Li Miang just said that a secret base of the Sonos was destroyed a few months ago. That means you have a way to deal with the Sonos. Why is this only a small number of Sonos making everyone so uneasy?"

There was a silence, a few people bowed their heads and a few people looked left, a few people looked away and a few people looked embarrassed.

"Let me do it." Li Miang sighed: "Indeed, we have a way to deal with the Sonny clan. In fact, based on the consideration that there will be a secret alliance of the seven forces. Every stronghold will have the ability to check and balance each race. It’s the lowest standard of combat power. It’s a pity that something unpleasant happened three months ago that caused the special forces stationed in the Torrent Iron Fort to leave."

Zhao Nan and His Royal Highness looked at the executive officer of the jungle temple at the same time frowning.

How unpleasant it would be to make the garrisoned special forces leave their posts in anger... This kind of thing that undermines the rules of the big league, can the special forces really continue to do it?

"What the **** is it?" Achilles was slightly clear.

In one, it was a bit more silent than before.

Li Miang stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, whispering with a bit of helplessness and anger.

The garrison troops are replaced every twenty years. This is already a set rule. Although the progress of cultivating in the Abandoned Land will be faster, not all priests can endure the hardships in the Abandoned Land.

This is especially true for members of the temple of beasts that advocate freedom, violence, and power.

Before March, because the secret base of the Sonny clan was destroyed, Torrent Iron Fort held a celebration banquet. Perhaps the reason for the celebration banquet was too much. Several soldiers from the Beast Temple drunk and raped a female from the Ice Temple in the special forces.

Originally, in the deserted land, in a place isolated from the world, it is not uncommon for someone to taste the forbidden fruit without restraining lust. Even many temples cannot help but marry. It is more normal for people with clergy to set up families in abandoned land and give birth to offspring. With various bases operating for so many years, the total population is not only the garrison troops from Paradise World, but also their descendants.

But not abstinence is one thing, because it is based on the principle of mutual consent.

But the unwillingness of one party is rape. A believer in one temple rapes a believer in another temple, which can almost rise to the level of a war of faith between temples. Originally, this kind of thing would happen occasionally, and it can be concealed if it is handled well in private. But what's undead is that this time the object is the Ice and Snow Temple.

The women of the Ice and Snow Temple regarded chastity more important than life.

So the victimized woman left a suicide note and committed suicide the next day.

Afterwards, the people of the special forces asked the executive officer of the Beast Temple for questioning and demanded that the mob be handed over to the death penalty. However, Tigerlet believes that people die when they die, and the deserted land is extremely dangerous. It is better to stay and continue to serve as a combat force than to be executed. In the end, it is just a self-reflection without a full three days. punish.

"The next day, all the people from the special forces disappeared." Li Miang sighed: "Half a month later came the decision of the Major League to temporarily withdraw the special forces from the Torrent Fortress. Formed a new special force to station. It is a pity that the priests of the Ice and Snow Temple have refused to send any members to join the special force since this incident, and have recalled all members who served in other special forces. Even the general order is also refused to accept By comparison, several temples that are better than the Ice and Snow Temple also recalled their own members. The special forces immediately lost their balance. After this incident, based on the pressure of the major alliance, Tiger had no choice but to take it with him. The offending Beast Temple fighters went to the stronghold where the Ice and Snow Temple was located to admit their mistakes. But the prisoner was executed, and Taglet returned with a grief, and the result was still the same. Currently the Major League is still mediating. The other strongholds are okay. Although some of the special forces have taken away some personnel and left, they still exist at least. As for the Torrent Iron Fort, it is..."

"The vacancy is up to now." Zhao Nan responded indifferently, his gaze fell on the warrior leaders of the beast temples opposite, slightly mocking: "You really have a good executive officer."

His gaze made several leaders of the Beast Temple warriors too ashamed to raise their heads at the same time, the five big and three thick people were like ostriches.

Originally, the members of the Temple Alliance who came to the Abandoned Lands actually had the same identity as a soldier.

It takes twenty years to garrison, which requires a high level of consciousness to be able to do it.

As long as you are a soldier, you can bleed, you can suffer, even if you die in battle! However, the most taboo is to treat injustice.

After saying this, Zhao Nan felt a little relieved.

It is not just the thing that scared Yeyue yesterday, but also the incident before March. The executive officer of the Beast Temple is simply a typical example of death by tricks...

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