Chapter 51 Big surprise, unexpected gain.

“Please note: you have slaughtered a large number of reincarnators because almost all of the reincarnations you slaughter have the “Evil Full” mark, you receive additional rewards, your final rating of this world will be increased by a small level, and you will receive the “Sin Nemesis” mark. ”

“Sin Nemesis: You will inflict an additional ten percent damage on reincarnations with the “Evil Fullness” mark. ”

Paying attention to the prompt, Mu Changfeng’s mouth showed a smile, what a surprise! Keep watching.

“Number A75326, you have received the title: Half-Orc Nemesis: Kill Three Hundred Half-Orcs, Five Half-Head Man Bosses, and a Half-Orc King, activate the milestone.”

“Effect: When the opponent is a half-orc, the attack speed is increased by 30%, and the damage to the half-orc is increased by 50%, and the side effect: Deterrence: The half-orcs can sense the terrifying bloody aura that exists in you, and when encountering you, the half-orcs will feel fear, and the battle intent will drop by 30%, which has a probability of triggering the fear rout effect.”

In addition, Mu Changfeng copied many attributes of reincarnation, including the copy after killing the “Earth Candle” mending knife, and obtained a large number of talents and skills.

What surprised Mu Changfeng the most was that these talents were all very good. Compared with the trading square in the reincarnation space, it is really excellent.

It is also possible that the unsuccessful ones have been eliminated by the Chaotic League, or become oppressed, and Ben has not been attracted to the team. In short, Mu Changfeng’s harvest was very gratifying and very pleasant.

“Talent: Light hands and feet [your movements are more flexible and silent], speed +1, stealth +1.”

“Talent: Master Heart Bone [When you lead the team, you will increase the cohesion of the team by ten percent, and the team will receive a damage bonus of five percent].”

“Talent: Hunger resistance [your physical strength will naturally decline more slowly].”

“Talent: Incognito [You Will Be Invisible]”

“Talent: Nine-Life Cat [Every time you enter a near-death state, you have a 9% chance of regaining 20% of your health] Skill: Backstab [Attacks the enemy’s back, deals 200% damage]”

“Skill: Bow Fist [Using a fist to attack, will cause 120% of the attack judgment. 】”

“Skill: Swift Step [In the next fifteen seconds, the speed will increase by fifty percent. 9898 skill: Mu Changfeng let out a long breath: “It’s really cool, BUG-level harvest…” It’s a pity that this is not the PVP world, and it would be even cooler if it were PVP. ”

PVP, similar to the previous battle between Mu Changfeng and Ye Zhao, and then Mu Changfeng got intelligence, in the PVP world, if you kill the hostile reincarnation, you will drop the reincarnation point, drop equipment and the like, but unfortunately this time it is wasted.

“I don’t know if Bilbo got the Ring, just in case, I’ll kill it for a while…”

When Mu Changfeng began to kill the enemy…

On the other hand, Bilbo also experienced a series of encounters, and finally took the “Supreme Ring” into his hands, and then ran around in the misty mountains of half-orcs in chaos, and finally left…

Here, when Mu Changfeng was slaughtered, he also encountered a group of dwarf squads…

“Hey, Master Al, come over here.”

The dwarves quickly spoke, letting Mu Changfeng pass.

At this moment, the dwarves looked at this human sword master, their eyes had changed, this human sword master, the degree of trust was terrifyingly high.

“Master Al, what did you do? These half-orcs are a mess, otherwise we would be in big trouble…”

When Mu Changfeng came over, while the group of dwarves hurriedly opened the way, one of them couldn’t help but ask.

“Killed the half-orc king, and slaughtered a batch of half-orcs by the way.”

Mu Changfeng said lightly.

“Damn, Master Al, you suddenly came down before, just to do this kind of thing, assassinate the half-orc king, and make these half-orcs mess up…” Thanks to you, otherwise we would be in big trouble. ”

The dwarves are not stupid, they all guessed at the moment, one by one sighed, but at the same time they were shocked, and they slaughtered a group of half-orcs… This is not something that can be summed up with these two words, that is, among thousands of troops, take the first rank of the enemy general…

“Your reputation is enhanced.”

After getting the hint he wanted, Mu Changfeng was pleasantly surprised, but his face was silent.

“Let’s go first, the trouble has not passed.”

Mu Changfeng spoke.


Thorin also spoke, at this moment, he really regarded the legendary human bayonet master in front of him as the same level: No, even a faintly higher existence than him.

Although Thorin knows that he is a dwarf prince, he also has the name of “Thorin, Oak Shield” in the battle with Asog, and is even known as a legendary dwarf.

But in fact, he fell completely into the inferior position in the battle of Asog, and now this human sword master, in addition to the legend of the past, once again showed his strong strength, worthy of his legendary sword master’s name.

The dwarves left quickly.

Along the way, the half-orcs mingled and ran around, although the meeting between the two sides would break out in a bloody battle, but basically they were all retreated, and the dwarves were mainly responsible for escaping…

Mu Changfeng did not have to chase and kill, firstly, the mountain road was narrow and difficult to perform, and secondly, there were thousands of half-orcs here, and the hand killing hemp physical strength was exhausted.

But when encountered, Mu Changfeng will still be chopped, anyway, it is also crushed…. Kill all the way, escape all the way, go all the way.


Elven Forest, Rivendell.

The girl sat in the temporary camp, and her cool eyes made the nearby reincarnators dare not approach.

The identity of the latter is even more out of reach, as the eldest lady of the Seven Star Group, before the advent of the era of reincarnation, she mastered the monstrous power, and the consortium behind it could control a country, and now that the era of reincarnation has come, it also has huge power and has a lot of resources…

However, at this moment, her heart could not calm down at all.

The whole body was slightly tight, and the eyes that had always seemed cool were slightly frozen.

“You said… A72356 A person killed a half-orc town, killed at least a hundred orcs, and in front of hundreds of half-orcs, he alive “ground candles”

“Monkey” and their group of the main forces of evil reincarnation in the half-orc town were all slaughtered. ”

Looking at the information in the chat channel, Li Yuzhen’s thin lips pursed deadly.

How is this possible? No one will believe it, no one will believe it, even if that person is the only lone wolf reincarnation, he cannot have such a terrifying dominance.

“Miss, it’s true.”

“Xiaoxi, what is the end of lying to me, you should be clear?”

Li Yuzhen exhaled.

“Miss, it’s true, I really don’t dare to lie to you, there is no lie, that big guy is really too terrifying, I suspect that he is no longer a human being, how can a human being have such a terrible strength…” The sword can even pierce the skull, and no reincarnation person can walk through two moves in his hand, basically it is a second kill, and he is on the verge of death at once…”

Lin Xi was excited when she said it, and the adoration in her tone was undisguised, as if that person seemed to be herself, she herself was killing all sides, and her tone was full of excitement.



What Lin Xi said later, Li Yuzhen couldn’t hear it clearly, and his mind seemed to be buzzing. Earth candles, S-class reincarnators, and a large number of elite reincarnators, plus half-orcs in half-orc towns.

And the “Sorin Hunt Plan” that may be executed, which makes all S-class reincarnators including her powerless… It was broken by one person and one sword, and it was broken by a reincarnator.

If it was someone else’s words, she wouldn’t have believed it anyway, but it was Xiaoxi, she was still trustworthy.

However, that record is impossible with Ben, it cannot be true… But it did happen.

Xiaoxi, she didn’t dare to lie to herself.

“Are they really dead?”

“Miss, it’s really dead, such an easy thing to verify, I dare to lie to you…”

With Xiao Xi’s answer, Li Yuzhen was completely silent.

The ground candle, the little monkey, and the cruel reincarnation are all destined to be outright trouble.

Even if the “Thorin Capture Plan” fails, they are still terrible opponents, which will bring great pressure to the reincarnations of the Tianmen camp on the battlefield of the battle of the five armies, and every reincarnation must be treated carefully, and every reincarnation is dangerous…

But now, they’re all dead.

Die like a joke, die like a real, fairy tale joke.

“Miss, miss…..”

Shouts came from over there.

After Li Yuzhen came back from his trance and confirmed again whether it was real or not, he slowly took a deep breath and said, “….. Xiaoxi, have you paid attention to what country he is from…..”

“Miss, I don’t know about this, but maybe it’s from our side?” It’s our Asian region anyway… Anyway, the yellow skin, as for the language is unified by space, it is not clear…”

“I see.”

Li Yuzhen replied.

Then another channel opened: “Mr. A, are you there?” ”


“I want to meet you…..”

“I’m afraid it’s inconvenient.”

“After the return, in reality.”

Li Yuzhen replied.

“Miss Li won’t be trying to recruit me after her return, right?”

There was laughter from the other side: “Let’s not say whether I will agree to meet with you, even if I meet, it is impossible, unless Miss Li gives conditions that I can’t refuse, but as far as I know, you can’t take it over there…”

Receiving this reply, Li Yuzhen immediately understood that the other party was not the country and people under the control of their Seven Star Foundation.

It could be other countries, or big countries! It’s not Yindu, that’s the Hua side…….

And if she wants to come up with the interests and conditions to impress another big country, she really can’t take it

“If the condition is that I… Plus… After you come over, the position of the seven-star ruler will be divided into fifty percent of you? ”

“This joke is very heartwarming… In other words, you Seven Star Group come here, and I will give you a good position in the future. ”

The other person replied.

The tone, a little too overbearing, and Ben did not consider her proposal….. In Li Yuzhen’s cool eyes, a trace of strangeness flashed…

This answer seems to be expected, such a terrifying existence, if it can be recruited so simply, it is not worthy of its incredible strength, this is just a simple temptation.

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